
Topic: HUNGRY MUM Hungry mum.
 There's a side to WWII historian's ignore.
 This is just a fragment. A mum,a son and mouths to sexual indulgence was done willingly for many reasons. This is just one such occasion,our attitude being. Well we may all be dead tomorrow!
 At the time,mum was alone with us kid's. Dad had died from war wounds earlier in the war and I may finish up the same way in a few months as I came of military age. Ironically,the other adult involved in this tale,probably kept me alive through the war with a comment he made when he knew I was due to be drafted. "Keep close to the food lad" I did and survived to tell this tale.
 We left school at 14 years old at this time. Young yeah,but in common sense we were older by far than today's kids are. Bodies,bits of bodies and adults fucking wherever and whenever a lot of them had the chance or opportunity. This was not lost on us kid's and we made the most of our chances both boy's and girl's in copying our adults.
 So! At this age,I'd got a job in a food warehouse and now at sixteen,I lusted and in some cases achieved having sex with some of the girl and women workers. I knew this had not been lost on my boss,he made typically lewd comments about which I had my eye on to get next. Yet he made no attempt to get these readily available women himself,well as far as I could see.

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 He also knew my mum was a war widow and certainly quite attractive with an outgoing personality. Behind the drab war clothing lurked a very sensuous sexy body I can vouch for. On the face of it,nothing got her down. I knew of course,trying to make ends meet while endeavouring to feed my siblings and me on the food ration was no mean fete. My boss I think must have got wind of this when from time to time,mum appeared at the warehouse on pay day to quickly get some money from my pay and run off to the ration shop for whatever was available. Spuds mainly and bread.
 In fairness he did react as well,by often giving me secretively a small bundle with some selected food items most weeks. "That's for mum,give her my regards" I thought at this time he fancied her,but as it turned out that wasn't quite the case. He also had some petrol coupons although most cars were not allowed to be used. He because of trade requirements was still on the road. This happened as I approached 17. "Gerald, - that's me,grab that box and put it in my boot (trunk) stay with it and I'll drop you home after" I thought little of his request except. "After what" He appeared, "Jump in,we'll need to drop this off and then I'll drop you home on my way out" 'Right oh, whe're you off too? or is that private' "No just out and about" Little more was said until we arrived, "Just lift it in here, I'll just change and we'll be off"
 Following him in,he just wandered about his flat stripping until completely naked then dressing again in a change of clothing. I didn't feel uncomfortable,not even when I saw he had a bit of a hardon as he chatted about my exploits with the women,in fact I thought,that's not much to offer,perhaps that's why he doesn't, offer that is. I did reflex though,when in passing me,he half smoothed and patted my ass cheek with an almost un-detectable squeeze.

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   "Go on tell me,which one got the most juicy?" I flushed a bit,as I thought 'Horny old bastard' Then I became on fire,as he added, "Bet your mum's juicier than 'um all put together, - my instinct was to smash him, but instead my dick twitched at the thought of mum's juicyness,this I could only imagine and did regularly since an incident a while before. . .
 To digress, - A while before,we were in the shelter when a near miss blasted the shit out of our house. That is,all the windows were busted and only one room seemed habitable in the dark. So,with the bombing over,we all piled into this bedroom in our mothers bed. Mum still had virtually all her clothes on,stockings,suspender belt,knickers,blouse. Skirt and shoes discarded,my sisters undressed similarly. All this in case another raid developed. Myself,I just kicked off shoes and trousers. So,we all then slept as snug as bugs in a rug.
 On waking,now being daylight. I Found my cock as hard as iron,not only that,it was stuffed between my mum's thighs well into her crutch having escaped through the fly hole of my pants. Now,with only her knicker's between my cock and a fuck! Not only that,it felt as though I'd shot my load,at least it was hellish wet in between her legs. My siblings all popped quickly out of bed to see what damage we'd copped.

