The Deleted Scene: The Equalizer


This is a work of complete fiction. It just popped into my brain so I wrote it down and share it for free and make no money off of it. No one under legal age may read this, if you know what's good for you. No one over legal age should read this for the same reason. All characters used in this story are a parody of any real or fictional person. I do not own The Equalizer or the characters from it. Comments are always welcome and appreciated so you should feel free to share.

There is no plot here, just porn. If you want the plot go see the movie.

Story Code: MM/f, Oral, Anal, Teen

The Equalizer
By Muhabba

Alina suppressed a shudder as the creepy old guy's hand trailed up her shapely thigh. Her skin tight, gray streaked dress barely covered her ass when she was walking and in the back of the limo it barely covered her lap. When his hand reached the hem it dipped between her thighs before traveling back down her leg.

"You have very nice legs," the john said in a thick Russian accent as he slid his hand from one leg to the other and back up the insides of her other supple thigh. He showed no consideration of his bodyguard across the limo from them with his back to the closed divider between the back and the driver. The bodyguard barely acknowledged what was happening in front of him and looked almost bored.

"Thanks," Alina said as she tucked a stray strand of her straight, black wig behind her ear.


  When his hand reached the hem of her dress again he slid her thumb over the front of her panties before sliding his hand up the front of her teenage body. He groped and squeezed her small tits, appreciating the way her cleavage bulged up. The john was extremely over-weight, not completely gross but she guessed he hadn't had a hard day of work ever in his life. The bodyguard on the other hand was built like a gorilla and could probably break her in half without even trying.

"You have very small breasts," he said offhandedly.

"Yeah, but I make up for it in other ways," the prostitute called Alina said, trying to sound confident. The john reached up with both hands, hooking his thumbs into the straps of her dress and push-up bra. He pulled the flimsy material down revealing her tits capped with hard, pink nipples. Her nipples were not hard due to any sort of desire but it was cold in the back of the limo and goosebumps had broken out across her entire body. She tried to moan in appreciation as he cupped her small breasts, rubbing his thick, rough thumbs over her nipples.

"Small but nice," the john said before turning to the bodyguard, "Don't you think so, Dmitri?"

Alina gave the massive man her best come-hither smile and he just gave her an absent once over before nodding. Turning to the john the small hooker tried her smile on him but he was paying more attention to her tits than her face. "Thanks," she said before wrapping her arm around his shoulders. He bent down over her chest and quickly sucked one of her hard nipples into his mouth, lashing it with his tongue, nearly sucking her entire tit inside of him as he roughly squeezed her other tit. He licked across her slender chest to her other tit, performing the same with it almost like he was just checking them off of a list: Step one, fondle leg. 

  Step two, suck the teenage titty.

The young school aged girl moaned out, trying to sound passionate while the overweight john licked hungrily at her teenage chest. Besides the awkwardness of sex with a stranger for money, as the Russian worked at her tits, the guard stared at her impassively. She ran her fingers through the older man's thinning hear, still trying to sound passionate while the guard stared blankly at her getting molested.

The john licked up from the young girl's chest to her graceful neck to her jawline before pulling away. He ran his thumb across her pouting lips before reclining back in the seat. "You have very nice lips," he said plainly.

Alina smirked at the john, just a small one while she tried to make it look that she and the john shared a secret about her lips. She hadn't expected him to kiss her because knowing the things they put in their mouths, who would want to kiss a hooker. She made no move to cover up her petite breasts, she just straightened up in the seat a bit, arching her back, thrusting out her chest more trying to emphasize them in the dimly lit limo.

"Do you think she has nice lips?" the john asked the bodyguard.

Once again the bodyguard apprised her, making her feel like a piece of meat more than she usually did before he just gave a shrug.

The john ran his fingers through the straight black wig, nudging the young girl down. "Show Dmitri what you can do with those lips," he ordered.

Giving the two men what she hoped was a sexy grin, Alina bent down over the old guy`s gut and lap, her hands coming up to squeeze his thighs.

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  Her hands slid to his belt and unbuckled it before unfastening his pants. His semi-hard cock was nothing impressive but she knew she had to act like it was the biggest slab of meat she had ever seen. She pulled the prick out of his pants and underwear, squeezing him around the base and feeling the blood start to fill the unimpressive dick.

He groaned above her as she licked his sensitive tip, drawing it into her mouth. She circled his slowly growing cock-head, moaning lustfully around it as it began to fill her teenage mouth. When it was hard enough she began bobbing her head back and forth, massaging his shaft with her tongue as she sucked back and forth. He grew long enough for her to fit her fist around his base and began tugging on him as her pink lips slid wetly up and down him, meeting her fingers. One of the john’s hands forced itself below her chest and he began roughly squeezing her small, firm tits.

Alina took a quick peek at the bodyguard sitting across from her with a cock in her mouth and suppressed a shudder. He was barely paying attention to her, his eyes dead as he simply sat relaxed in the seat. It was unnerving.

