The South Marlin Circle Bondage Club Chapter 19


Saturday morning, Haruko, Rie and Shiho went with Maki and Brandonto Ms. McMullen's beauty shop to have their nails and hairmaintained. When they returned home, Haruko phoned Steven. "Hibaby!" "Hi Haruko. How are you?" "I'm doing okay. I just went downto Ms. McMullen's to get prettied up for you. " "Great!" "So how didyou feel about last night?" "(Laughs) it was interesting. I can'tbelieve you're letting me do that with Shiho, though. " "Well, Iwanted to show her why I love you so much. Plus I wasn't comfortablewith you eating me out yet because I had just gotten over myperiod. " "Well, it's definitely something I'll always remember,that's for sure. Seriously Haruko, Shiho is massively beautiful. Almost as beautiful as you. " "Thanks sweety. I'll tell her you saidthat.

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   Anyway, how did you feel about me covering your mouth likethat? It seemed to turn you on. " "Yeah, it definitely did. However,the frustration of it is not just having to put off anything I wantto say or express, but I love your hands and my first reaction towhen you do that is to grab it and kiss it. " How would you feel ifwhen I did that you had to kiss it to acknowledge my command?" "Thatwould definitely work. The funny thing is that when we met youcomplained about my tendency to clam up and now you want to use thatas a form of control. " "Yeah, you're right. I don't know what to sayabout that. Maybe I want to choose when you talk and when you don't?Maybe it's a mental adaptation on my part to deal with your quietnature. I don't know. "

"Well, there's no need to overthink this. If it makes you morecomfortable with dealing with me then great. But the issue that Ideal with then is that I want to say what I have to say so that Idon't forget it later on. " "Yeah, forgetting what you want to talkabout is definitely a problem. It happens to me, too. Maybe I canhave you take notes? That seems kind of, I don't know, clumsy.

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  " "Theproblem is if I turn it over to you then you may edit  them and thenthat just piles on more frustration. " "Yeah, I know what you mean. For now, at the end of the session you can raise your hand and wecan talk about it and see how that works. " "Okay, I'll give it ashot. "

"The thing that surprises me Steven, is that you mentioned your needfor control, but you seem willing to entertain giving that up. " "Letme be 100% honest here Haruko. First, I love you. But also, I dohave a submissive streak and it's pretty strong. However, my lack oftrust in people tends to override my natural inclinations. Thepressure here is that I love you, don't want to lose you and yetalso don't want to stifle you. If I'm going to go all the way withyou on this you're going to have to find a way to bring me into it. Now we can continue to take this slowly and maybe when I get abetter feel for what you want to do then I can really commit to itwhole hog. But for now, I can't do that. I'm committed to you as ahuman being but not necessarily to the role you seem to want to take. "

"It sounds like you're open minded about it and you have the basicpersonality that could submit to me.

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   And I'm not sure myself what Iwant to do. When you went home last night, I went on femdom websiteslike Elise Sutton's for ideas and to see what turns me on. " "Haruko,first of all, I've read Elise's site. She's a really interestingperson and has a lot going for her, but I would never want to takeit as far as she does. She, in a way,  has put herself in anuntouchable position and I can't do that. I have to have access toyou because that is why I'm with you, to love you, to hold you, tovalue you, to have a happy, fun life together. I mean, we're justteenagers right now. It could be that you will get to a point inyour needs that I just can't go with you on. " "Steven, I hear youtrying. We'll just go on trial and error and see what works for us. ""That's great Haruko. " "How do you feel about forced feminization?""As long as you aren't trying to get me to change sexes by dumpinghormones in my cokes. I like being male. I don't want to be a girl. But as for the other stuff, as long as you don't make me go out inpublic dressed in a schoolgirl uniform or something like that I canhandle it.

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  " "I love that big cock of yours, so I'm not going to drugyour drinks. I night put you in a chastity belt, though. How wouldyou feel about that?' "I'm pretty skeevy on that, Haruko. I have aragingly high sex drive. I understand why some dominas use them, but I would reach a point at which I would just check out because Iwould be so frustrated. There are other ways to do it. Like youcould demand that I ask your permission before I could masturbateand you'll have to just trust me for now that I would obey yourcommand on that. Plus I'm so horny all the time anyway that even ifI cum in the morning I'm desperate to cum again before I go to bed. So I think that maybe they are made more for middle aged men whoaren't quite as full of cum as young guys like me are. "

"Okay, Steven. We can put that one off for a while. Anyway, I wantyou to come over. Did you shave your pubic hair?" "Yeah. I actuallylike it. I had been thinking about doing it for a while anyway.

