A new and swinging neighbour


Recently new neighbours moved into the apartment next door. They were a young couple and not much older than me. I got to see them quite a bit as he would go to work and she would be knocking on my door asking for help to do this and do that as she organised the furnishing of their apartment.
One day I was in there helping her and she answered the phone and on a coffee table was a photo album. I opened it and in the beginning were photos of Spain where they had visited. I had been there as well so I was interested. It wasn’t until I got toward the back that there were a bundle of photos which had not been mounted. When I looked at them I was stunned. They were of them and a couple of others stark naked and you would not have known who was married to whom. They were into swinging sex and the four of them really knew how to swing.
There was one of her alone stark naked which was beautiful and I pocketed it. It would remind me of her in a way I would never be able to in real life. But it was interesting to know they were both swingers.
When she came back I continued to help her for a while and I couldn’t resist saying I noticed the photo album labelled Spain do you travel much. She said we have in the past but we have to settle down now as my husband has a very demanding position that will keep us here for at least 2 years. She said you can have a look if you like I think those pictures are of the Spain trip.

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   I proceeded to show some interest and recount my experiences there then sort of accidentally on purpose dropped the pack of photos that were in the back. I picked them up, and she said what are those, and then saw what I had seen and said shit I didn’t realise they were there.  Oh god she said I hope you don’t think, -then stopped - and she knew that I had seen the top one which was the four of them engaged in a 4 way link up. I said well they don’t leave much to the imagination, welcome to the club I said. She looked at me and said what do you mean – I said welcome to the club – obviously you do a bit of swinging and you are in good company. I also have a couple of flight attendants who enjoy sex Olympics and I believe if what I saw is what I think, then we are going to be very good neighbours. May I look at the photos now; I don’t think I will be shocked. She handed me the photos and said I am not sure I should be doing this but if what you say is true, maybe you and I can be better than neighbours. I looked at them again making out it was the first time and made some comments and she seemed far happier. I commented upon a couple of them and said that’s something we might find interesting. I said who are the other couple and she said friends. I said I certainly hope so seeing what your husband is going to the other girl. She said do you get into partying like that and I said the 3 of us have been a 3some many times and we are not beyond swinging if the right people are available. The girls are more particular than I am.
She said maybe we can all get together one night.

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   I said I can’t see a problem. We will have you in one night for a drink and we can look each other over so to speak. She said I will look forward to that. She said seeing you have been such a big help to me we may be able to repay you in kindness in a way you might appreciate. I said any time you like. She stopped looked at me and said there is no time like the present and took me by the hand and led me to the bedroom.
As soon as we were inside she was getting her clothes off and I didn’t need a second thought. When she was completely naked she pulled the covers on the bed down and left just a plain white sheet. She had a firm taught body and nicely shaped breasts with prominent nipples and dark well defined areola. Her belly button was filled with a fine piece of jewellery and apart from that she was totally naked. She had no pubic hair and that had been recently shaved or waxed. It was completely smooth. Her labia minor were only just visible and her major lips full plump and beautifully shaped. Within seconds of us being totally naked she only had one thing on her mind and she had my now hard cock in her hand and said now that’s nice. I love circumcised guys and in a second she had me in her mouth.

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   God I love doing this she said. There is nothing better than a beautiful medium sized firm cock in your mouth. I was standing beside the bed and she was on her knees holding my hard shaft at the base and slowly rubbing her lips up and down my shaft, licking the pre cum from the eye of my cock as it seeped from within me. The other hand came up and began to fondle my balls which were now warm and soft and hanging well. She was no novice to this form of male pleasure. I could not remember a better oral treatment and I had been engaged in quite a few. I said on the big moment do you want to swallow or withdraw and she opened her mouth and said swallow. I love it. I just let her take her pleasure from my cock. I didn’t need to do anything as she squeezed her lips on the up stroke and relaxed them on the down stroke and just applied enough suction on the up stroke to make the sensation just that sensational. I spread my legs a little to give her better access and for me to get a better sensation and for my balls to hang better. She had been working me for about 3 or 4 minutes and she said how far off and I said go for it I am ready and she raised the tempo and pressure of her lips  and her tongue ran around the glans and over the eye and it only took me about 30 seconds of that and I touched her head as if to say here it comes and I burst my boiler and ejaculated a load of male semen into her mouth in a number of long spurts as hard as I had for many a month. She gave a murmur of satisfaction as my cum flooded into her mouth and she squeezed my balls gently and sucked a little harder to make sure I had ejaculated every available drop from within me. I could feel her running her tongue around my cock covered in cum and then she swallowed about 3 times to devour my entire deposit. Then she released it and said boy that was fantastic, I can see you are not a novice in that department I assume you are just as good in all others as well.