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   Now with just me and mum still laying there,mum lifted a thigh and I took my cock away from her. Her head came round as with,a wicked grin she quietly muttered, "Good job you were led into my back not your sister's,every bugger in the street would have been told" She neither said I had cum or even if it had been an accidental happening. But on occasion when alone,she'd quite often say, "God I don't half need a man about" My reply was always  the same,'Its okay mum,you've got me,I'm your man' "If only" came her response. 'If only what mum?' "Just ,If only"
 . . . So,without a hesitation,he continued in a so matter of a fact way, "Have you? You know" - he made a wrist through ringed fingers thrusting motion, Shocked more than anything,I knew what he was aiming at and automatically nodded a NO! still in dis-belief,he went on, "Bet you'd like to though,her being widowed all this time,bet she'd like you too as well" My mind shot back to the bombing,there was no way he knew about that and yes,I had wanted too,but was to scared to ask her. "See that box you brought in for me? There's enough food for a week in it. I'd give that to somebody prepared to let me watch them get it, you know! get it together. Say,like you and your mum" I looked at him,he at me. "I expect you've noticed,I've little interest in the women,I've concluded you're the only one that is descreet enough to keep his gob shut to anything I tell you" I find myself nodding again,this time a, Yes! Yes!
 "That's for a pair of sisters I visit, lesbo's. Know what that is? - more yes nods, they get it together for me to watch, 'course by now I expect you realise,I'm really a bummer myself,they're up for it and I bum 'em both,but I prefer a bloke to bum,I really get off when my balls slap against his" I was no innocent and I knew all about kinky stuff. But knowing was not doing.  I knew we needed to get out of here because he'd stopped dressing with his gabbing on and his cock was now completely hard as was mine for whatever reason.
 'We need to get on,my mum will be worrying' "Yeah,we sure do,the sisters will think they've upset me.

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   Course what really makes my pulse race is as I pump a bloke his limp dick squirts spunk out by the bucket when I hit a nerve up his ass" I felt hot and horny,but wasn't quite sure why. Now dressed,as we left with me carrying this box of goodies,the horny bastard ran his finger down my ass crack and pressed in at it. "A box like that every week tell her. It'll have to be at my place I guess,to many eye's about at yours" No more was said,he dropped me off and was gone,with a smile and wave to mum.
 "Nice man that,you're lucky to have him as a boss,even if he is a backdoor operator" There seems to be a possibility here of telling mum of his proposition. But how do I say, Mum if he can watch me fuck you,he'll feed us each week,course that's providing you let him fuck my ass. I try, 'Yeah,he's okay,but kinky' "Oh! Is he now,what has he done to you? I'll go and see him" 'Nothing! - here goes, No,nothing only some dirty talk,like how he'd give you a whole box of groceries each week if he watched' "Watched what?" 'A bit awkward to say, - inspired, - you know,what happened when we all slept together that time' She flushed a bright red, "That,well I admit,that never leaves my mind either,but he couldn't know,you haven't told him about it have you?" 'No,course I haven't,he just suggested that you being on your own with me and this, - I pointed to my dick, He wondered whether we did and if we did could he watch us'
 "Necky sod,how big was this box he was on about"? Big mum, - I gesture a size with my arms. "That's a fair old box of food. What's the catch? None really,course he said we'd have to do it at his place because of the eyes around here' "Well,he's right there" Suspecting I'm likely to have my wicked way with mum I up the stakes with a lie. 'He said to give me a list of what you want put in the box and you got it' "Is there anything else you can remember,like he wants to join in on me or something?' Here goes, 'Not you mum me!' Mum showed how extrovert she could be. She burst into laughter,laughing like a drain, "There's no way back for him then,my warm hot pussy there for the taking and he demands to put it in your ass. My god,we had some times me and your father doing things like that"
 I'm not bewildered,more in shock at my mother's hilarity because my boss wants my ass. Grinning with her at her laughter really, 'Well its pretty small for a woman's liking,about half my. . .