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   ""Good boy!" "Thanks (chuckle). I'll be over in a little bit. " "Canyou use your family's car?" "I think so. I'll have to ask. " "Okay. It would be great if you could. " "I'll try. I can't think ofanything my parents are doing so that they would need it. "

15 minutes later, Steven drove to her house. Haruko answered thedoor since she knew it would be for her and off they went to themall. They went to the women's department of a major chain store andthe first place was to the underwear section. "So what do you thinkwould look good on you?" Steven's eyes glazed over, but his cockalso became instantly hard. "God, I don't know. If you want to be myMistress then I'll leave it in your hands," he said. "Besides, Idon't know anything about women's clothes.

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  " "The good thing is thatyou're pretty slim. You're going to have to hit the gym or startdoing some kind of workout, though to flatten that tummy. It wouldmake it easier to buy clothes if you did. Also, I want you to startshaving your legs at least twice a week. I'll show you how to dothat when we get home. " "Okay," Steven agreed, blushing.

While he was mortified most of the time, Haruko managed to findpanties, bras, a couple of tops and matching skirts for him as wellas makeup. "Oh, also, you're going to Ms. McMullen's next week tohave your hair and nails done," she told him. "Oh my God, that willbe so embarrassing. " "Oh well, you have to do it or I will punishyou. " "Yes Ma'am. " "Also, I want you to study up on women's clothesand comportment. And you're going to learn to cook, too, because I'mnot doing it when we get married. I also don't want you puttingweight on when you go to college due to eating fast food all thetime.

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  " "Yes Ma'am. "

"So how are you feeling now that you're subjugating me?" "It totallymakes me wet using my power over you. "  "Well you know that guysdisengage their brains when they see a pretty girl. That might havesomething to do with it. " "Yeah. That's when they start thinkingwith their cocks. " "Hey, I resemble that remark!" "I bet you do!"She kissed him as they exited the mall and went back to her house.

Once they arrived there, Haruko took Steven into the bathroom andthey both stripped and got in the shower. First, he washed himselfoff and then Haruko showed him how to shave his legs. "You know,since guys are so hairy anyway, you should probably get waxed. " "Iwonder how my parents will react when I show up with a newhairstyle, shaved legs and having had a manipedi. " "Well, you canhide a lot of that stuff. It's not like you're going to be gettingpink nail polish. Just some clear and the nails will be shortanyway. I don't like guys who have long nails.

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   It's gross. "

Then she began to teach him about makeup. "From now on, when you gethere, you will put your makeup and lipstick on. If you make anymistakes, I'll help you fix it. " "Okay. " Steven's heart was beatinglike a bass drum as he watched the transformation of his face. "Hey,you actually make a pretty good girl sweety!" "Thanks?" he laughed. Then she showed him how to remove it and had him try to put it onhimself. The results of that were not good. So she had him wipe itoff and start again. Rie walked into the bathroom, which embarrassedSteven mightily. "Oh? Are you femdomming Steven?" she asked. "Yeah. ""I didn't know you were interested in that!" "I didn't either untilthis week. " "That's great Haruko.

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   Now you can be part of thecommunity!" "Finally, right?" "Yeah. " "Can I tell Brandon?" "Goahead Rie! I know you guys have been keeping Steven at arm's length,but maybe now he can be accepted as being like the rest of youguys. "

The word quickly got around about the evolving situation with Harukoand Steven. Everybody knew about it before the end of the day. Meanwhile, Maki walked in on them. "Ara, sugoi (Whoa, what a trip)!"Maki reacted. Maki asked Haruko what the deal was in Japanese. Haruko decided to go ahead and just spill the beans, especially asthey now had some shit on Steven to use against him if he exposedwhat was going on in the community. This resulted in a rather loudargument between mother and daughter and Steven was left there inthe middle having to just put up with it. He couldn't say anythingbecause their conversation was in a language he didn't understand.