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   I said I have some experience, indicating I was a little better than quite experienced. Now she said lets see if you can provide as good as you got.
She got up onto the bed and from her bedside table used a wet washer to wipe the excess grunge off her cunt. She said I will make plenty of love juice for you don’t worry. You took me by surprise and I haven’t had a chance to clean myself down there since this morning and it will be a bit strong as I have peed a couple of times and the sweat has been running. It should be quite tasty for you now. I had not experienced a girl being so conscious of her hygiene down there. Most leave it to the guy to clean up and I have to admit some are pretty powerful.
I got down between her legs and she used her fingers to open herself wide and she exposed a beautiful wide expanse of pink wet flesh all wet and shining with her vaginal dew which had very quickly replaced that which she had wiped away. I had seen many cunts in my life and hers was nothing extraordinary, but really no two are the same in my opinion and I enjoy, looking feeling licking and best of all fucking them. I lowered my head and was pleasantly surprise to find the usual scent of a woman was hardly evident. After cleaning herself there was the faintest trace of a personal scent in the water she had used to dampen her washer, and the very feint vanilla scent still lingered. I was ready to really eat her out. As my tongue licked her for the first time I felt her react to my touch. Oh god she said I really need this I am so horny.

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   Do it well for me she said. I didn’t answer her verbally but opened my mouth and engulfed her entire vagina and let my tongue seek her depth and my lips caress her labia she shuddered and wriggled as if to say this is magnificent, I knew the signs and I knew she was appreciating the effect of my tongue and lips on her. The juice from within her began to flow copiously and I licked and sucked and drank it down as fast as she was producing it. It had the taste of a real woman and I was enjoying every moment of my oral massaging of her vagina. I could still tell she was enjoying it from her body language and as I licked her out she placed her kegs over my shoulders to give me better access and so she could apply pressure to me so as I was always held to her. Her legs were close to my head and she would squeeze her thighs together which tightened around my head each time I found and teased the tender and erotic places within her. I had not yet explored or exercised her clitoris. I was ensuring I had her aroused and her mind on one thing alone, what I was doing to her and the climax that would follow. I flicked her clitoris with my tongue and she reacted as if I had hit a nerve and she lifted her bum off the bed and forced my face right into her well spread vaginal entrance. Oh god she said you are something else. I cant remember the last time somebody was not only giving me good oral but driving me insane with the pleasure and touch. I then squeezed her clitoris between my lips in a way I had practiced many times and this forced the head of it out of the sheath and I licked the tiny head of it and she let out a groan and I knew I had her where she wanted to be and she was beginning to orgasm in a way she thoroughly enjoyed. She started to buck and bounce and writhed about as the sensation now centred on her clitoris exploded within her and her whole body was racked with the erotic pleasure of an orgasm almost at the extreme end of untold pleasure. It was hard to maintain contact on her vital and erotic centres of her orgasm. She was vocal to the extreme moaning, groaning and mumbling as the excitement centred on her clitoris drove her higher and higher up the scale of erotic pleasure as her body writhed on the bed as she experienced the pleasure of an extreme orgasm.

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   Her fingers were rubbing and squeezing her nipples as I endeavoured to lift her one more level and maintain her orgasm for an extended period. The longer I applied pressure and friction on her clit the louder and more physical she became and I recognised the sounds and body reactions to a multiple orgasm. She sang out you have to stop I cant bear any more and I lifted my head off her and sat up and watched her going through the agony and ecstasy of a prolonged orgasm.  She was writhing about on the bed and had put her hand over her vagina and was applying pressure to it in an effort to control the spasms and pain that I was aware girls feel after a strong attack upon their clit. Her hair was soaking wet and the sweat on her forehead was running down into her eyes and side of her head. Her nipples were bright red and rock hard, with a valley of sweat now visible between them. As she wriggled and writhed to get herself settled down her firm breasts moved on her chest in a most attractive and erotic way. I wanted to kiss and suck on them but I knew she was still in the final throws of coming off her extremely high, emotional and extreme multiple orgasms. It was taking her some time to recover. My cock had been very hard as she had her orgasm as I was aroused as well as she was, but not to the orgasmic state she was in. Precum was virtually flowing out of the eye of my cock and dripping onto the bed sheets. I milked my cock down and licked what I had extruded onto my fingers off. She noticed and said between gulps of air - you like that too do you, and I said I love it all.
I gave her a couple more minutes and I looked at her and she looked back at me in a very loving way which was more emotional than loving I hoped. She said that is about the best orgasm I have ever had.