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  ' I trailed off,as I remembered it was mum I was smutting too. "Half your size,that's not much,but at least it would be alive unlike my present thing I use. Sorry kiddo,you don't need to hear mum's problems" 'I do mum,what is it you have?' "Oh well! Its that piece of cycle inner tube with the piece of broomhandle you asked about" 'Blimey mum,you should have told me,I'd have pinched one of those big black puddings for you' Her hand flipped towards my earhole in a friendly gesture. "Cheeky toad,I'm not the size of a bucket I'll have you know" A quick glance down said it all. "I'll tell you,I'm more suited to that size you got there"
 Conspiritally closing into me. "Later,when they're all asleep,come in and we'll try a few things,only if you want to mind,you know in case we decide to take the boss up on his offer.  I haven't a problem with letting him see me in the buff and for that many groceries each week,he can have my ass as well,it wouldn't be the first up there" I had to get away,right now,it was that or spew my sperm over my mother because all this dirty talk had taken its tole. Quickly into the loo,My jism oozed over the pan. Returning, Mum's smile said everything. "That wasn't to pee,what a waste,I'd have loved that tonight" She whispered"
 That night she let me play with her pussy,then instead of giving me a fuck,she said turn over and lets see what you think about his scheme. I led there naked as she felt my asshole. She pulled my cheeks apart and spit on my crack,in the dark she felt again,fuck I missed it. I could feel her trying to make the spit go along to my sphincter. I loved the feeling I was getting. I felt my cheeks spread again and as I felt mum's nose against my crack It tickled as she dropped a bigger glob of spit right on my crinkly asshole, A finger again,"good,got it that time,I'm going to give you one now" 'With what?' "SSSH! Just feel it" A very smooth round end touched my sphincter making me flex my muscle's.

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   "Its only a small one,Its a cigar case I have,to small to do me any good"
 I felt it slide in a bit then back a bit,then in again. This went on for a while. I had to know. 'How much now? It feels like nothing,he's bigger than that,show me pull it out and let me feel it' "Its about an inch thick" 'He's a bit bigger than that' "Right hang on with it up there,I'll get something bigger" I felt her leave the bed,she was back in an instant. Quickly pulling it from me,she put it by me and I felt something a lot bigger trying to enter.  I felt the tube she'd now put aside and it was about the thickness of my cock soft.
 What she was now using was a lot bigger and harder. My sphincter was refusing to stretch open. 'OW! It wont open for it' I felt it go away,then I could feel mum jerking about and a squelchy sound, "I'm wetting it in my pussy,that'll make it slippery for you. It returned to my asshole and not only was it slippery but warm as well. Some more spit and she was back pushing at my hole. "I know I'm being rude,but with you this damn tight,he'll shoot it before he gets it up there" 'OW!' "Sorry,we just had to get you started" She had,slowly now she pressed,it started to ease,it passed the ring bit,I'll keep pushing. She did and I enjoyed the new feeling in my rectum. She wiggled it and my cock erupted sperm. Gasping,while jerking,my sperm pumped out onto the bed.