Haruko remade him up and took him into her room and had him put onthe panties and bra and stand for inspection. Then she had him pullon a white halter top and a similarly colored cotton skirt plus someheels she bought for him. Now it was time to show him the proper wayto sit. "So how do you feel, Steven?" "I don't make a very goodlooking girl, I'm afraid. " "We'll see after we get your hair done,though your hair is short, so I don't know how much you can do withit.

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  " "Even when you're in school I want you to practice sitting likea girl so that it becomes natural. "Yes Ma'am. " "In fact, I'm goingto start punishing you everytime I see you sit like a boy. " "YesMa'am. " "Also, to speak to me now, you will raise your hand unlessyou are being spoken to directly. And nobody else may speak to youunless they get my permission. Of course, this is only when you arewith the community. Outside you just act regular. " "Yes Ma'am. "

"Okay, now let me see your pussy. " "But I don't have one. " "You donow. Stand up and show me your asshole. That is your pussy andyou're going to have to get used to the idea of it being fucked byme occasionally. And your penis is your clit.


  " "Yes Ma'am. " He stoodup, turned around and pulled up his skirt and dropped his panties. "Good girl. Make sure your pussy is absolutely clean, too. " "YesMa'am. " He pulled his panties back up. She also showed him how tostand like a girl. "This you should only practice with me or athome. I don't want you getting your ass kicked for being TOO girlyin public. " "Thanks Ma'am. " "Just call me by my name for now. "Ma'ammakes me sound like I'm 40. " "Okay Haruko. "

"So how come you want to feminize me? Aren't you negating me, as youput it,  by doing that?" "Not really. I still love you for you.

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   Butthis is like taming you to me. I think you'll understand my needsbetter by experiencing some of the things I  have to do during theday. " "Great. I want to understand as much as I can about you sowe'll stay together. " "I'm glad to hear that. If you'll notice, mostof our classmates bounce from one relationship to another, but therelationships in this neighborhood usually end up being permanentbecause of the communication that BDSM fosters and the rules thatare part of the culture here. I hope that will be true of ours. " "Metoo, Haruko. "

"So what about sex?" "Well, you're here to serve me, so I'lldetermine when we have sex. Also, your body no longer belongs toyou. It's my property. In fact, you're my property. So you need toget used to that idea. " "Okay Haruko. " "Hey look, Steven, since Ijust said that, I'm going to ask you to formally submit to me.

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  " "YesHaruko. I'll submit to you. But can we go back to being a regularcouple if I decide I don't want to be your slave?" "I'll have to seehow I feel if that time comes, but you're really great Steven. Please don't leave me, okay?" "I won't Haruko. " "By the way, it's"'Mistress. '" "Yes Mistress. " "Good girl. Your slave name now is"Stephanie. " "Yes Mistress. "

"Here Stephanie, show me  your clit. " "Yes Mistress. " Steven pulledhis panties down and then raised his skirt. He was as hard as arock. "You're really enjoying this, aren't you Stephanie?" "YesMistress. I have to confess I am.

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  " "Okay, you can change back intoyour regular clothes and take the makeup and underwear off. But whenyou are at home for dinner, you will help your mom and tell her youwant to learn to cook, understand Stephanie?" "Yes Mistress. ""Listen Stephanie, during the Christmas holidays, we have a hugeparty here, from what I understand, and all the subbies have to helpcook and set up the meal. Make sure you're ready. " "Yes Mistress. "

"Tomorrow I want you to come over and I'll show you how to washwomen's clothes and how to fold and put them away. When you changeback into your street clothes before you go home, make sure the onesyou used while you were here are either in the laundry basket or areneatly folded. Failure to do that will result in punishment. " "YesMistress. " "Okay, now let's get that makeup off of you and make youlook like a boy again. "Thank you Mistress. "

Sunday, while Steven was in the middle of doing Haruko's laundrywith her supervising, she got a call from Jeff Perlis. "Hi Haruko,it's Jeff. " "Hi Master Jeff. How are you?" "I'm doing good, Haruko.