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   I have never had a multiple on oral before and only one possibly two ever before. Both were having sex, never a multiple with oral. That was extreme to say the least, never have I not been able to bear my clit being treated to erotic pleasure but that went beyond pleasure to pain. I said I am sorry, and she said no –its not that I didn’t enjoy it. It was just an amazing experience and I would never complain about having it like that again. Not even Tony my husband has ever taken me to that height before. You are amazing and I can’t wait to have more pleasure with you. You will have to wait a while for the next course, I am exhausted. I lay beside her and we held hands. She turned to me and we kissed lightly, thank you she said, I am more than happy with what we did. I fondled her breast as it was there asking to be touched.
I can’t wait to tell Tony and the fact we have a wonderful neighbour that we can share our passion with. He will appreciate that I can enjoy you as well. He is not the jealous type and I hope your girl friends are not either as I will be making sure I get more than my share of sex from you. I know they wont be left out I just hope they can get used to being desired and pleasured by Tony and a friend or two.

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   I said I am sure they will be happy. Both have never complained about a 3 or 4 way before and they like the variety they get as well. It took a while to find people that were compatible and I am sure you found the same thing. There are some sex freaks about and we have found a couple and the girls will not tolerate being treated as a cum bucket and a piece of meat. Their sex is as important to them as any body else’s, and they wont allow themselves just to be used or abused by men, or for that matter women either as they are both bi sexual and I if you are that way they will certainly please you as well. Oh god she said where have you lot been all my life, I love bisexual women and I can enjoy a woman as much as a man. I said great because when they are away together on flights they prefer to be together rather than share themselves with crew who basically just want a quickie or an all nighter and that’s it. Most are married and are very careful they don’t get found out. Air crew are notoriously bitchy particularly the gay ones. One has to be very careful not to let these guys get too serious, or upset as they will very quickly let wives know what their husbands have been doing in bed.
She said I once knew a pilot and his wife and she actually picked out his bed company for when they were away and the two women were very good friends. But he would have needed more than gods help if he strayed from either of them.
Well she said it looks like we have found a little piece of heaven here. I don’t think you will be disappointed and if I come a knocking it will be more than likely I want a knocking my self and not a cup of sugar. Possibly it will be milk of life I will want, right out of your tap.

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Now she said I think I might be getting close to getting my third course. That is of course that you still want me and I haven’t expended all your energy. I said I think I could help you out still.
With that she said lets try doggy for our first effort I love it that way. I said any way and any time and I will be ready.
She got up and rested on all fours. She bent forward so she was resting on her forearms rather than her hands and had he head on the bed. She said I prefer it like this I can see what is happening down below as well as feel it. Watching a nice long wet cock slip and slither into me really is erotic.
I said as long as I have the business end to deal with I don’t mind and with that I looked at the wonderful shaped cheeks of her ass and said now there is a sight for saw eyes and gave her a slap on each cheek. I said you have a beautiful butt as well; I am more than happy with what I have seen today and now for the icing on the cake. She said I don’t want it on the cake on my ass might be nice but inside is where I prefer it to go. I said I get your message loud and clear, inside it will be.
I held my cock and guided it between her legs and right into her vagina. As soon as she felt it at the lips of her cunt she pushed back and she watched as my cock slid deeper and deeper into her.

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   I was quite used to doggy and knew most girls like the sensation and the fact my cock would be stimulating her clit. As I was reasonably erect in my position, I hadn’t leant over her yet; I could see her little brown button hole and wet my finger and slid it into her ass just one knuckle length.  Then she said is there anything you don’t know about how to pleasure a woman. I laughed and said you like that too do you and she said I love it. When Tony fingers my cunt he always has a finger in my ass as well. I said I will have to compare my notes with Tony’s we seem to be peas in a pod. She said you are and that makes me happy. Then she said I am not a big fan of anal, how about you and your girls, I said I don’t mind it but I don’t ask but will always perform if asked. I will only do it with a condom as I am fussy about putting semen in there and won’t go in if another guy has left his calling card in there before me. I have a thing about HIV starting that way, I can’t prove it but I feel that’s how it started.
That’s fine with me she said. If you see me doing it, it will be because of the guy asking and if I ask if it’s necessary I will, but mostly the guys we know now are aware I am not happy doing it that way so most don’t ask. I said my girls are like that as well, they will, but won’t ask unless they are really wild for something extra.
I said oh by the way I assume you are on the pill, and she said hell I never thought about it. Tony has been vasectomised, oh shit she said, I might just be ripe.