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   "You've just cum off haven't you? That's the nerve that makes you cum when you're in a woman. Its tucked there up your ass" She moved it some more pushing deeper. 'NO! MUM,take it out my insides so sensitive I'll wake the house up if you fuck me anymore.
 She started to pull it away, 'Fuck,do it slow its driving me mad my ass is so touchy now. Then I suddenly felt my sphincter quickly close as it left my body. I let out a long drawn out panty gasp. I'm not sure I could stand much of that my legs have gone all weak and twitchy' "My son,that's as near as you'll ever get to the sensation a woman feels when cummin off on the cock" 'How do you know mum?' "Because I got the same feeling when your father fucked me in the ass,that's all" 'Sorry for asking mum,that was daft of me' "No,it isn't, because I'm about to have all these sensations again with you giving them to me" I did and  I was dying to get to work to tell the boss of mum's decision. On the day,he beat me to it, "Its written all over your face boy,be careful and more secretive,we want this to be between mum,me and you remember" 'I told her a lie to get her to do it though' His face changed, "Come into the office,I don't like the sound of that" Reasuringly now, 'No its only that I told her to make out a list for me to give you so you know what it is she needs' "Oh! That's no problem,the twins do that,I thought you were going to tell me you'd lied that I didn't want,you know,a piece of your ass. Oh! I forgot to say those sisters were identical twins,I think they are strange that,its like one woman licking herself" He chuckled at this titavation. 'No,mum tried me out on the backdoor stuff' "Like it did you?" I watched as his trouser's started poking forward because he was hardening.
 "Roll on the weekend then,off you go" "Let me have the list,Wednesday as a preference"
 Come Friday,we dropped the box at the bosses,then me with a plan for him to pick us up at the bus stop a bit away from home after dark. We were duly picked up and in no time arrived at his house. My mum's extrovert attitude burst forth. Do we start naked,or shall we build up to it. "No,get to each other and fondle then go from there.

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   I'll flit about as if I'm not here to start with,then at some stage I'll join you,if you know what I mean" "Oh! I like lots of table stuff,I can get my nose close so to speak" "Oh! and have you ever licked?" Mum answers, "Yes lots, not with my boy though,that will be a first,I'll need to guide him with his tougue activities" "I especially like to watch it round the bum you know" "Me too" Mum looks at me as the boss disappeared into the kitchen area. I hope you like doing that,it sends me mad"
 "Come on then" He reappeared with some booze,spirits,bottles and glasses. "A thought,just in case you found it hard with an audience" "That is" My mum pointed at his knob poking out his smoking jacket,it was clear now that was all he was now dressed in. "Oh! He can be such a cheeky one gets so excited on these occasions" Mum moves in close to me on the settee,I kiss her neck and put a hand into her blouse,no bra' her warm tits are making my hand tingle as I feel the hard nipples. She presses her face to my ear,I'm not going to take long first go. Seeing his cock eager for your bum made me go all goosey, put your hand down my knickers. No instead do it upwards,I've got those french knickers on,they unbutton in the gusset,my friends tell me the yanks love 'em"
 She moves to the far end of the settee with her legs across my legs. As she lifts her knees up a bit I'm looking down the tunnel of her skirt at two lovely white thighs clad in silk stockings then the flesh with the loose frilly knicker legs loosely open on the inside by her pussy. I reach up and push this loosness towards the front of her body. looking now,her pubic area is slightly exposed. I hear a little outrush of air close in,its the boss watching my every move with my fingers. "Lovely! Lovely! Touch it,see how wet it is,taste her,go on taste your mother's juicies" Fuck. he's making me as hot as hell. "Go on do what he says,touch it and taste me,see if I'm ready for you" My hand goes under the black fabric and not only is she ready,she's soaking and trying to fuck my hand. "I told you I wouldn't take long,pull them off,let the man see how wet I am,we can drip my juice onto your ass for him to fuck you"
 My mum's gone slut,I just couldn't believe it and her affect on me was amazing.