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  Hey look, I need you and Steven to come over as soon as possible. There's something I need to talk to you guys about. " "Okay Jeff. We'll be right down. " "Great. See ya in a few. " "Come on Stephanie,we're going over to Jeff's. It's apparently pretty urgent. I hopeit's nothing really major. " "Should I change clothes?" "No. Thiswill be good practice for you. " "Okay, I just hope nobody fromschool sees us. " "Don't worry about it. "

Five minutes later, they were on Jeff's doorstep and his mom Lynnlet them in. "Hi Haruko.

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   Hi Steven. Wow, nice makeup job on him. Healmost looks cute!" "Thanks Master Jeff. So what's up?" Harukowondered. "Hey listen, me and my dad  just heard about what is goingon with you guys. Unlike with some of the other outsiders who havesort of been in our orbit over the years, where we generally havemade an effort to keep them totally separated from the rest of thecommunity. , because of the things Steven has said and after thebackground check we ran on him plus the fact that he is in theprocess of submitting to you Haruko, we would like to bring him inas an honorary member. Keep in mind, though, Steven, that there arerules you must follow to maintain your status in the community. Areyou good with this?" "Wow, I'm dumbstruck, Master Jeff. Jesus. Yes,I'll accept your kind invitation. Thanks!" "Glad to have you onboard, dude. " "Master Jeff, just so that you know, Steven hasformally submitted to me and his slave name is Stephanie. " "ThanksMistress Haruko. I'll make a note of that.

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   CongratulationsStephanie. Your Mistress is an amazing woman. Mistress Haruko, sinceyou are now responsible for the life of another, you will care forand protect Stephanie with every fiber of your being or riskforfeiting your right to lead. Do you understand?" "Yes Master Jeff. Thank you Master Jeff. " Stephanie, you have been admitted to ourcommunity and will be expected to uphold its standards, includingdignified public behavior, and you will serve your Mistress withevery last breath you have. Do you understand?" "Yes Master Jeff. Thank you Master Jeff. " "Excellent. See you tomorrow morning youguys. " "Thanks again Master Jeff. Sorry to intrude on your greathousehold. " "Not a problem. "

"Wow, that was unexpected. " "Yes Mistress, it was.

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   I'm blown away. ""Well, you're going to have to go to Mrs. Westfield's now afterschool with the rest of us, so that's good. It will be nice havingyou there. " Thank you Mistress. It will be great being able to be inyour presence for a while longer every day. But what are the rulesfor someone like me?" "God, I have no idea. Let me get Mrs. Westfield on the line and see what she says. "Hi, is Mistress Lorithere? It's Haruko Eklund. Hi Jake! How are you sweety? Oh, I'mglad. Okay. Thank you. Hi, Mistress Lori? This is Haruko. I'm doinggreat, thanks.

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   How about you? Great! I'm sorry to interrupt yourbusy day, but I've just become a dominant to Steven Morris. He's nowknown as Stephanie. He also was just made an honorary member of theclub. I'm feminizing him and I was wondering what your rules are forthat when he comes over tomorrow. Oh okay. That's no problem. Haha,yeah. Thank you! Bye bye!"

"Well, tomorrow, before you leave from school, you'll change into abra and panties underneath your school clothes and then you'll wearthat underwear when you sit with the other submissives rather thengetting naked. I'll carry them with me and then just hand you my bagwhen we leave the science class so you can change. " "Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress. " "Let's go finish the laundry Stephanie. " "YesMistress. "

Steven was very fidgety about being outside that long where somebodycould see him. Re-entering Haruko's house was a huge relief.

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   Whenthey were done folding the freshly laundered clothes, Haruko tookSteven on a tour of her closet to show him what various garmentswere called and how to tell the difference.

When it was time for him to go home, Haruko checked to make sure allof his makeup was off and when he got home he asked his mother toteach him to cook. He couldn't believe he was dressing up in women'sclothes to please his girlfriend. On the other hand, he found thoseoutfits to be amazingly comfortable. That night, he wanted tomasturbate, but when he got the urge it was too late to phone Harukoand so he had to give that idea up.

Monday morning, Steven was given hugs by the girls for joining theirranks as submissives and high fived by the boys for being made anhonorary member. Haruko was similarly hugged by the other dominantsand they all expressed surprise at Haruko turning out to be adomina. Haruko reminded him to sit like a girl during his classesand to remember to put the bra and panties on before they leaveschool. He was pretty shy meeting Mrs. Westfield after what theother members told him about her. It took him a few minutes to startfeeling comfortable and he imitated the way the subbie girls sat. Hewas amazed when a couple of the dominants had their subs blow themin front of everybody. "Man, this is a wild neighborhood,"  hethought to himself.