   I said don’t worry so have I, we have no cause to be concerned. My girls are still on the pill because they never know who they just might feel like fucking occasionally while they are away, but mostly they insist upon condoms because of STI and HIV protection. One never knows what dirty holes their cocks have been plugging in this jet setting world.
By now I had found that her vagina was something else again and she knew how to use her kegals and make the act of fucking something more than just poking around in a wet and lovely hole. She was not tight but not loose either, she was just right for a nice fuck feeling. My thrusts and pullbacks were being watched closely from below she obviously gets a kick out of watching herself being fucked. I lifted my rate a bit and as such the force began to make her tits swing in the rhythm of our copulation. All in all it was a very pleasurable fuck, nothing too strenuous but the feelings and sensations were at the better end of the scale. My cock was giving me great sensations as it slid and squeezed its way to her deepest chasm. My balls had softened and were hanging low and I could feel them rubbing on the cheeks of her ass as I slipped back and forth into her.
She said you know this is just perfect; I could go on like this for hours and still enjoy it. Your cock is just magnificent not too big or long and perfect for giving me the sensation I enjoy while I fuck. I will be interested to try a few more positions with it she said. How are you on the Karma Sutra she asked and I said we have managed most of the positions but there are still a couple we cant get into, you need to be a contortionist for some of them, and she said I agree. I said I will get my score card out and we can see how we go together, I have one for both the other girls so I can’t see why I can’t add you to it.

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   Great she said I will look forward to it. I said nothing but thought between the two of us we are going to shag ourselves stupid.
By now the sensations were building up in me and I asked her how she was going. She said if you are close go for it, I might be an hour after the last effort she said, I wont mind, the last orgasm you gave me will do me for a day or so, I still cant believe it.
I began to pound my cock hard and fast into her and the slap of my loins hitting the cheeks of her ass was getting louder and more rhythmic. She said that’s a sound I like to hear either while somebody is fucking me or watching somebody else get it like that. I said I am the same. I asked you don’t mind watching and she said I love it and I don’t mind being watched either. I hope your girls don’t mind either because I am afraid they will be watching us quite a bit I feel. I said no they are fine with it in any way shape or form; in fact they usually can’t help themselves if they aren’t involved and often make up a 3some just for the hell of it.
One thing I liked about her she wasn’t making all those noises girls make while being fucked in the porn movies. There were the occasional gees I love this or that feels fantastic, or the occasional grunt and murmur. She was vocal enough when the time came for her to cum.
By now I was close and I shut up and concentrated on the sensation running the length of my cock and down into my balls as I could feel the orgasm building up and my cum just at the right boiling point to boil over and shoot from the eye of my cock to the depth’s of her hot pink and sopping wet cunt. The juices we had been making while fucking were just beginning to run down the insides of her thighs, and onto my legs as well as I strained to maintain deep penetration as I shafted her.

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Then I blew it, the tip of my cock was so sensitive it was a little uncomfortable for me to keep thrusting deeply and I began short sharp pumps, just enough for it not to be uncomfortable and for the two of us to get some pleasure while we both knew I was filling her insides with my white hot semen. I kept my cock in her cunt for as long as I could then I began to shrink and it slipped out. We were a real mess down there, the two of us, the mix of my semen and the copious flow of her cunt juice had seeped and been pumped from within her.
I had to lie down as I was exhausted. She rolled over and said even though I didn’t cum I really enjoyed that, you fuck well. I said I hope so I try to keep my harem happy. She said well you are more than satisfactory for me; I am going to enjoy living next to you. This may double my quota. I hope between us we don’t unsettle your girls, I said providing there is a male in here I don’t think they will mind, but that has to come to pass yet. She said they other guys are not sex maniacs and quite like you in many ways and if I can be happy with them and you I am sure our girls will be too. I just said good.
We lay and talked about a few things other than sex and my girls for a while and she said I will have to get up; this flow back is beginning to be a flood. I said don’t move, if this disgusts you let me know and I got down and began to lick her clean. Her smooth no hair labia and vagina was great to lick and
Suck on and pretty soon she was as clean as she could possibly have wished for.
She said you never cease to amaze me, I have had that done before but is not a Tony special.

