A Night With the Professor


A Night With the ProfessorBy: ReX My name is Neethu and I am 21 years old now. I live in bangalore but completed my college studies in Delhi. This story that I am going to narrate what happened to me when I was 17. I was in Delhi and I was studying in a pretty good college, I lived with my father back then, my mother died when I was 3 so I don't remember her much, my father had to work a lot so he was rarely home and since I had no authority figure I was quite a mess at the age of 16 itself so he decided to send me to Delhi for my studies. In Delhi I was living in a hostel which was pretty far from my college about 8 KM's I had to take an auto every day. As every day I got ready for college and left at 10:00. Classes were going on as usual but it started to rain heavily by the time it was over. I looked for an auto as I came out of the college but there wasn't one in sight. It was pretty cold so I went to the canteen to get a cup of coffee and thought that the raining would stop by the time I was finished with my coffee, I waited for about fifteen minutes and then a friend of mine came over and asked if I wanted a  lift to my hostel, but I was modest and I refused but little did I realize that I would regret that choice. As I sipped my third cup of coffee the rain was still pouring outside. The waiter in the canteen told me that they were going to lock up and I had to leave. I looked at the time on my cell phone and it was a quarter past 6, I had been waiting in the canteen for over two hours. I went outside and looked for an auto, no luck the streets were empty. I was now in deep shit if I wasn't in the hostel by 7:00 I wouldn't be allowed in. I thought that if I called the warden and told her what had happened she would let me off the hook for once. So I called the hostel, the warden picked up, I told her what had happened but she wouldn't understand, she said she knew all about what kind of a girl I was, she told me that my father had warned her about my past, I pleaded with her, but the bitch didn't listen, she told me to go find another place because she wasn't going to let me inside, then the whore just hung up on me.

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   Another 30 minutes passed and now it was 6:45 and it was still raining, I was standing under a billboard as I saw somebody walk out of my college I didn't know what to do, I couldn't ask for help from a complete stranger, so I walked over just to see who it was. It was my college professor and old man who thought physics by the looks of it he was probably around 55 or 60, he wasn't bald he had a thick coat of grey hair, it was usually uncombed and ruffled up. He turned around and he was startled to see me there in the dark soaking wet, he asked me if everything was alright, I just broke into tears and told him my story. He told me that he would drop me to my hostel but I told him that the warden would not let me. I asked him "Sir is it ok if I stayed with you for the night? ". He told me " No no, my dear That would be a problem for the both of us, I could loose my job if any body found out about it". I started to cry again and he probably felt bad and he agreed reluctantly. I got in his car, it was an old maruthi 800, there was a ton of clothes and books, papers in the back of his car he gave me a towel to wipe myself off. I was wearing a black T-Shirt and a tight denim Skirt, by now they were both completely drenched I looked down and I could clearly see the shape & outline on my nipples through my wet T-shirt. I was really lucky I didn't wear a light T-shirt, if I had then my nipples would have been completely visible not just their shapes. The rain was getting worse now, I thought I was lucky to find this guy when I did. The professor was a slow driver and the rain made him drive him even slower. After about 45 minutes of driving we reached an old house on the outskirts of the city. I was a little afraid because I didn't see any other houses near the area all that I could see was trees and no street signs or any boards, it had been a while since i had seen another vehicle on the street. The only thing that made me feel safe was that an old man this age is probably married and has kids in the house, As he parked the car in the garage I saw that this guys garage hadn't been cleaned in a long time and there were news papers and books and boxes every where, we got out of the car and he led me to the door, it was freezing outside.