Leaving his bra and panties on, he went home, dropped his books offand then bolted back out the door to Haruko's house. When he gotthere, Haruko, Rie and Shiho were all waiting for him.

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    First, theyhad a cocktail dress for him. Maki, being ever thoughtful, bought itfor him earlier that day along with black pantyhose, bra andpanties. Maki then watched her daughters not just help him into theoutfit, but they began trying to make him over. He basically becamea kind of makeup mannequin for them and they giggled endlessly atthe products of their labors. Maki decided she wanted to get in onthe fun and tried her hand at it. It was pretty humiliating for him,but Haruko slid her hand up his skirt and could feel that he washard, so she knew he was enjoying it. "Hey, you have to treat me todinner and a movie before you can do that," he joked. Haruko tookthis as a challenge. "Oh? So you want to go to dinner and a movie?That can be arranged. " she warned. " "That's okay," he laughed. "Seewhat happens when you open your mouth? You will speak only whenyou're spoken to, no matter what I'm doing to you. Do you understandStephanie?" "Yes Mistress. " "Good girl. " When she said "good girl,"he felt somehow more submissive to her and his cock seemed morestiff.


   Clearly, the feminization was having an effect on his psycheand was making him more docile.

"I said this before Stephanie, but you need to start working out. There's nothing wrong with your weight,  but you lower to lower yourbody fat and become more tapered to look your best as a woman,"Haruko advocated. "Yes Mistress. I will. " "You should join a swimclub. Girls like you develop hot bodies with the workouts. " "SorryMistress, but my family can't afford it. " "Maybe you can buy someweights on Craig's List or something," she suggested. "MistressHaruko, we don't want  him bulking up. He just mainly needs to havea tighter tummy. " "You're right Rie. Maybe we should have him do alot of running and crunches?" "Yeah, I think that might be good. Buthe still would need to work on his entire core. So how aboutassigning him a project where he would design his own core workout""God Rie, you're so smart.

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    That's perfect! Stephanie, you will havetwo weeks to put together a presentation as to how you're going totaper your figure. If I decide that the presentation isn't up tostandard or your proposal is ineffective, I will punish you bytaking you out to eat and then to a movie. Do you understandStephanie?" "Yes Mistress. " "Remember, I don't want you losingweight. I only want you to sculpt your body. If you lose more thanfive pounds I will punish you so hard you'll envy the prisoners atAbu Ghraib. Do you understand Stephanie?" "Yes Mistress. " "In fact,I'll take you out to a busy restaurant everyday for a week in yourgirly outfits if you lose that much weight. Understand?" "YesMistress. " "Good girl Stephanie. I love you. " "I love you, too,Mistress. "

When they were done making him up, Haruko took her clothes off andpulled a strap on out of a drawer. "Okay Stephanie, if you want tobe popular with the boys you'll have to learn how to give a goodblowjob. So get on your knees and suck me," she said, after slidinga harness with a flesh colored dildo attached to it on.

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   He feltsilly and embarrassed, but he had to obey and he started running histongue up and down the shaft of the artificial cock. "Don't forgetto use your hands, Stephanie. Men love that. " "Yes Mistress. Thankyou Mistress. " He gently stroked it from the base of the man madephallus as his tongue swirled around it. "Oh yeah, now we'retalkin'," Haruko fake sighed in imitation of a male becomingexcited. "Okay, put it in your mouth and suck it, bitch," shesternly directed and he did. She pulled on his head and made him gagwhen the dildo hit his gag reflex. "That's not good enoughStephanie. You need to learn to take the whole thing down yourthroat," she critiqued. The naked Rie and Shiho absentmindedly beganto play with themselves watching this  display of female dominanceas he bobbed his head up and down on her play dick. "Oh fuckyessss," Haruko fake moaned. "Don't forget to fondle my balls,"Haruko recommended and he lightly fingered her rubber nuts  as hecontinued to suck on her shaft. She then pulled his head down on hersimulated penis again and he gagged and coughed.