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   He is not even keen on snowballing and I said that’s a favourite of ours, the girls love to get the taste of us together. Never mind I said now you know it’s on the menu you only have to order it and it will be provided by two wonderful chefs, you and I. To me it’s like sashimi, with the soy and wasabi.  
Oh hell she said not another sushi train lover and I said anything Japanese from Geisha girls to raw fish and meat. God she said I should be married to you. I said well we have everything else but let’s keep it the way we are, that will keep Tony happy too. She said you are wonderful, and then she kissed me in a way I realised was not just a neighbourly peck. We were going to be lovers in many, many ways and I was going to enjoy every moment.
Come on she said lets try the shower together, I hope you enjoy that too. I said you were right the first time we should be married. We showered and had a parting knee trembler in the shower, this time she came and I nearly swallowed her tongue she was so amorous.
I hope I have time to keep you up to date on our sexual Olympics as I believe any spare time I have will be spent on either her or my bed. I have never seen a penis or vagina worn away yet but we just may be the first.

My next story may be of the first swinging session we have together.


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Gdansk is a city in Poland a comparatively not big population. The key attractions in this small and appealing city include main square, accompanied by elegant townhouses and modern-design fountains, alongside with the Gothic style buildings and monuments. Besides that, once you enter Escort Girls Gdansk, do not forget to check out its parks and local architecture as well as gorgeous nature. No doubt, Gdansk is surely attractive and interesting Polish city to visit. Nevertheless, your experience will be incomplete, unless you pay a visit to Gdansk Agency Escorts.
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List of Services Available at Escort Gdansk Escorts

Although Gdansk itself may seem like an innocent place, however you will unveil a completely different situation, once you enter Gdansk Call Girls. My word, this site is soaked with lust and can offer various ways for absolutely any dude to implement his kinkiest desires and dirtiest plans. Fortunately, we have sexy hotties from all over the globe to help in turning all that lechery in reality. You are welcome to come and check out their resumes in order to choose the hottest and most seductive beauty just for you. Long experience and many years of successful performance in escort market have enabled Gdansk Call Girls with confidence in ability to meet clients’ expectations. Hence, go ahead and enjoy incredible handjobs, arousing oral sex, impressive classic escort, lecherous anal sessions, wild gang-bang action, BDSM and many more. Feel free to pick the most suitable payment method and do not worry about your privacy or security, because our team of professionals has done its best in order to organize total security and utmost comfort to each and every visitor of Gdansk Escort Girl. Hence, don’t be shy to expose the kinky side of yourself and receive that long-awaited and entirely unforgettable sexual satisfaction together with alluring bitches from Escort Poland https://www.topescort.com/poland.

Batumi Escorts - Having sexual relations with Escort girls Batumi is completely voluntary and requires both parties' agreement

Batumi, a city on the southern coast of Georgia, is a thriving metropolis that provides a wealth of opportunities for tourists. The city's escort services are one of its distinguishing features since they are not only highly competent but also offer a distinctive flavour of the local culture. Batumi's escort females, who are well-known for their attractiveness and refinement, contribute much to the city's vibrant nightlife and lively entertainment scene.

The escort females of Batumi are a sight to behold, with their unusual beauty combining elements of both Eastern European and Caucasian attractiveness. All who come into contact with these women will be captivated by more than simply their beauty. Elegance, grace, and the ability to carry oneself with composure in any social situation frequently serve to highlight their natural beauty.

Batumi Escorts
Intimate interactions with Batumi's escort females may be both entertaining and educational. These women are experts at making love and can give you an intimate encounter that is both sensual and meaningful. Their ability to empathise with their customers and tailor their service to each individual ensures that every interaction leaves a lasting impression.
Escorts in Batumi
Batumi has a thriving nightlife with many different places to go and things to do. The city is home to a wide variety of exciting nightlife options, from dive pubs to upscale dining spots. Batumi's escort ladies are a vital part of the city's vibrant nightlife, frequently joining their patrons at local hotspots and proving to be pleasant company throughout.

Escort girls in Batumi
Batumi welcomes tourists from all over the world, contributing heavily to the city's growing tourism business. Some of the best things to see and do in the city include its beautiful beaches, old buildings, and extensive botanical gardens. Batumi's professional escort services give tourists a new and exciting way to enjoy the city's culture and nightlife, expanding the city's already robust tourism business.

In conclusion, Batumi is a city where tourists may enjoy a diverse range of activities. With its beautiful and sophisticated escort escorts, exciting nightlife, and booming tourist sector, Batumi is a must-see for every adventurer. Batumi is a city that can accommodate any type of holiday, from a quiet weekend away to a lively family vacation.
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