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   "He can have my ass after yours if he wants,do you,tell me,will you fuck mine as well?" "Rip them off her,go on,fuck her,don't worry about them breaking,I'll replace any clothes you rip,just stick your cock up your mother and fuck her silly" They had me,I tore at her knickers as she lifted to help them down her legs. She plonked off the settee,struggled up and unclipping her waist band stepped out of her skirt.  A couple of buttons flew off as she popped her blouse right open and flattened her tits onto the centre glass of the table. 'Shall I lick it? shall I?' "No,I can't wait,do it after" "Yeah! Like she's saying get it in her,there'll be other licking times,she needs the cock,Fuck her,go on get it up her, - hold on though"
 I hadn't noticed till now,under the glass top of this table was a mirror part,which now exposed my mothers flattened tits and nipples to anyone looking. Mum led on her belly with her legs off the end and placed on the floor,clearly waiting for a fucking from behind. I now stood naked with a hardon up to my chin ready to plunder my mums womb. "Not yet! Not yet! Watch, Mum you look as well,look towards your pussy when I pull your legs,I'll push you up the table then slide you back down. He holding her by the feet,pushed her head forward over the edge. her tits had been dragged downwards and were now dragging back up towards her chin. This was exciting indeed. "No. look at your pussy,see now" Very slowly as her body weight pulled at her flesh her hood over her clitoris started to drag back off then her clit came into contact with the cool glass top.
 As the pulling continued, mum squealed "Stop I'm going to pee,the cold glass on my clit's making me pee. Wiggling her clit on the glass I and mum watched transfixed as her clit wiggled around as he manipulated her legs wider and quicker. The effect continued as a golden pool started to encrouch on her now parted inner labia flaps.

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   As her pee oozed around her cunt it was making her slip more and more until the piss started trickling through the bottom of her crack. "I can't stop,watching or doing it,god its out of control" Just as the stream started to drip from the table into another lipped retainer that had gone unnoticed till now. Her quim stopped peeing. I knew that she'd had a pee to clear her bladder,but I was still surprised at how much this little game had drew from her.
 At this moment I also realised I could hear a trickling tap somewhere. He slid mum back to her original starting position. She stood looking a bit embarrassed, "Sorry I pee'd its rather embarrassing" "No! No! Don't be,I love watching it,I found that trick out some while ago and always apply it,I bet you've never seen your clit pull about like that before" "Here,wipe yourself off before sonny boy here fucks his mum" I moved against mum's body, 'Do you still want me to do it with you on your belly?' Yeah! I love it that way,I get more up there backwards" "Quite right,my thought exactly" "Would you like yours sucked while I'm taking it?" "No! No! I'll be happy to wait,anyway I love watching your quim clinging onto the cock inside you,have you ever watched how a man's bum does exactly the same on the cock" "No but I want to watch it in a minute" 
 I put my hand under and touched her clit.  At it being touched again she lifted and I pressed into her quim. She was still quite tight but very slick with her juice even on her pubes now. I pushed and she lifted onto her feet and hands, She watched as the thrusting swung her tits back and forth till with eyes closed she forcefully took charge of making us both cum and cum we did. Our mentor was now laying on the lower mirror part watching as I rammed mum to an orgasm. Scrambling back up, "Do it some more,let me see her ring being pulled backwards and forwards. He was really excited as her rings membrane followed the movement of my cock. "Now,get her up the ass,go on thrust it up her" I removed my cock and pointed it at mum's sphincter. As it touched mum gasped, and arched her back.


   I pressed and was pleased to see the crinkles stretch and my knob disappear deep into my mothers rectum.
 She really was tight, after two thrusts to the top my cock exploded inside her. "Stay like that with it up her.  Lay on her back a bit" As I did as asked I knew what to expect. I first felt his belly and all the hair from navel to cock touch my skin then the point of his hard dick. I could feel him sliding it about and knew he was lubbing my ass with precum. Then I felt him reach under mum and I knew he was collecting lube from her cunt as she jerked from his touch. Still more warmness came onto my sphincter. He touched my hole spot on with his hard dick then I felt myself opening. I wondered what the first lot of warm spunk up my ass would feel like. A hard thrust took me by surprise as he was up and running. "Fuck her you cunt,fuck her like I'm fucking you" I started fucking mum again. She'd dropped to the table with our combined weight, I felt his balls slamming into mine and it was a bit off putting so I stopped ramming mum.
 I could feel her trying to get out from under us as my cock softened. Now soft it was no trouble bending the wrong way to let my mother slide out from under as I took the weight.