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   Haruko finally hadenough of this. "Okay, here is another homework assignmentStephanie:  you will learn to deep throat. There are websites thatwill teach you how to do it, so check them out. You will be able todo it before the end of the Thanksgiving weekend, do youunderstand?" "Yes Mistress. " "Good girl Stephanie. "

"Now Stephanie, since you can play guitar, I want you to puttogether an hour long set and play it for us. Your concert will beon October 30th here in my bedroom,  but that may change if morepeople want to hear you. Do you understand?" "Yes Mistress. " "Thenon Halloween, you will hand out candy dressed as you are now. Do youunderstand?" "Steven gulped and acted stunned like he had just beenclubbed in the head with a baseball bat before quietly agreeing toit. " "Good girl. You have a full plate now. Go home and have yourmom teach you how to make tonight's meal and then do the homeworkI've given you. " "Yes Mistress. "

As he walked home, Steven wondered if he had bitten off more than hecould chew when he submitted to Haruko.

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   After he helped his mom makedinner, and, make no mistake, she was really happy at his newfoundinterest in cooking, he began to research exercise and dietarymethods he could use to resculpt his body. Once he got bored withthat, he went to an online guitar tab site to see what tunes hecould use as a repetoire for the concert he was going to give. Hecould already play Kansas' "Dust in the Wind," so that went instraightaway. He also chose to do Jim Croce's "Time in a Bottle,"though learning Maury Muehleisen's guitar part was going to be a bitof a bear. He liked Namie Amuro's "Can you Celebrate" and decided tolearn that plus some of it was in Japanese, which should appeal toHaruko and her family. And so it went. By the time he had stoppedthinking about it and taken a preliminary run at the Jim Croce tune,it was after midnight. That made him realize that he was going tohave to structure his day more strictly now if he was going to geteverything done, including whatever school projects came up. Inother words, he was going to have to be more disciplined, which wasfunny to him since he was now engaging in BDSM. Also, he wanted tomasturbate again when he finally decided to turn the light out, butit was way too late to bother her for permission.

He got up at 6 a. m. the next morning and went running. He wasn't inthe best of shape, so it took him a while to finish the route he hadopted to use. He barely got home in time to take a shower, gulp downbreakfast and head to Haruko's.

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   He had only gotten about five hoursof sleep. "I don't care about that," Haruko told him. "You're hereto serve me, so you're going to do it no matter how fatigued youare. " "Yes Mistress. Then he told her about his not masturbatingbecause it was too late in the evening to contact her. "Why are youtelling me that, Steven? That's a pretty minimal thing to have totrust you with. If you masturbated without my permission it would belike you choosing your cock over me. How do you think I would feelabout that? So just as a basic matter of respect I would expect youto keep your hands off your dick unless I grant you the right totouch it. You shouldn't expect a reward or praise for that" "YesMistress. " "Wow, somebody hit her over the head with the bitch stickthis morning," he thought to himself. But it also made himunderstand that he was going to have to do more than the minimum toimpress her and stay her slave.

When they got to school, Haruko took Steven to one side. "Hey lookbaby, I know these changes are hard on you. But I really love howyou're giving yourself to me and how you've allowed me to make amajor discovery about myself. I almost feel like I've been rebornand it's because of you.

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   Without you I would still be stuck in avanilla mindset. So thank you. " "I'm glad you feel that way myprecious sweetheart. I'll do my best to make you happy. " "I love youSteven. " "I love you, too, Haruko. " They began making outpassionately but stopped when someone yelled at them to get a room. They rejoined the others and she checked to confirm that he wassitting like a girl with his legs together and his hands folded inhis lap. She briefly grabbed his hard cock through his pants andwhispered, "if you're a good girl today you'll get a chance to usethis after we get home. " "Thank you Mistress," he whispered into herear. She smiled and kissed him and then reclined with her head inhis lap as they sat on the planter that fronted the quad together. He gently stroked her cheeks and forehead and his jaw hurt from theunconscious wide smile he had on his face. When the bell rang tosignal that students needed to go to their first period class, theyclimbed down off the planter. Haruko put her hand on his mouth. Hetook it in his own hand and kissed it before they intertwined theirfingers and began their walk to their classes.

