Breeding Little Momma: Chapter 1


Breeding Little Momma; Chapter 1

A story based in part about finding out my ex-wife had
been cheating on me and my devious way of getting back
at her with the help of our very best friend, her
girlfriend. (FFM, interracial,nc, bi, voy)


Chapter 1

My story begins: I discovered that my now ex wife had
been cheating on me. I deviously set out to once and
for all prove that I had no jealousies. I had a deeply
inward wantonness to be a part of and contribute to her
pleasures outside the normal range of our lovemaking at

I incorporated my wife's best friend to help me. She
had been lied to about the whole situation herself. She
was told by my ex that I would freak out if I even knew
about her outside exploits. My wife's best friend is
snake lady. We both agreed to once and for all to
exploit my ex's pleasures by a devious a plan involving
a sexual encounter together with my ex snake lady being
bi sexual.

The plan was to get my lovely Spanish wife over to
Snake lady's house and set our plan into motion to
pleasure my wife who was a mere tiny woman Snake lady
nick named little momma or woman because she stood a
mere 5ft. She had and still has the longest most
beautiful long black hair that even now cascades down
her small framed back to her knees.

Her tiny breasts that were meager 30A in size, even
after birthing three children, stood out proudly. They
were caped by two marble like nipples which would tell
her arousal in an instant. Even her beautiful butt
remained as tightly youthful after birth and except for
a few stretch marks on her lower abdomen one would
swear that at 22 years of age she looked more like
youthful 12 or 13.

I and snake lady had set up the whole thing and had
already at this point gotten the time place and full
layout of our devious plan organized . I had gone
shopping in a close by adult shop and bought a few
items that would prove both useful and indeed a
powerful way to get back at my wife.

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So the evening came, I agreed to baby sit our children.
The ladies met at Snake Lady's house for drinks and
womanly comradeship so to speak.

After my wife left home, I took the children to a baby
sitter. I informed the sitter I was going to a local
tavern with some of my buddies and I would return for
them in a few hours. Instead, I drove over to Snake
Lady's home. Hurriedly parking the car, I walked to the
front door and rang the bell.

Snake Lady opened it, winked and whispered in my ear
your little woman is sucking the drinks down and will
be primed in a bit for our plan. I must confess I was
turned on as never before the idea of this plan going
so smoothly so far.

Once inside and sitting down, Snake Lady brought me a
beer from the ice box while I and my wife spoke a bit
about where the kids were and why I had come there. I
told her I just wanted to sit and have a few drinks. I
had gone to the joint, as we termed it, and none of my
buddies were there so I left and decided to come party
a bit with the girls and chat about whatever their
evening's events of gossip and such would be.

The talk was lively and soon we were all laughing. I
had indeed brought liveliness Snake Lady knew I would
manipulate my little woman into having sex with her. To
insure this she had spiked little mommy's drink. The
plan was working.


   Momma weakness and horniness from
drinking crown and coke alone would set in motion the
sexual deviousness planned by Snake Lady and I.

She winked at me and looked at my little mommas drink
to tell me she had spiked this one really well with the
potion she herself had gotten from some wicked site on
the internet and made it. She tried it on herself and
was so horny she did things I'll not even speak of as

Soon little momma was primed and ready. As I watched
she began squirming and moving unable to sit quietly
any longer; revealing to us she was getting horny. And
as yet she wasn't drunk just a bit tipsy from the
several rounds of crown and coke Snake Lady made a bit
stronger than usual to insure the drug working on my

Snake Lady said, "Little momma why don't we do some of
that nose candy you and I been snorting and keeping
from your honey. " You could have heard a pin drop. Yet
another discovery I made about her exploits away from

"I would like do a line or so, myself" I said. My
little momma was suddenly shocked. Now she had to
acknowledge my knowing she occasionally snorted with
Snake Lady.

As the mirror was brought out, lines made and offered
to us, Little Mama at first didn't do much at all. She
took a tiny snort. Snake Lady broke in, "Oh, come on
Little Momma don't play miss innocent.

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   Shit do it like
we do it when we're alone. Your old man is cool with
it. Why you thought all of this was so damned secretive
is beyond me. You know he knows about your boyfriend on
the side and how you've been fucking him for now
several months. "

And with all that out of the way my little woman then
snorted her entire line. Snake Lady and I alike tuned
our senses with little mommas and soon the atmosphere
was openly jovial and we were laughing at this and that
and each other.

We were high and effects of the coke began to consume
my little woman in it's own way making her ever
increasingly more aroused. I could see her nipples
harden under her shirt getting marble like. Soon I
would be watching and participating. Our dream of tag
teaming my little woman and have Snake lady's true deep
desire to eat my wife's pussy would be fulfilled.