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   Now out and up alongside,she watched my virgin ass getting its first cocking. I felt her hand go between us and feel my ring stretching to and fro on his cock. The thrusting got frantic now and a sensation hit like before which squirted my cum all over the table below. He must have felt my ass squeezing because doubling his pressure he unloaded shot after shot of his jism into my rectum eventually locking against me like a dog.
 Looking at my mother, "Fuck that was virgin ass,he was so tight it made my skin hurt" He pulling out of me said, "See! Fuck it tore my cock" There was some blood on the underside of his knob where my ass had pulled the cord a bit to hard and ripped it. I stayed leaning forward in case I was going to get another shafting. "See that,my spunk can hardly squeeze out its so tight" With that he forced my ass cheeks open, "See! Look at all that up inside,it'll stay in there till tomorrow if you know what I mean. How about your pussy,all drained or is a lot of it still up inside" Mum got close to his ear and said something to which he was in raptures. "I bet you will an all"
 After you/we all clean up,I'll drop you back,christ look at that time,nearly twelve,good job we're not under a curfew"
 Cleaned and dressed we were soon home. I couldn't wait to find out what she'd said that gave him raptures of mirth. "Nothing really,I just said remember,next time I get to pull his ass open to see your spunk dribble out of it.
 Coincidence or what? The next time at work he passed me a little package for mum.  It was a BLACK PUDDING! Mum had a laugh about that and swore I'd told him. I hadn't. .

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  .  That for next time.

Topic: HUNGRY MUM Hungry mum.
 There's a side to WWII historian's ignore.
 This is just a fragment. A mum,a son and mouths to sexual indulgence was done willingly for many reasons. This is just one such occasion,our attitude being. Well we may all be dead tomorrow!
 At the time,mum was alone with us kid's. Dad had died from war wounds earlier in the war and I may finish up the same way in a few months as I came of military age. Ironically,the other adult involved in this tale,probably kept me alive through the war with a comment he made when he knew I was due to be drafted. "Keep close to the food lad" I did and survived to tell this tale.
 We left school at 14 years old at this time. Young yeah,but in common sense we were older by far than today's kids are. Bodies,bits of bodies and adults fucking wherever and whenever a lot of them had the chance or opportunity.

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   This was not lost on us kid's and we made the most of our chances both boy's and girl's in copying our adults.
 So! At this age,I'd got a job in a food warehouse and now at sixteen,I lusted and in some cases achieved having sex with some of the girl and women workers. I knew this had not been lost on my boss,he made typically lewd comments about which I had my eye on to get next. Yet he made no attempt to get these readily available women himself,well as far as I could see.
 He also knew my mum was a war widow and certainly quite attractive with an outgoing personality. Behind the drab war clothing lurked a very sensuous sexy body I can vouch for. On the face of it,nothing got her down. I knew of course,trying to make ends meet while endeavouring to feed my siblings and me on the food ration was no mean fete. My boss I think must have got wind of this when from time to time,mum appeared at the warehouse on pay day to quickly get some money from my pay and run off to the ration shop for whatever was available. Spuds mainly and bread.
 In fairness he did react as well,by often giving me secretively a small bundle with some selected food items most weeks. "That's for mum,give her my regards" I thought at this time he fancied her,but as it turned out that wasn't quite the case. He also had some petrol coupons although most cars were not allowed to be used. He because of trade requirements was still on the road. This happened as I approached 17.