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   Once they reachedhers, he gave her one final short, soft kiss and turned silently togo to his classroom. .
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If you get on Crete, you should see Chania on the north coast of the western part of this island. It is one of Greece's most beautiful towns and there are living many dazzling honeys. Maybe, you’ll be interested in visiting The Monasteries of the Akrotiri Peninsula, and other sights. If you think it is boring, text us and invite a winning call girl tonight. This is your lucky possibility! Just imagine how a mesmerizing tabby in hot panties and bra appears in your bedroom and tells you something nice. Each babe will be happy to make your dreams come true. Everyone can find a girl of his tastes on our online service. Local hotties will impress you a lot. Such females do not walk outdoors. All of them are waiting for your call. Read all info about new escort services on Crete, book a ladylove, and get ready for the insane time of your life! Don’t lose such a superb chance. Book a chick right now and experience crazy emotions and happiness next night! Each guy deserves to get absolute satisfaction. It is not easy to find a lady who can be with you and satisfy all needs. Don’t try to find one. This online service makes this problem easily solvable. Have awesome time and return back for more experience. A lot of skilled and foxy girls can’t wait to meet you and add new colors to your life. It’s easy, not expensive, and absolutely save. Follow the link for more details.

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Malaga is the best gateway to southern sector of Spain with its vibrant city life and unique culture. Malaga is the hometown of Picasso and also well-known for its unique climate that is known to be the best in entire Europe. Being underrated for a long time, by now Malaga City is probably among the most interesting places of Spain, thanks to its cultural diversity, as well as gastronomic destinations and leisure places.
The urban metropolis represents one of the oldest cities that is currently available around the world with its origins dating back to 770 BC. Malaga is full of various historical and cultural places. There is something interesting literally around every corner as you discover the city.
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The 15 beaches placed around the various sectors of Malaga are very clean and family-friendly; they can be easily accessed within a short time. Various restaurants, bars and beach clubs are placed all over Malaga, offering all sorts of dishes, from traditional cuisine, to Moroccan specialty drinks, as well as amazing beach party nights. When it comes to spending the nights of your life, this town is able to offer everything you could only dream of. In this city you can easily party all night long until 5 am. And in case if you are willing to make sure those parties remain unforgettable - make sure you visit escorts spain - the best place for all the naughty guys from all over the world.

Escort Malaga is full of totally horny and exciting bitches from diversified corners of the planet, like Africa, America, Europe, Asia, Latin Countries, Middle East and others. We specialize in providing only the best whores, who are capable to easily satisfy any man on this sinful planet. Feel free to select from top-class blowjobs, handjobs, footjobs, ass-hammering, threesomes, foursomes, group sex, cosplays and many other types of sex games that are offered by escort malaga . Those experienced babes can accompany you during an exhibition in some museum, enjoy the fine dining, party all night long and, of course, make all your craziest fantasies come true in bed. Check out the catalogues with hottest sluts of Escort Malaga, have a look at their juicy body amenities and get an opportunity to feel them in real life, as you get pleasured in bed. Escort Malaga has been specializing in top-quality escort services for a long time and will definitely satisfy your endless lust. - escort in hanoi - escort girls in israel

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Reasons why Escort is so popular among travellers

Escort is placed in the very heart of world and can undoubtedly be classified as one of the most astonishing places in world, that is well-known among all those, who prefer travel around the world. Fortunately, there are a lot of spectacular parks, striking monuments, unbelievable buildings and amazing places of interest, vividly expressed culture, very tasty food and many other attractions. Only here you can walk down the boulevards, enjoy diversified sport activities, sunbath on spectacular beaches, dance non-stop during crazy parties within the city. Nevertheless, has more than you could only imagine, but it’s just hidden from everyone’s eyes and only the bravest ones will unveil all those hidden gems of Escort as long as they know where to search. Don’t hesitate to enter, the most suitable location for all those dirty-minded studs, who simply cannot imagine their lives without breathtaking lechery. You will certainly enjoy what you are about to see in Escort.