Snake Lady would indeed find she was like a fruit from
an island in both pleasure and taste. I had many times
eaten my little momma I was going to watch and help
Snake Lady eat her pussy and make love to her.

Another secret fantasy I had longed to have a reality
and now it was going to be just that! I took an
opportune moment to get the whole thing started leaning
over, soulfully kissing my Little Momma. Snake Lady
scooted over, laid her hand on my wife's tiny firm and
shapely thigh. Little Momma shivered.

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   I broke our deep
tongue kiss leaving my wife aroused as never before.
Snake Lady exposed our plan.

"Little Momma have you ever fantasized about being with
another woman?"

Little Momma sat shivering knowing where this was
heading as Snake lady's hand roamed up into her shorts.
"I-I have th-thought about it yeeyes," she stammered.
"I don't, I want, I don't know," was all she could say.
She looked at me as if to see my reaction to what was
going on.

I said, "Why not explore your desires, if you want to
do it then I'm ok with the two of you getting it on. "

She shivered all over stammering, "I-I-d-don't know a-
about th-this at all. "

Snake Lady replied, "Have you ever thought about what
it would feel like, little momma, to have your pussy
eaten" Your old man says he loves eating your pussy. I
have fantasized so much to myself I want to do it as
well. "

Instantly my wife silenced. I leaned over and whispered
into her ear. She shivered with lustful thoughts.

Snake Lady began again " My tongue can do things to a
woman's pussy that is seldom if ever again matched.
Only a woman knows a woman's pleasures spots.

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  " She went
on, I can offer you so much pleasure if you will allow
me to do so. "

Little Momma squealed. Her little girl voice
whimpering, "I-I-I wa-want to do I it bu-but I'm afraid
to. "

Seizing the moment, I told her it would be a pleasure
to watch and help participate and do whatever she
needed for her pleasure. I explained to her how I had
fantasized about this for so long. She looked into
Snake Lady's eyes lustfully. Little Momma then in
complete wantonness said, "I-I wa-want to bu-but wha-
what I if I don't li-like it. " Snake Lady broke right
in, saying, "Little Momma if you do not like it. I will
stop and that will be the end of that. "

Both of us knew that once her tongue was on Little
Mommas small and juicy cunt there would no return. All
of us would find only deep lustful pleasure of the
moment and would fully participate to the ultimate end.

While I noticed both women lusting for each other
wantonly, shivers of my own passion were building. I
watched Little mommy's legs partially open as Snake
lady's hand snaked ever more into her shorts and rubbed
so gently and caressingly over my wife's thigh. I
leaned back to her and again locked into a full
passionate kiss with my wife as her legs opened ever
more allowing Snake lady's hand to find its way to her
neither regions.

Her fingers probed across my wife's beautiful and tiny
but so heatedly swollen lips as she shivered all over
and moaned.

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   The soulful french kiss and the fingers on
her vagina had primed for the taking. All inhibitions
and guilt were all laid aside as the pure outright
pleasure of Snake Lady's finger lightly rubbed her
swollen and wanton lips.

"I think we need to take your little momma to the
bedroom and pleasure her don't you think so old man,"
said Snake Lady as she got up and lifted my wife to her
feet with her hand still under her shorts.

I broke the kiss with my wife and said, "Uh huh," and
arose and helped little momma to her feet. We went to
the bedroom where everything was carefully laid out and
awaiting this very moment of pleasure for my Little

Our objective was in full swing. We led my Little Momma
into the bedroom. We played with her butt and fondled
her on the way in. Once in the room I stood with her
and kissed her deeply. Snake Lady pushed her hands
under my wife's shirt fondling her breasts and playing
with the marbled nipples. I felt my wife shiver. She
gave a little moan out as our kiss broke off. Snake
Lady leaned over feverishly tongue probing her mouth
and causing my tiny wife to all but fold in pleasure as
she was being kissed by another woman.

My own passion was building. I was getting an erection
that was no longer possible to conceal.

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   I wanted to
throw my wife on the bed, take off our clothes and fuck
her hard. I properly reserved the thought knowing I
would have mine later after the lesbian session about
to unfold between she and snake lady. While Snake Lady
was exploring my wife's mouth with her tongue and
deeply kissing her, I tugged and pulled off her shirt.

Snake Lady came up for air while my wife was so melted
we had to all but hold her up to get her pants off.
When they dropped I heard my wife heavily and lustfully
breathing in the heat of the moment. Now only her bra
lay between she and Snake Lady. Reaching behind her I
released the fasteners and it loosened so that her hard
nipples and the rest of her small A cups were open to
both Snake Lady and I.