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   "Gerald, - that's me,grab that box and put it in my boot (trunk) stay with it and I'll drop you home after" I thought little of his request except. "After what" He appeared, "Jump in,we'll need to drop this off and then I'll drop you home on my way out" 'Right oh, whe're you off too? or is that private' "No just out and about" Little more was said until we arrived, "Just lift it in here, I'll just change and we'll be off"
 Following him in,he just wandered about his flat stripping until completely naked then dressing again in a change of clothing. I didn't feel uncomfortable,not even when I saw he had a bit of a hardon as he chatted about my exploits with the women,in fact I thought,that's not much to offer,perhaps that's why he doesn't, offer that is. I did reflex though,when in passing me,he half smoothed and patted my ass cheek with an almost un-detectable squeeze. "Go on tell me,which one got the most juicy?" I flushed a bit,as I thought 'Horny old bastard' Then I became on fire,as he added, "Bet your mum's juicier than 'um all put together, - my instinct was to smash him, but instead my dick twitched at the thought of mum's juicyness,this I could only imagine and did regularly since an incident a while before. . .
 To digress, - A while before,we were in the shelter when a near miss blasted the shit out of our house. That is,all the windows were busted and only one room seemed habitable in the dark. So,with the bombing over,we all piled into this bedroom in our mothers bed. Mum still had virtually all her clothes on,stockings,suspender belt,knickers,blouse. Skirt and shoes discarded,my sisters undressed similarly. All this in case another raid developed. Myself,I just kicked off shoes and trousers. So,we all then slept as snug as bugs in a rug.

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 On waking,now being daylight. I Found my cock as hard as iron,not only that,it was stuffed between my mum's thighs well into her crutch having escaped through the fly hole of my pants. Now,with only her knicker's between my cock and a fuck! Not only that,it felt as though I'd shot my load,at least it was hellish wet in between her legs. My siblings all popped quickly out of bed to see what damage we'd copped. Now with just me and mum still laying there,mum lifted a thigh and I took my cock away from her. Her head came round as with,a wicked grin she quietly muttered, "Good job you were led into my back not your sister's,every bugger in the street would have been told" She neither said I had cum or even if it had been an accidental happening. But on occasion when alone,she'd quite often say, "God I don't half need a man about" My reply was always  the same,'Its okay mum,you've got me,I'm your man' "If only" came her response. 'If only what mum?' "Just ,If only"
 . . . So,without a hesitation,he continued in a so matter of a fact way, "Have you? You know" - he made a wrist through ringed fingers thrusting motion, Shocked more than anything,I knew what he was aiming at and automatically nodded a NO! still in dis-belief,he went on, "Bet you'd like to though,her being widowed all this time,bet she'd like you too as well" My mind shot back to the bombing,there was no way he knew about that and yes,I had wanted too,but was to scared to ask her. "See that box you brought in for me? There's enough food for a week in it. I'd give that to somebody prepared to let me watch them get it, you know! get it together. Say,like you and your mum" I looked at him,he at me. "I expect you've noticed,I've little interest in the women,I've concluded you're the only one that is descreet enough to keep his gob shut to anything I tell you" I find myself nodding again,this time a, Yes! Yes!
 "That's for a pair of sisters I visit, lesbo's.

