Me and Mitch: Part VI - Reunion


This takes place a number years after that wonderful week the summer after my Junior year. I was now 21 and in college. Mitch, 20, was in college as well, but he was at a university about 2 hours from the one I attended. Kasey had graduated high school, but hadn't gone on to college. She worked as a waitress back in our hometown which was about an hour from where I was. After that fateful week the three of spent a lot of time together. We included Kasey's friend Elizabeth every chance we could as well. We learned so much about sex during that time. I left for college knowing that I could satisfy anyone. As the years went by though we all sort of drifted apart. Noting bad happened between us, we all just got so busy with our lives in different places that we really didn't see each other much anymore. When I came home for holidays Kasey and I would usually find time for each other. Honestly, I needed it too. All that confidence I took to college didn't really pan out. I was sorely lacking in the relationship department. I spent much more time masturbating than getting laid.

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   It was nice to have the release when I came home for visits.  



Seeing Mitch was a different story. We did get to hang out occasionally when our time home lined up, but there was never any time to have the same kind of fun we did before. There were always other people with us, or time was just short. The last time we had done anything together was the night before I left for college. That night Mitch was staying over so that we could have one more night before I had to leave. We did the typical guy stuff that evening. Played some games, ate a lot of junk food, watched TV, etc. Then when my folks went to bed we headed up to my room as well. We waited a good while before we were sure they were asleep.


"Damn man. I can't believe you're leaving for college tomorrow. This whole summer has gone so fast," said Mitch.

"I know. It's crazy," I replied.

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"Who the hell am I supposed to get an amazing blowjob from, from now on?" he asked with a grin.

"Ha! Guess you'll just have to find someone else. Or hell, Kasey would probably help you out. " I replied.

"Yeah, but seriously dude, I know it sounds weird, but damn. You can suck a cock. I don't know if it's possible to be any better. I'll definitely miss that," he said.

"Well, I suppose we do have this one more night. Since you seem to enjoy it so much, I could help you out one more time," I said.

"Yeah?! Awesome!" he said.


Needless to say, it wasn't some big favor I was doing. As much as he enjoyed my blowjobs I enjoyed giving them even more. There was just something about the feeling of a throbbing hard cock sliding in and out of my mouth, and the control it gave me over the other person as well as the knowledge that I was giving him such intense pleasure. We were laying on the bed so I simply rolled over between his legs and helped him remove his shorts.

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   Mitch's cock was already at full mast in anticipation. I grasped the base of his 7 inch cock in my right hand and leaned forward. I took a long slow lick from his balls all the way up to the tip of his cock, and then I twirled my tongue around the head. He tensed for a second and gasped in pleasure.



"Oh, fuck yeah man. " he said quitely.


I then relished slowly sliding the head between my lips and into my mouth. I made sure to thoroughly wet his cock as it went in. For a while I just slowly sucked on a little more than his head while giving him slow firm strokes with my hand. The feeling of his large head in my mouth was like a drug. He was so excited he was practically filling my mouth with precum. I swallowed it all eagerly as it came, enjoying the taste so much. As he got more into it I started to take more and more of his cock into my mouth making sure to massage every bit that was in my mouth with my tongue. Finally, I moved my hand from his shaft to his balls, adjusted the angle on my head and opened my mouth and throat as best I could. I felt the tip slip past the back of my mouth and into my throat.

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   I slid it all the way in, until my nose rested in his pubic hair. I slid up and down like this a few times. His moans were growing more frequent and eager. As I bottomed out completely again I stuck my tongue out and bathed his balls while also using my swallowing as a way to massage the end of his cock.



"H…Holy shit man! Th,That's too much. Fuck that's good! I can't take anymore!" he said as quietly as he could.



