Elisabeth Part



By: Eeric

Blog: abmwmw. blogspot. com

My name is John and I go to the West college, it's a rather small college.
My girlfriend Elisabeth also goes to the same college.
We met a little less than a year ago and have been dating ever since.

I'm 22 years old.
I am not what you would call an athlete, I have a rather skinny body.

I'm really into computers so I help the teachers at the college with
the computer classes. I also help out with students who don't really
care for computers and try to get them to use them more.

My girlfriend Elisabeth also uses computers a bit, but she just uses
them to design web pages.
She also helps other students with their web sites.

Elisabeth isn't either what you would call an athlete.
I mean she's not fat but she isn't skinny either.
She is a bit chubby I guess.

Elisabeth is blonde but with a hint of light brunette color in her hair.
She is 20 years old and she's about 5 feet 5 inches tall.

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She weights about 160 pounds.
As I said she's a bit chubby so she doesn't have that thin waist you would
see on models. But I think she looks great anyway.

She has a nice big ass, not a fat ass but a little bigger then usual.
So she really looks great in a pair of tight jeans.

Although she is a bit chubby, she still has a few guys watching her.
Because she really is quite beautiful, and due to the fact that she does
have really big breasts.

She is a size EE.
And those breasts you could spend hours just fondling.

Elisabeth and I have just moved into a 2 room apartment next to the college.
I think we have it great.

But there is something I'm a bit concerned about.
There are these three black guys who almost always hangs out together.
I guess it's because they are almost the only black guys at the college.

They always try to pick up Elisabeth.

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They try to get her to come to their parties and such things.
She has always refused but I think she likes the attention she gets from them.

We later learned that their names were Tyrone, James and Jamaal.
And that they were all football players.

When we are walking in the hallways at the college and she sees them, she
almost always stops next to them and starts talking to me.
And every time they try to pick her up even when she's with me.

Yesterday when we were walking to our math class we stopped at a notice board
to see when our next class was.

A minute later the three black guys showed up and started talking to Elisabeth.

"Hey gorgeous, whats you doing. " Tyrone asked.

"Nothing, just looking when our next class is. " She told them while blushing a bit.

"Well girl you look good today. " Jamaal told her.

Elisabeth blushed a bit more.

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"Thanks. " She told them.

They were all hitting on her, but I didn't know what to do.
I mean they were all a lot bigger than me, and I was afraid of if I offended them
that they might do something to me later.

James then got up close to her and laid his hand on her back.

"Why don't you skip this whiteboy and come with us and party. " James said to her.

Elisabeth looked over to me, expecting me to say something like,
that she was my girlfriend and that she was going with me.

But I didn't, I just looked back at her.
I wanted to speak up but I was actually a bit intimidated by them.

"You don't mind if your girlfriend comes with us do you, whiteboy. " Tyrone said to me.

I looked over at Elisabeth.

"I. .

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  . " I tried to say something but it wouldn't come out.

Elisabeth looked over at me, and with her eyes it almost looked like she
thought that I was a little pathetic not to say anything.

"Well what do you say, you want to come with us and party.
Your boyfriend doesn't seem to mind. " Jamaal told her.

"I don't know, maybe later. " She told them.

I was shocked that she would even consider it.

"Oh and by the way, we hear that you help students design their web pages. "
Tyrone said.

"Yes. " Elisabeth told them.

"Well we are considering doing a homepage for the football team.
Could you help us out little with that.

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  " Tyrone asked Elisabeth.

"I guess I could. " She told them.

"And when would be a good time for you. " Tyrone asked.

"Well I usually help out after school, but I already have someone today.
Maybe tomorrow after school. " Elisabeth told them.

"Ok then, after school tomorrow. " Tyrone said.

After that they left.

"Are you actually going to help them. " I asked Elisabeth.

"Yes. " She told me.

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"But. . . . "

"But what. " She told me.

"I didn't hear you say anything about it when they asked me about it.
You didn't even say something when they were asking me out to go to their party. "
She told me in a bit of an angry voice.

Later that night at our apartment, when we were going to bed.

"You want to fool around a little. " I asked her feeling horny.

"No, you can go and jerk off in the bathroom if you feel like it. " She told me.

I guess that she was still a bit angry about that I hadn't said anything to the guys.

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The next day after school, an hour before she was going to help the guys
with their web page, she decided to go home and change clothes.

"Why do you need to change clothes. " I asked her.

"I thought that I would change into something a bit more sexier
and tease those guys a little. " She told me.

"But I. . . " I tried to say that I didn't want her to do that.