Little Momma was fully exposed now. I saw snake lady
looking lustfully taking in the shape and size of my
wife's excitedly hardened nipples as she bent down to
suck them. "Damn Little Momma you have some breasts
that look like they belong on a twelve year old. "

This in turn made my wife now half gasp knowing she was
now being looked at sexually. No one other than I had
ever looked and pleasured such firm tiny globes of
flesh. Now it was her panties which I pulled down to
expose even more of her pleasure ridden body. Snake
Lady's eyes watched intently waiting leering as a
vulture leers at its feast.

She watched as my wife's perfectly half moon shaped
upper mound began to be exposed the dark black hair
ridden part just now coming into view.

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   While I pulled
down her panties, she was shaking with the lust of what
was happening. Her cunt was wet and dripping dew. She
was pleading to be allowed to lie down. Her knees were
wobbly. All these things signaled to us she was wet and
ready for the sexual venture ahead. We both gasped at
the beautiful pouted lips that were before us.

She now stood perfectly and beautifully naked before
her two pleasure seekers. Snake Lady had an evil
sadistic look. She said, "Damn Little Momma! You are so
damned young looking. I feel like a pedophile about to
pleasure some young ass little girl.

If I didn't know your age I would be like, oh shit,
this is surely jail bait. I know that is why your
husband is attracted to you. Your small frame and
youthfulness fulfill his sexual dreams. You are
beautiful girl! The only thing that gives your age away
is your stretch marks. You are going to be pleasured as
never before.

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We pushed her back onto the bed. The two of us standing
over her trying to take in my wife's full gorgeous
bronze body. She was panting with wantonness from the

Her hands were roaming all over she was not able to
wait for Snake Lady to get on the bed beside her. She
was unable to stop playing with her nipples and her
pubic hair.

"I want this hot little Mexican woman child first.
Before I dip into that cute twat I want to add to my
pleasure by eating her," said Snake Lady.

"I am going to eat her now. I am going to suck and lick
till she can't stand any more. "

Snake Lady began to eat. I got on the bed and kissed
her and played with her nipples. My wife was in
ecstasy. She moaned and began to shake with pleasure.
Her clit was so swollen and it's dark pinkish like
color mixed with her dark brown skin color made it show
ever greatly and it's protruding little knob was all
but throbbing before us as she lay heatedly panting
like some bitch dog in heat awaiting a cock or anything
to cure and satisfy her animal like desires.

She laid on the bed panting and breathing with heavily
laden lustful breaths her tiny titties and chest rising
and falling with heated labored breath.

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   I kissed her
with fevered intensity, as I heard her give out a deep
in the soul, "NNNNGGH!" through our tongue twisting

I felt and noticed out of the corner of my eyes her
legs open ever wider as I now saw snake lady's head
buried between her legs and could tell she was indeed
now at long last tasting the fruits of my wife's
passion. My sadistic eyes looked down to see Snake Lady
place her hands on the trembling dark brown thighs of
my wife and push them up into the air; while I heard a
combined slurping like sound and the mmmmmmm of Snake
lady's loving, what I had so many times tasted myself,
my wife's absolute tasty juices.

I felt the vibrations of my wife's own cry of moaning
pleasure through our kiss. Her whole body trembled as
the most powerful orgasm I had ever witnessed or been a
part of with consumed her. I broke our heated
passionate kiss and heard her gasp out as I looked down
to see Snake Lady's mouth over my wife's entire cunt
lips latching and sucking her clit while my wife
stiffened with her intense orgasm.

I heard Snake Lady's tongue doing its bidding in her
pussy, watched my wife's belly ripple and tremble as
she squirmed wildly about. Then gasping for air she
completely and totally collapsed. Her orgasms were
multiple and seemed to go on and on. Her pussy was so
wet she dripped down her thighs.

Finally I saw snake lady move her head back her lips
and chin covered with the juices of my wife's powerful
orgasm. While my wife lay limply heavy heated labored
breath from her orgasms, Snake Lady looked up at me
from her fully soaked mound and said "Damn old man your
woman came like crazy. Your right that pussy is the
best I've ever had. It's time for her next pleasure.

She stood up leaving Little Momma open and slightly


   The next part of her passion was about to
begin. . . .

I will write another chapter of this story if all find
this to be an erotic story. Otherwise I may or may not
finish this tale. My secret will remain with me unless
I hear from you, dear reader. My wife's passion for not
only another woman's pleasure for her;But other things
as well came “Alive” that night, and the next day!
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