I felt his whole body tense up, and he grabbed my head. I gave one last tickle with my tongue and swallow with my throat then I slid up so that only his head remained. I stroked his cock furiously while rapidly twirling my tongue on the tip, the whole time keeping his head in my mouth. I was rewarded with the largest spray of cum he'd ever given me. He pumped shot after shot after shot into my mouth. I had planned to hold it all in my mouth and swallow at the end, but I couldn't. I was rapidly filling up, and he was still cumming. I started swallowing, until eventually I felt it slow to a stop. It still left me with most of a mouthful to enjoy at the end.

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   I rolled off him as he lay panting from the incredible orgasm that had ripped through his body.



"Damn. That was easily the best blowjob you've ever given me man. I can't even see straight," he said.

"Glad you enjoyed it. I think you gave me about 5 gallons of cum in that load," I replied grinning.

"It felt like it!" he said.


After a bit of recovery time Mitch looked at me and said, "So, what can I do for you? Want me to return the favor, or would you rather give my ass one last fucking before you leave?"

"Hmmm, decisions, decisions," I said. "One more fuck sounds amazing. "


With that we both finished stripping down. I grabbed the lube from my nightstand and MItch got up on his hands and knees. I lubed up my fingers a little and pushed a couple into his ass to him nice and lubed.


"Don't tease me with your fingers man. I want your cock inside me," he said.

"Don't worry man, just getting ready," I replied.

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I lubed up my cock a bit too, then lined up the head with his ready and willing asshole. I grabbed onto his hip with my left hand while I guided my cock with my right. We'd done this often enough that there was no trouble getting in, but as I slid past his anus and in, it still felt almost as tight as the first time we'd done this. I slid all the way in on the first stroke and just relished the warmth and tightness of his ass.


"Goddamn man, your ass feels great," I said.

"Your cock feels fucking amazing inside me. I love the way it fills me up and touches every part inside me," he replied.


I slowly pulled out almost all the way leaving just the head behind. Then I pushed slowly back in. I settled into a rhythm of slow fucking. It felt so good I didn't want to rush it. With each thrust Mitch moaned softly into the pillow. As my lust grew I began to speed up, bit by bit. Mitch could sense the need inside me. He reached back between his legs and began fondling my balls as I fucked him harder and harder.

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   The added sensation on my balls felt incredible as the walls of his ass gripped my cock tightly. It didn't take long after that. I gripped his hips firmly as my last stroke drove hard into him. He knew what was coming and firmly, yet softly gripped and tugged on my balls. I arched my back and blew an enormous load deep into his ass. As my orgasm subsided I slumped forward on his back exhausted. I waited until every last spasm had stopped, so that every last drop of cum found its way into him, before I slowly pulled myself out of him. We collapsed next to each other exhausted.



"Wow man," he said, "That was one hell of a way to go out. "

"I know," I replied, "Now I'm fucking wiped. "


After that the both of us went to sleep. The next day he helped my folks load my stuff up, then we said our good byes. Kasey was at a friends house, but we'd said our good byes the day before. Then my folks drove me up to school.


Fast forward a few years, and we're where I opened this story with.


   As I said, Mitch and I had grown a bit apart, and I wasn't getting to see Kasey as often as I'd liked. On top of all that I was pretty unsuccessful at getting laid up here. Then, out of the blue, I got a phone call one day.



"Hey Pete! It's Mitch"

"Oh, hey! What's up man?" I asked.

"Not much. Hey, I wanted to let you know that a buddy of mine down here is driving up your way to visit some friends this weekend, what with the 3 day weekend and all. I asked if he could drop me off at your place. He was cool with it, so if you're free I could come up to hang out this weekend. " he said.

"Seriously? That's awesome man! I'll see you Friday!" I replied.


My head began to swirl with ideas. Mitch was coming to visit this weekend. In addition to that, all my roommates would be going home for the long weekend (which was especially good because they didn't know I was bisexual). We'd have the apartment to ourselves. The only problem was, I didn't know if Mitch was still into the kind of fun we used to have.