"You know nothing will happen, and you'll be there won't you. " She told me.

"Yes I will, but. . . " I said.

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She knew I had to be there because I was the only one with a key to the school
and to the computer room after school was out.
No one except Elisabeth or me was allowed to be in the computer room after school,
when no one else was in the school.

So she went home and changed.
She put on a rather tight top for her breast size.
The top showed off her ample breasts without showing any skin.
She also put on a pair of tight pants that showed off her big ass.

I was a little concerned with her wearing such clothes when she was going
to meet those three guys at school, even though I was going to be there.

When we got to the school we opened the doors up to the computer room and
went inside and turned on some computers.

We waited for about a half an hour before they showed up.

"Damn girl, you look hot. " Tyrone told Elisabeth.

"Yeah that's a nice outfit your wearing. " said Jamaal.

"Thanks. " Elisabeth said.

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Then they noticed me.

"Hey, what's the whiteboy doing here. " James asked Elisabeth.

"Oh, John is the only one with a key to the school and up here. " She told them.

"Well should we get started. " Elisabeth asked.

"Ok. " They told her.

Elisabeth sat down with a computer and the guys all gathered around her.
I was sitting at the front of the room at the teachers desk.

She began to show them some basic stuff about building your own web site.

I noticed that they were more interested in Elisabeth than the web page.
You could see that they were looking at her body and her big breasts through
her clothes.

Then I noticed that Tyrone was whispering something to the other guys.

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"Oh shit Jamaal, we almost missed are football training. " James told Jamaal.

"We have to go Tyrone, we'll see you later. " They told Tyrone.

Then James and Jamaal left.

A few minutes later I noticed on my monitor that a part of the schools server
had crashed, so I had to go and fix it.

The server room was in the next room so I told Elisabeth that I had to go and
fix it, and that I would be back in about 10-20 minutes.

I went into the next room, but I left the door open a little so I would hear
if someone screamed or something.

While I was in the next room Elisabeth continued to show Tyrone the
web page software.

"You know Elisabeth, you're a really sexy woman. " Tyrone told Elisabeth whilst
looking into her eyes.

Elisabeth looked back at him and blushed.

Tyrone then reached over and laid his black hand on her neck and began to caress
it slowly.

Elisabeth let out a little moan.

"You're a bit tense I think, I'll better give you a little neck rub.


  " Tyrone said.

Elisabeth didn't say anything.

Tyrone then stood up and placed his big hands on her shoulders and began to massage

I had now finished with the server and it was running again.
So I went back to the class room.
When I came up to the door that I had left a bit open, I looked inside and
there I saw Tyrone standing behind Elisabeth and he was rubbing her neck and shoulders.

I didn't know what to do so I stayed where I was and watched them.

"Mmm, you have nice hands Tyrone. " Elisabeth told him.

"And you have a nice neck. " He told her.

Then Tyrone reached down and kissed her neck.

"Mmm. " Elisabeth moaned a little.

He then continued up her cheek and to her mouth.

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She didn't refuse him so he started kissing her mouth and soon they were both
kissing rather passionately.

Tyrone then motioned Elisabeth to get up and so she did.
They were now standing up and sucking on each others tongues.

Tyrone reached up with one of his hands and placed it on her left breast.
He started to squeeze her large breast on the outside of her top.

"Lets take this top off, I want to see your big tits. " He told her.

She reached down and pulled her top off over her head.
Elisabeth had a bra on underneath.

Tyrone reached around her back and undid her bra and then removed it.

"Damn, those are some big tits you got there. " Tyrone told her.

He now had her breasts in his hands and were squeezing both of them.
Then he reached down and began to suck on her now hard nipples.

Elisabeth had her hands around his bald head.

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"Oh yes, suck my nipples. " She moaned.

Tyrone went up and began to kiss her mouth again while he was feeling her tits
with one of his black hands.

Elisabeth now took a hold of his T-shirt and pulled it off of him.
She began to kiss his black body.

"Yeah get down on your knees. " Tyrone told her.

She got down on her knees.

Tyrone then unzipped his pants and got out of them.
He now stood in front of her in his boxers.

He took one of her hands and placed it on his boxer front.

Elisabeth could feel his cock inside of his boxers.

"Now pull them down. " He told her.

She reached up and took a hold of his underwear and pulled them down.

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And out from his underwear flung this huge black cock.

Elisabeth couldn't believe her eyes, it was so big.
I couldn't believe my eyes either.
It had to be at least 11 or 12 inches long.
My dick was just a bit over 5 inches when it was hard.