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   I looked towards his house and the lights were not on, I asked him "Sir, do you think your wife is home?". He looked at me with a sad look and said "No my wife passed away during the birth of our first child, I live alone now". I felt bad for the guy for asking that question. He was trying to find his keys, he finally opened the door and turned on the lights and all that I could see was a couch, a television, a large book shelf and a computer that's it, Majority of the house was nearly empty, It was as if he had been robbed but he didn't appear to be surprised. It was a single storey building with just one bedroom and one kitchen and a living room. He asked me to sit down and he will get me something to drink and eat. he went into the kitchen and turned on the coffee machine to make some coffee I sat on the couch and looked around, There was a bunch of magazines next to where I sat and I went through them to see if I could find anything I could read, to my surprise I saw a dirty magazine in the bundle, I turned around and he was still busy doing something in the kitchen, I had seen these kinds of books before and I had seen a couple of porno's on the internet as well, but I was surprised that a man this age would be so horny. I opened the book and saw young girls spreading their legs and showing their tits, I quickly closed the magazine as I heard him coming to the living room. I hoped that he didn't see me with the magazine. He came over and there was no place to keep the coffee and the plate which had biscuits, since there was no table or anything. He handed me the coffee and kept the plate on the floor as he tried to make some room next to me on the sofa to sit down I moved over but there was no place as he tried to move the magazines a dirty magazine fell from the Large pile on the ground next to my left foot to my surprise there was not one magazine but there were quite a few, I pretended to not seeing what had happened but I couldn't keep myself from laughing he saw this and smiled at me, I Helped him in picking up the magazines. He sat next to me quietly, he turned to me and said "I'm really embarrassed by what you just saw". I told him "No it was nothing, you don't have to be embarrassed by it". I asked him if he felt bad when I asked him about his wife, he didn't say anything, it was clear that he didn't want to talk about his wife. He finished his coffee and told me that I could use his room which had a bed in it.

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   I finished my coffee and biscuits, he told me that it would be best if I don't tell any one that I spent the night at his place and I assured him that I wouldn't tell a soul. I went into the bedroom and closed the door behind me but there was no latch or lock to lock it, so i just closed it and went to bed, it was a medium sized bed with a blanket and a pillow. I quickly went to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night as I felt really cold, I had covered myself in the blanket but I was still cold I looked at the time on the wall clock and it was 1:20 I tried to go to sleep but It was too cold and I wasn't sleepy enough I looked towards the door and I saw that there was still a dim light passing through from under the door, I knew I shouldn't have but I couldn't resist, I went near the door and peeked through the key hole and saw the professor sitting on the couch masturbating, I found it amusing, seeing a man his age who was older than my father, jerk off looking at a magazine, It was really hard to control but I was giggling, not too loud though. As much as I tried I couldn't see his penis the arm rest of the couch was in the way, all I could see was his face and by the look on his face he looked frustrated, I saw him pulling hard on his cock, I was wondering what he was trying to do, I finally realized that the guy couldn't get it up, this was the most entertaining thing I had done since I came to Delhi, I was laughing at this guys misery I kept watching trying to get a glimpse of the old farts cock but to my despair he gave up and went to sleep after a while. I went back to sleep giggling at what had happened. I still couldn't sleep. After a while I heard a noise near my door and I thought the professor was at it again but before I could get up I saw the door open and in came the professor only in his Boxers. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. He closed the door behind him. He stood there right in front of me for a while. I couldn't open my eyes but I knew he was right there in front of me, I felt something move over my face but still I didn't react I was half full of fear and half filled with curiosity. He touched my cheek with his short old stumpy fingers, he brushed my cheeks gently with his fingertips I have to say that I was strangely arousing. He Moved away from my face and moved towards the other side of the bed, he climbed into the bed and slowly started lifting up the blanket that barely covered my shivering body, the professor moved his hand over my right leg all the way up to my knee. His hands were cold and rough, he was shivering I don't know if it was the fear or the cold temperature.