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   Not only had we not had a chance to do anything, but we hadn't really talked about it either. For all I knew he was hardcore into girls now, and that was it. I sure hoped not, the thought of having that large, beautiful cock in my mouth one more time made me incredibly horny. The week past by agonizingly slowly. I couldn't help but masturbate at every chance I got thinking about the possibilities with Mitch, but at the same time I was filled with nervousness at not knowing if we'd be able to do the things we used to. Finally Friday arrived. At about 3 p. m. I got a knock at my apartment door. When I answered it, Mitch was standing there.



"What up dude!" he said with a big smile.

"Hey man! Glad you could make it," I said inviting him in.

"Me too. It's been too long man," he replied.


He came in, and dropped his bag.

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   We had a good, proper, manly hug. You know, the kind with lots of back slapping and such. We hung out for a couple hours catching up on things. He apparently was faring a little bit better in the relationship department than me, but not a ton. Eventually we were both hungry and decided to head out to grab dinner. We went to a local favorite of mine. It was a bar, but I knew the bouncer so Mitch was able to get in. We ate, shared a pitcher of beer and just did the typical college guy things like checking out the waitresses and students. After a while we headed back to my place. We sat around for a while watching TV, and there was definitely a little tension in the air. I was trying to work out how to proceed, when Mitch just blurted out, "So it's been a while and all. Don't know if you're still into it or not, but you feel like giving me one of those amazing blowjobs you used to?"



I was stunned for a second. Then, without even saying a word I shot across the room and onto my knees in front of him as he remained seated. I quickly undid his belt, button and zipper. I practically tore his pants and boxers off in one move.





"Damn man. Eager much?" he said with a grin.

"You have no idea," I said.


With that I got my entire mouth as wet as I could and shoved damn near his whole cock into my mouth at once. Just getting that wonderfully hard and smooth cock into my mouth was itself an incredible release of tension for me. I wasn't slow and methodical this time. I sucked him for all I was worth. I bobbed my head furiously as I continuously massaged his cock with my tongue. I could tell he was in a state of shear ecstasy.


"I swear to god man. No one sucks a cock like you do. " he said.


I didn't even respond. I just continued my frenetic pace. My cock was incredibly hard as well.

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   I always loved sucking cock, but just the act of doing it had never made me this hard before. Before long I felt Mitch tighten and grunt. I slid his cock out, just leaving the head behind and furiously jacked him until I was rewarded with a hot blast of cum. He mostly filled my mouth with his load, and I was ecstatic as I swallowed it down.



"Good god man, that was awesome. I need to come visit more often," he said.

"I wouldn't object to that at all," I said.

"Well, by the looks of the bulge in your pants, I think you need some attention too. My turn. " he said.


He stood up as I did. Then he quickly dropped to his knees and undid my pants. I didn't even bother to sit. As my pants hit the floor he grasped my cock tightly. I gasped with pleasure.

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   It had been entirely too long since anyone but me had touched my cock. He leaned forward and began slowly twirling his tongue around my head as he stroked me. It felt incredible. I just leaned my head back and closed my eyes enjoying the sensations. He gradually began taking more, and more of me into his mouth. He always said how good I was at giving head, but he was no amateur himself. His blowjob felt incredible.



"Damn man. You're damn good yourself," I said.


He didn't bother to respond. He just stayed intent on what he was doing. As he sucked my cock he stroked the shaft with each upstroke of his head, and continuously fondled my balls with his other hand. I was in a state of incredible bliss. That, however, did not last terribly long as I was in such a state of need. I felt the familiar tingle in my balls.

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   My body began to tense up.



"Oh god man. I'm gonna cum. I need to cum so bad! Don't stop!" I yelled out.


He increased his pace dramatically, and that put me over the edge. My whole body locked up as a monster orgasm tore through me. I exploded into this mouth. He began swallowing immediately as there was no way to hold it all in his mouth. After I finally finished he slid my now flaccid cock from between his lips.


"Wow, you really needed that didn't you?" he asked.

"I sure did man, thanks," I replied.

"Not a problem. I kind of owed you anyway. I have a feeling this is going to be a hell of a weekend," he said.

"No doubt!" I replied.

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