As she continued licking and sucking her customer's now fully hard prick, his free hand slid down her graceful back to her taunt ass. The shortness of the dress caused it to pull up easily over her pale ass revealing her thong and the Russian slipped his finger beneath the thin material. She grunted as he fingered her tight, dry asshole before sliding his finger lower to her bare, pink pussy. She was dry there as well so she began thinking sexy thoughts trying to lubricant herself for the john.

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  In her mind a handsome prince carried her off to live in his castle. A pretty boy at school asked her to prom. A middle-aged business man spent his money to take her off the streets to a new and better life. Anywhere but here was a sexy thought and she soon felt herself start to get wet.

The Russian used what moisture she had between her legs to circle his finger around her clit hood trying to stimulate her further. Alina knew what he was doing. He was trying to get her wet enough for him without needing lubricant. Some of her johns took pride in the fact they could get a hooker wet on their own, completely unaware that it was simple biology rather than their personal techniques. And she didn't bother to correct them. Whatever belief got the johns off she supported. And the quicker the better.

She groaned as lustfully as she could around the meat in her mouth as her customer slipped two fingers inside of her, finger-banging her as her beautiful face bobbed up and down in his lap. She began fondling his bloated balls with her free hand, his pubic hair sparse and wiry. He caressed her tiny asshole with his thumb as he continued squeezing her tits with his other hand and she continued to pretend to like it.

Alina easily deep-throated the Russian’s prick, holding it in her throat and swallowing around it all while moaning and wiggling her tongue around the shaft and fondling his balls.

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  She slipped it back out of her mouth and held the top between her lips as she took a deep breath and continued jerking on his base. She took another deep breath before taking him back into her throat, swallowing around him, massaging him with her tongue, moaning along his length and lightly squeezing his balls.

Above her the Russian cried out in lust and quickly used his hand on her chest to push her up, his spit wet cock slipping out of her mouth while he slipped his fingers out from under her. She wiped the spot from her chin with the back of her hand while giving him what she hoped was a sexy smile. “How was that?” she asked, trying to appear confident.

“Almost to good,” the over-weight Russian chuckled before looking over at his bodyguard. “Dmitri, you have to try this whore’s mouth,” he said before turning back to the girl. “Show Dmitri what you can do,” he said.

Alina gave the bodyguard what she hoped was asexy smirk before sliding off of her seat onto her knees. The back of the limo was long enough for her to get on her hands as well and she crawled across the floor to the guard, her tight ass pointed back to her customer.

“Dmitri is my best guard,” the Russian told the young whore, “So you make sure you suck him good. ”With his hard pecker still out he got on his knees behind the girl and slid his hands across her stunning, pale ass.

Once again, the young prostitute ran her hands up a Russian man’s thighs and reached for his belt. She tried giving him a coy smile as she looked deep into his eyes but he was completely impassive as she undid his belt and pants. Behind her, her customer pulled her thong down to her knees and slid his hand between her legs, cupping her warm pussy.

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  She gave up trying to seduce the stoic guard as she pulled his soft prick out of his underwear. Even soft be was larger than the john’s but only maybe a bit bigger than average and she began rolling his soft cock between her hands like playdough.

Using what lubrication he could, the Russian customer began finger-fucking the teenage girl again but with an added twist that made her grunt in discomfort. She tried to cover the sudden intrusion with what she hoped was a lusty moan as her customer sawed two fingers in and out of her pussy and his thumb in and out of her tight ass. She wiggled back against his hand as she began tugging on the guard with one hand while using her other hand to hold herself up.

Alina bent the guard’s prick towards her face and licked his shaft from the base to the tip, swirling her tongue around his soft cock-head before licking down the opposite side. She covered his hard prick in her warm saliva before dipping lower and licking his balls while her hand slid wetly up and down his length. When her talented hand reached the tip she ran her hand around it before sliding back down. She took one bulbous ball into her warm mouth, sucking on it as she licked it, before switching to the other. And above her he was still as silent as a stone.

The Russian customer behind her used his hands to hold her taunt cheeks apart as he bent forward with his tongue fully extended. He licked her from her tiny asshole to her warm pussy, slobbering all over her as his fingers kneaded her ass. He used his tongue to probe her ass along with his thumb before doing the same to her pussy along with his two fingers adding even more lubrication to her soon to be violated body. She concentrated on the guard as much as she could while splitting her attention between the two men. Sucking the cock of one while pretending to enjoy the oral from another.

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“Such a fine ass,” the Russian exclaimed before slipping his finger out the whore’s ass and plunging his tongue inside.

Moaning as she took in half of the guard’s dick into her mouth, Alina did her best to rock her hips up, pretending to want her customer's tongue inside of her and fucking back against his mouth. She bobbed her head up and down on the passive guard’s prick, moaning in what she hope sounded like lusty or horny appreciation. She took the cock back out of her mouth and licked his balls again keeping her hand moving up and down on his ridged shaft.

She could feel her customer moving around behind her and knew what was coming next. She tried to relax her body as much as possible as she felt the tip of the over-weight man’s prick nudge against her spit-wet ass. She let the guard’s balls fall out of her teenage mouth to brace herself with both hands, afraid of what would happen if she accidentally bit him. The Russian began pushing himself into her and she was actually thankful he had taken some time to try and lube her up as much as he did.