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   He started to remove the blanket completely but most of it was tucked away underneath me, he was moving more cautiously and slowly. I tried to give him some room to free the blanket I don't know why I did that, but I did. he had now removed the blanket completely around my back. The professor was moving his hands around my feet he was quite a horny bastard. He couldn't go any further than my knees my skirt was in the way so he moved up towards my back and started rubbing my back as he massaged my back with one hand the other hand made its way into my T-shirt, this surprised me and I flinched a little bit, this startled him and he stopped moving his hands for a while, but the freak started after a few minutes but this time he was more cautious. I was getting more and more horny and aroused by this and I decided to make a move and give him a little more space to do something. I slowly spread my legs wider apart and I hoped that he would seize this opportunity and do something more stimulating. As I had hoped he took his hands out of my T-shirt and put them on my legs now, I could feel him massaging them and caressing them slowly and thoroughly, I liked the way he was working on my legs. I was still a virgin and was hoping to keep it that way until the right guy showed up, but I was too horny right now to care. I was loosing my mind I needed him to do more but I couldn't tell him. I sensed him going further upwards now and I wanted this. I slowly at a snails pace I parted my legs wide apart, I finally felt him near my thighs moving upwards the pervert didn't want to stop he wanted more so he kept going and this is what I wanted as well, he slid his fingers near my Panty but he couldn't reach it, my skirt couldn't be stretched any wider but the guys fingers made their way towards my pussy. His other hand was now trying to lift my skirt higher and I lifted my waist a little bit to facilitate that, he got my skirt all the way over my Panty. He could see my Panty and he now had total access he moved his right hand over my pussy and he slowly rubbed it with the panty still covering it. And that was it I couldn't take any more I turned around, and there he was in complete shock.

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   He was probably expecting me to scream and yell and curse but that was not my intention I looked him in the eyes and grabbed his hand and shoved it into my panties he was obviously surprised but why would he waste this chance. I could feel his fingers digging deep into my pussy and his fingers were doing a pretty good job of it. He kept fingering me, he had two fingers in me but his third finger was on its way there my pussy was already pretty wet and now it was completely drenched. I could see his face and was he happy he was smiling and his mouth was wide open. I felt him breathing over my face and his breath was horrible, but I didn't matter because I was way too occupied in his fingering. I felt my body stiffen and my pussy muscles clasp hard on his fingers. I knew I was going to cum and in seconds I did. I left out a moan soft but long he kept fingering me faster and faster as I finished Cumming he took his fingers and started to lick them. We didn't say anything or speak, he looked at me and grabbed my hand and pulled down his boxers. He made me hold his Penis. I felt the warmth of his dick in my hand it was small but fat it felt a little saggy but I was very hot. His Crotch was covered by a thick coat of long pubic hair, his balls were saggy and big, it was my first time touching a man. as I gripped his Penis I heard him exhale loudly. I touched the tip of his cock and pulled the foreskin back and let go of it. He softly took me in his hands kissed my face.

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   He said, "I've been waiting for a long time to do something to you, I have seen you around the college and you are one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen". I did not say anything. He slowly kissed my face lips and then my neck. I felt a little disgusted as his breath was foul smelling. It was a real turn off for me but he kept kissing my face and licking my neck. I tried to get up, But he grabbed me from behind forced me to the bed he made me sit on his lap. As I was on his lap I Could feel his penis press forward against the back of my vagina. He slipped his hands from underneath my armpits and held my breasts from behind, his grip was hard and strong. I moaned a little bit, mostly in pain because I didn't expect him to be this aggressive. As it was still raining outside the room was quite cold, my nipples were erect and incredibly hard. He ran his fingers around my nipples he used his index finger and his thumb to pinch them. Although this was relatively painful, I enjoyed it. He could probably tell that I was enjoying this quite a lot as my breathing was getting heavier. He turned me around and we were face to face, but I was still on his lap and his hands were now around my waist. We were now staring at each other, he loosened the grip he had on me and his hands went straight around my neck, I knew what he was going to do next so I just jumped on him and locked my lips around his.