What to expect from Escort

Enter Escort official website in order to discover amazing escort offers at and see an entire new side of this amazing, yet lecherous city. Even those who come here for the first timer, will not also have some great time without any problems. The website operates in a very straightforward, yet reliable and fast manner. Enter the registration page in order to complete registration within a few minutes and right away being choosing escort bitches that you would like to meet.
There are many diversified categories for you to choose from, hereby you can be sure to surely find what you like the most. Don’t miss an opportunity to enjoy standard, VIP, diamond and other categories, based on your budget. Regardless of the category, you will certainly get to know plenty of tantalizing chicks in Sexy Latinas, filthy Asians, nasty Caucasians, dirty-minded Europeans, horny Arab ladies, gorgeous ebonies are waiting for you in order to expose their deeply impressive escort services. Feel free to go through their CVs and have a look at their mouthwatering photo collections, which expose their impressive body curves from the best angles.

Safety and Diversity of Escort Services

Now we have reached the most intriguing part of our journey through Escort city. Time to identify what you are going to do with those experienced escort hotties. We continuously work to improve the quality of our services and make sure that our marvellous hotties can deliver only top-quality escort services to each and every customer of ours. My word, those ladies know the most appropriate means to deliver the ultimate satisfaction to absolutely any guy on this sinful planet. Hereby, feel free to implement your dreams with breathtaking dick-sucking, arousing escort massage, lecherous cosplays, incredible toying, amazing butt-banging, stunning handjobs, unforgettable pissing, passionate group sex and many more. Our ladies will undoubtedly do anything they can to satisfy you to the maximum.
When it comes to private information, we take it very seriously and ensure that it stays completely safe at all times. Top-quality escort services and safety in operations make our customers come and visit Escort again and again. So, don’t miss such an incredible opportunity to discover the lecherous pleasures that Escort and its beautiful bitches have prepared for you, because you will like it for sure!
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Batumi Escorts - Batumi is a major tourist and entertainment destination in its own right

The picturesque city of Batumi, which can be found in the southern part of Georgia, is well-known not only for its breathtaking scenery and lively nightlife, but also for the high-quality escort services that can be found there. The presence of these exquisite escort ladies, who are well-known for their beauty, grace, and sophistication, contributes to the city's one-of-a-kind allure and amplifies the city's overall allure. This essay is to investigate the allure of escort females in Batumi, as well as the city's nightlife and the tourism business.

The escort services offered in Batumi are well-known for living up to exceptionally high standards and providing excellent quality. Escort females in Batumi are known for their alluring appearances, charming personalities, and sharp minds. They have a high level of education, speak many languages, and have a natural talent for making those with whom they are travelling feel at ease and at ease with themselves. Their attractiveness is not limited to the surface; rather, it permeates all aspects of their being, including their character and demeanour. As a result, they are the ideal partners for any event, whether it be a professional conference, a social get-together, or a discreet date.

Batumi Escorts
The attractiveness of the escort females in Batumi does not just consist of their physical qualities alone; rather, their beauty extends well beyond that. The fact that they can have interesting discussions, that they are able to comprehend people of other cultures, and that they are able to adjust to any given circumstance all contribute to their attractiveness. They are more than simply escorts; they are companions who may offer emotional support and company. The escort females in Batumi are recognised for their professionalism and discretion, and they always make sure to protect their customers' personal space and keep their clients' confidences.
Batumi Escort
The city of Batumi itself is a centre for a variety of tourist activities and leisure options. The nightlife in Batumi is energetic and bustling, with a profusion of clubs, pubs, and restaurants offering a range of entertainment alternatives. This contributes to the city's overall buzzing atmosphere. The presence of these stunning escort females, who provide a certain air of glitz and refinement to every occasion, contributes significantly to the city's vibrant nightlife and makes it even more enjoyable.

Escort Batumi -
Batumi is seeing a surge in the number of visitors from all over the world who want to experience the city's one-of-a-kind culture, breathtaking scenery, and exciting nightlife. As a result, the city's tourism business is thriving. The presence of escort females in Batumi lends an additional facet to the city's tourism sector by facilitating the provision of companionship and entertainment to vacationers in search of an experience that will stand out in their memories.

Choosing to take part in more intimate activities with the escort ladies in Batumi is a decision that should be made on an individual basis and should be carried out with both parties' approval. Given that these women are working professionals and providing a service, it is essential that they be treated with the respect and decency that is due to professionals. The escort females in Batumi are recognised for their expertise and secrecy, which ensures that their customers enjoy an encounter that is both memorable and rewarding.
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