Grunting in near pain, Alina tried to turn it into a groan of pleasure not wanting either of the men knowing how much discomfort she was feeling. It would be a sign of weakness and like living in the jungle: The weak were prey. She could feel the Russian’s cock-head slip past the right ring of muscle at the entrance to her ass. He took a moment to appreciate the feel of himself inside of her before grabbing her by her slim hips and pushing forward.

As her john’s cock slowly parted her tight walls and filled her tight ass she lifted her hand back up and began jerking-off the guard again. The Russian had given himself just enough lubrication not to hurt her to much and it felt like he was taking his time and just enjoying the feel of her teenage body gripping down on him. Feeling safe that he wasn't planning on just slamming into her she sucked the stoic guard’s cock into her mouth.

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  She kept her body still, her dress pulled up around her hips and the top pulled down to her waist with her small tits dangling below her. As she began bobbing her head up and down she kept the rest of her body completely still to give her customer easier access to her body. Her small, firm tits jiggled slightly as her head worked up and down, her checks hollowing as she sucked as hard a she could, her pink lips stretched right around the bodyguard’s shaft.

With a grunt around the silent guard’s cock in her young mouth, the john slid balls deep into Alina’s ass. He held himself still just enjoying the feel of her we around his dick as her head bobbed up and down in the bodyguard’s lap. She made wet slurping sounds as. She sucked him and could feel the john’s balls resting on her pussy-lips. She began rocking her body back and forth between the two men, fucking the guard with her mouth and her customer with her ass. She could hear the man behind her grunting in lust but, as usual, the guard remained silent. She squeezed the Russian as tightly as she could with the muscles in her ass like she was trying to shit in reverse. It was such a odd sensation that she never got used to despite the number of anonymous cocks she had taken.

As she rocked her body back and forth between the two men, fucking them both with her body, she got her first reaction from the bodyguard. His rough hand came down and he stroked her head down to her jaw, cupping her face. She had been afraid of what he might do to be if she didn't please him and had tried her best to suck him off the best that she could and now felt a sense of relief that she finally gotten a positive response from him.

As her john began fucking her ass on his own he rocked Alina forward, her mouth taking more of the guard’s cock into her mouth.

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  As the Russian buried himself inside of her tightly clutching ass the bodyguard’s prick slid into her tightly clutching throat. And when the Russian slid part way out of her she allowed the dick in her mouth to nearly escape, holding the tip in with her lips and circling it with her tongue as she took a breath. With her customer thrusting back into her from behind, the guard would thrust into her mouth, his hard shaft sliding deeper into her throat, nearly gagging her but luckily she had overcome her gag reflex long ago. She released her hold on the guard’s cock, holding herself up as the two men fucked her teenage body.

She could hear the Russian behind her grunting in lust and even managed to get a couple of grunts from the guard as she deep-throated him again and again. Her throat was already sore and the only thought she had to get her through the pain radiating from her throat was the thought of possibly getting ice cream afterwards. It was a small hope since she was usually busy on her hands and knees or on her back throughout the night but there was a glimmer of hope about getting away long enough to get ice cream. Chocolate ice cream. With sprinkles. It was a simple dream really and it would depress her if she thought about the fact that the only dreams she had were such simple dreams so she kept her attention on the job at hand.

The guard was grunting more, his ass lifting off the seat as he fucked the teenage girl’s beautiful face. He gripped the sides of her head as she shoved his cock in and out of her mouth, her tongue working against him as the Russian john thrust himself as deep into her ass as possible. The john came first, shuddering as he filled her tight teen ass with his thick load, holding himself to her as she deep-throated the guard’s prick. The bodyguard came after a few more thrusts, his warm cum slipping down her throat as she swallowed every shot of sperm that he had to give.

As the two men began to soften, their cocks slipped out of Alina’s mouth and as they collapsed back into their seats, their spent pricks dangling out of their pants.

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“Did I not tell you she had a great mouth, Dmitri?” the Russian asked with a satisfied smile on his face.

“Sure did, boss,” Dmitri said.

The bodyguard didn't have a Russian accent which kind of surprised Alina as she sat up on her knees and wiped her wet chin off with the back of her hand again. She knew better than to get herself cleaned up yet knowing that most customers preferred to keep their hookers naked until they were completely done with them. Sometimes it was just to stare at her nudity or to see their handiwork at having just fucked her. “Did you enjoy yourself?” she asked and tried to keep the sound of hope out of her voice.

“Of course, of course,” the Russian boasted, “You are certainly a top shelf whore. Worth every penny. ”

As her customer began tucking himself back into his pants, a small glimmer of hope coursed through Alina. She looked over at the quiet guard and the hope bloomed larger as he began putting himself away. And then the john nodded at the bodyguard.

“Tell Ivan to head home,” the Russian said, “I can't wait to introduce this bitch to the rest of the men. ”

And then Alina’s heart sank as the limo began to move with her nearly naked and dripping with two men’s cum in the back. Her night wasn't over yet and her dream of ice cream would just have to wait.

To be continued in… The Equalizer.


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