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   His breath still smelled dreadful, but I was overcome by lust. We kissed and sucked on each others faces, my legs were now around his waist and my skirt was covering nothing. After about five minutes of hardcore kissing I was the first one to release the hold, I had to take a breath and I released his face and now I was on top of him he was underneath me with his cock just behind me near my ass, I reached behind and held it in my hands it was now harder than it was the first time I held it, I guess all that kissing and licking of each others faces had made it harder, I held it in my hands and pulled it forward and then backward I guess he liked it as I felt him shudder a little bit. I turned around to look at him and I saw him over come with lust his eyes were on fire and he got up and immediately pulled my T-shirt off I was now in my Black colored bra and my denim skirt which was not covering anything and underneath that was my Black colored panties which were soaked by now. He came up to me and kissed me passionately and his left hand was working on my bra while his right hand was trying to enter my panties, but my skirt was pretty tight and he couldn't get into it from top, I moved back and started to remove my skirt he looked at me and he just ripped my bra off my chest. I was still trying to remove my belt and he had his mouth over my left breast and his right hand over my right breast, he took my nipple in his mouth and was flicking it with his tongue, I finally got my belt off and I was now trying to get my skirt off and I guess he was frustrated with me fiddling with the skirt for so long that he pushed to on my back and held my legs in the air and pulled off my skirt off in one swift motion. he saw my panties now and he was way too horny to wait and pull it off he just pulled it from the side and tore it off. I had a small pussy with very little hair, my pubic hair was light and the hair was thin, I didn't know what he was trying to do when he slid downwards, I thought he was going to suck on my breasts a little bit more but he was way too low for that, he reached down and kissed my navel and licked it, but that was only for a couple of seconds he was going lower and lower licking his way towards my vagina, I could not believe I was going to get my pussy sucked. I lifted my head to see how he was going to do it but as soon as his mouth reached my pussy and his tongue made contact with my vagina I lost it I gave out a load moan, my head went backwards and my legs were making their way around his neck as for my hands they were gripping my hair and pulling on them. I could not believe the feeling. I managed to get my head up and see his face dug deep in my crotch, I arched my back forward and he probably noticed this and moved his hands from underneath my ass and towards my back, he looked me in the eyes and gave me a good slap from his talented tongue. I let go of my hair and moved my hands on top of his head and pushed it deeper into my crotch, he gave out a loud grunt and looked at me. I was in total ecstasy. I felt my an orgasm building up in me I felt my pussy muscles tighten on their own, now I could feel his movements in my pussy even better. I knew my orgasm was only seconds away, my legs tightened around his neck, his face was now even closer I could now feel him breathing fast and hard over my crotch.

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   seconds later I felt the most amazing feeling I had yet, I released a tremendous amount of my cum in his mouth my legs were still around his neck and my hands were on his head pulling his grey hair. I guess I was too much for him to swallow as he was struggling to go free but I was not in control, my body was reacting on its own, he pulled himself free and liquid was now squirting from his mouth as he tried to catch his breath, this was amazing he spit some of my own juices over my stomach I took my index finger and took a little bit of it I smelled it and I was a little strange but nice I took it in my mouth, It was a combination of his saliva and my cunt juices, he caught me doing this and came over me and kissed me I could taste myself in his mouth it was kinky. He stopped kissing me and said "Now that I've given you a good time it's your turn to do the same for me". I knew what he was talking about, but I was not sure if I wanted to do it, I looked at him and said " You don't have to ask me. It will be my pleasure to do it. He leaned over and said " Young lady where did you learn to be such a hell cat in bed ???". He got out of bed and went to look for something, He came back with a condom. It was good that he wanted to use a condom Because i didn't want that thing in my mouth. He ripped it open with his teeth and the he asked me to put it on his dick, the condom was lubricated and slippery I put it on his small and saggy penis, I felt disgusted touching it but he had given me good time so I was obliged to do the same. I just hoped that it would end soon. TO BE CONTINUED. . . . .

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  Hey if any of you guys enjoyed this story then send me a message at suhas_rexfallenangel@rediffmail. com I’ve got plenty where this came from……. .
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