"Oh my god, that thing is huge. " Elisabeth said.

Tyrone was now totally naked.

"Now suck it slut. " He told her.

She reached out and took it into her hand and began to stroke it a little.
Then she opened her mouth and took his entire cockhead into her mouth.

I could see that she was now sucking on his big cock.
She was almost slurping on it.
It appeared that she was enjoying sucking his cock.

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"Yeah bitch you like black cock, don't you. " Tyrone asked her.

"Mmm yes. " She said as she was bobbing her head.

I saw that she could only get a little more than half of his shaft into her
mouth before she started to gag on it.

Tyrone now pulled her up to her feet.
She was still stroking his fat cock.

He then unzipped her pants and pulled them down.
She was wearing a thong underneath which Tyrone pulled of her quite fast.

Elisabeth now stood completely naked in front of this black man.
He grabbed her ass with both hands and lifted her up.
Tyrone then sat her down on a table in the middle of the room.

He then lowered himself so that he was facing her pussy.
Tyrone got closer and then reached out with his tongue and started to lick her pussy.

"Oh yes.

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  " Elisabeth moaned.

A few minutes later she appeared to be close to an orgasm.
She placed her hands around his head and pulled him in closer to her pussy.

"Oh godddddd. " Elisabeth screamed out as she was cumming.

I had gone down on her a few times, but she had never screamed like that with me.

Tyrone then got up and kissed her a few times.
Then he grabbed his hard cock and placed it up against Elisabeths pussy.

He then slowly pushed it into her pussy.

"Oh Tyrone, I've never had a black cock inside of me before,
or anything else that big for that matter. " She moaned.

Tyrone started to move his cock faster in and out of her.

"Oh goddddd yessssss. " Elisabeth moaned as she was cumming again.

He was now slamming his huge tool into her.

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"Now get on top of me slut. " Tyrone told her.

He got up on the table and then Elisabeth got up on top of him and sat down
on his big black cock.

She started to move up and down as he was feeling large breasts.

"Your a big slut aren't you. " He asked her.

"Oh yes, I'm your big slut. " She said to him.

I had never gotten away with calling Elisabeth anything like that.
But Tyrone was calling her a bitch and a slut and she actually seemed to like
being called those things.

Elisabeths big tits were flopping up and down while she was fucking Tyrone.

Tyrone laid his hands on her hip and moved with her.

"Keep slamming your big ass on my black cock, you white bitch. " Tyrone grunted to her.

"Oh goddd, I love your black cock up my pussy.

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  " She told him.

They fucked like this for a few minutes.

"Ahh, get off me and get down on your knees. " Tyrone told Elisabeth.

She got off of him and got down on the floor and onto her knees.

Tyrone got down on the floor and grabbed his cock and placed it up against her face.

"Open your mouth. " Tyrone told her.

Elisabeth opened her mouth and at that moment Tyrone started to cum.
He spurted his cum all over her face and into her mouth.

"Yeah slut, swallow it all. " Tyrone grunted.

He shot a lot of sperm into her mouth and she swallowed all of it.
Elisabeth then took his cock into her mouth.

"Yeah, suck it clean.

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  " He told her.

She sucked it until it went soft.

"Damn girl, you're one hot fuck. " He told Elisabeth.

A few minutes later they got dressed.

"Oh god Tyrone, I have to have you again. " Elisabeth told him.

"Well, me and the guys could come over to your apartment tomorrow. " He told her.

"The three of you, well ok. " She told him.

A minute later Tyrone left.

I then walked into the room.

"Oh hi John, did you watch. " She asked me.

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"Yes. . . " I told her.

"And did you like watching me getting fucked by that black man. " She asked me.

"I. . I. . . " I tried to say something but I couldn't.

"Good, then you know what is going to happen tomorrow when the guys are
coming over to our apartment. " She said to me.


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  " I told her.

The next day after school when we got home to our apartment.

"Oh god, it's going to feel soo good getting some real cock for a change. " She told me.

I didn't say anything.

"Now John, you can watch if you want, but then you have to hide in the closet. "
She told me.

I nodded yes.

An hour later when the guys rang the door bell Elisabeth had changed her clothes.
She was now wearing only a thong and a robe.
Her big tits were totally exposed underneath that robe.

"Now hide in the closet. " She told me.
I did.

She opened the door and the black guys came inside.



"Nice place you got here. " Jamaal said.

"Thanks. " Elisabeth said.

They talked for a few minutes then Tyrone went up to Elisabeth and started to kiss her.

"Now let's see what you are hiding underneath this robe. " Tyrone said.

He undid the robe and let it fall to the floor.

"Damn your were right, those are some real big tits she's got there. " James said.

Jamaal then came up behind Elisabeth and grabbed her tits from behind.

"These feel real nice. " Jamaal said.

Tyrone then took her thong and pulled it down and she stepped out of them.
He placed his hand between her legs and started to rub her pussy.

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"Man, she's really wet down here. " Tyrone told the guys.

Tyrone, Jamaal and James now began to undress.

A moment later they all stood naked in front of Elisabeth.

She just stared at their muscle bodies and at their big cocks.

"Well I think its time for the slut to do some work. " Tyrone said.

He pushed Elisabeth down onto her knees and the guys now stood all around her.

Tyrone grabbed his cock and pushed it into Elisabeths open awaiting mouth.

"Damn, this white bitch can really suck cock. " He said.

She then reached up with her hands and grabbed James and Jamaals cocks
and started to stroke them.

She now switched and started to suck Jamaals cock.
Jamaal grabbed his cock and pulled it up.

"Suck my balls.

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  " He told Elisabeth.

She started to lick them, then she took one of his big balls
into her mouth and sucked on it.

James then took a hold of her head.
Elisabeth then turned around and started to suck James black cock.

"This white girl must be a complete whore for black cock. " James said.

"You got that right. " Tyrone agreed.

"Lets ask her. " Tyrone said.

"What are you bitch. " He asked Elisabeth.

Elisabeth stopped sucking for a little while.

"I'm your slut. " She told them.

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"What else. " He asked.

"I love to suck your black cocks. " She told them.

"That's a good bitch. " Jamaal said.

"Now show us your bed, we're gonna fuck the shit out of you. " Tyrone told her.

Elisabeth showed them our bed and then got up on it.

Tyrone got on top of her and spread her legs.
He then shoved his fat cock into her pussy and started fucking her.

"Oh yes, fuck me. " She moaned.

Jamaal and James got up on the bed on each side of her and held their cocks in front
of her face.
She took one of them and started sucking it, while she jerked off the other one.

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A few minutes later Jamaal laid down on the bed and told Elisabeth to get on top of him.
Tyrone stopped fucking her she got up and got on top of Jamaal.
She sat down on his black cock, and started to move up and down.

Tyrone had gotten up and was now standing in front of Elisabeth with his cock up to her face.
She started to suck him while she was fucking Jamaal.

"Well girl, I guess its just one hole left for me. " James told Elisabeth.

She just kept on fucking and sucking Tyrone and Jamaal.

"Spread your ass slut. " James told her.

She reached back and spread her ass cheeks.

James placed his fat black cock up to her asshole and pushed it inside of her.

"Oh goddddd. " She screamed out as James started to fuck her ass.

She was now completely stuffed, a cock in every hole.

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And they were fucking her hard.

They switched places and continued to fuck her for about a half an hour before they pulled out.
They laid her down on her back on the bed and started to pull their cocks all around her.

"Now you're going to get some black cum down your throat. " Jamaal told her.

He then started to cum.
He had placed his cockhead right next to her mouth.
Jamaal started to spurt out a lot of sperm right into her mouth.
She swallowed and swallowed.

Before Jamaal had finished James started to cum.
He shot his load all of her face and into her mouth.
She had so much sperm in her mouth that some leaked out from her lips.

A few seconds later Tyrone started shooting his big load over her face.
He spurted wad after wad of semen on her face.

When they guys had stopped cumming, Elisabeths face was covered in cum.

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She took some of it on her fingers and placed it in her mouth and swallowed.

"This white slut just loves to swallow cum doesn't she. " James said.

"You love black cum don't you bitch. " Tyrone asked Elisabeth.

"Mmm, I love the taste of your delicious sperm. " She told them.

They talked for a few minutes more then the guys had to leave.

"We'll see your big white ass tomorrow at school. " Tyrone said to Elisabeth.

"I can't wait. " She told them.

After they had left I came out of the closet.

"Did you like what you saw. " Elisabeth asked.

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I nodded.

"I see that you did. " She said as she pointed down at my pants.

My pants had a stain on them, I had cum in my pants while watching her fuck those guys.

She came over to me and kissed me.
She still had a lot of cum on her face and I could taste their sperm in her mouth.

"From now on I will be fucking those black studs when ever they want to. " She told me.

"Ok. . . . " I told her.
Because I knew that even if I said no, she would still fuck them.

And 5 years later, we are still together.

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We are even married, but she still fucks black guys.

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