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   Know what that is? - more yes nods, they get it together for me to watch, 'course by now I expect you realise,I'm really a bummer myself,they're up for it and I bum 'em both,but I prefer a bloke to bum,I really get off when my balls slap against his" I was no innocent and I knew all about kinky stuff. But knowing was not doing.  I knew we needed to get out of here because he'd stopped dressing with his gabbing on and his cock was now completely hard as was mine for whatever reason.
 'We need to get on,my mum will be worrying' "Yeah,we sure do,the sisters will think they've upset me. Course what really makes my pulse race is as I pump a bloke his limp dick squirts spunk out by the bucket when I hit a nerve up his ass" I felt hot and horny,but wasn't quite sure why. Now dressed,as we left with me carrying this box of goodies,the horny bastard ran his finger down my ass crack and pressed in at it. "A box like that every week tell her. It'll have to be at my place I guess,to many eye's about at yours" No more was said,he dropped me off and was gone,with a smile and wave to mum.
 "Nice man that,you're lucky to have him as a boss,even if he is a backdoor operator" There seems to be a possibility here of telling mum of his proposition. But how do I say, Mum if he can watch me fuck you,he'll feed us each week,course that's providing you let him fuck my ass. I try, 'Yeah,he's okay,but kinky' "Oh! Is he now,what has he done to you? I'll go and see him" 'Nothing! - here goes, No,nothing only some dirty talk,like how he'd give you a whole box of groceries each week if he watched' "Watched what?" 'A bit awkward to say, - inspired, - you know,what happened when we all slept together that time' She flushed a bright red, "That,well I admit,that never leaves my mind either,but he couldn't know,you haven't told him about it have you?" 'No,course I haven't,he just suggested that you being on your own with me and this, - I pointed to my dick, He wondered whether we did and if we did could he watch us'
 "Necky sod,how big was this box he was on about"? Big mum, - I gesture a size with my arms. "That's a fair old box of food. What's the catch? None really,course he said we'd have to do it at his place because of the eyes around here' "Well,he's right there" Suspecting I'm likely to have my wicked way with mum I up the stakes with a lie. 'He said to give me a list of what you want put in the box and you got it' "Is there anything else you can remember,like he wants to join in on me or something?' Here goes, 'Not you mum me!' Mum showed how extrovert she could be. She burst into laughter,laughing like a drain, "There's no way back for him then,my warm hot pussy there for the taking and he demands to put it in your ass.

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   My god,we had some times me and your father doing things like that"
 I'm not bewildered,more in shock at my mother's hilarity because my boss wants my ass. Grinning with her at her laughter really, 'Well its pretty small for a woman's liking,about half my. . . ' I trailed off,as I remembered it was mum I was smutting too. "Half your size,that's not much,but at least it would be alive unlike my present thing I use. Sorry kiddo,you don't need to hear mum's problems" 'I do mum,what is it you have?' "Oh well! Its that piece of cycle inner tube with the piece of broomhandle you asked about" 'Blimey mum,you should have told me,I'd have pinched one of those big black puddings for you' Her hand flipped towards my earhole in a friendly gesture. "Cheeky toad,I'm not the size of a bucket I'll have you know" A quick glance down said it all. "I'll tell you,I'm more suited to that size you got there"
 Conspiritally closing into me. "Later,when they're all asleep,come in and we'll try a few things,only if you want to mind,you know in case we decide to take the boss up on his offer.  I haven't a problem with letting him see me in the buff and for that many groceries each week,he can have my ass as well,it wouldn't be the first up there" I had to get away,right now,it was that or spew my sperm over my mother because all this dirty talk had taken its tole. Quickly into the loo,My jism oozed over the pan. Returning, Mum's smile said everything. "That wasn't to pee,what a waste,I'd have loved that tonight" She whispered"
 That night she let me play with her pussy,then instead of giving me a fuck,she said turn over and lets see what you think about his scheme. I led there naked as she felt my asshole.

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   She pulled my cheeks apart and spit on my crack,in the dark she felt again,fuck I missed it. I could feel her trying to make the spit go along to my sphincter. I loved the feeling I was getting. I felt my cheeks spread again and as I felt mum's nose against my crack It tickled as she dropped a bigger glob of spit right on my crinkly asshole, A finger again,"good,got it that time,I'm going to give you one now" 'With what?' "SSSH! Just feel it" A very smooth round end touched my sphincter making me flex my muscle's. "Its only a small one,Its a cigar case I have,to small to do me any good"
 I felt it slide in a bit then back a bit,then in again. This went on for a while. I had to know. 'How much now? It feels like nothing,he's bigger than that,show me pull it out and let me feel it' "Its about an inch thick" 'He's a bit bigger than that' "Right hang on with it up there,I'll get something bigger" I felt her leave the bed,she was back in an instant. Quickly pulling it from me,she put it by me and I felt something a lot bigger trying to enter.  I felt the tube she'd now put aside and it was about the thickness of my cock soft.
 What she was now using was a lot bigger and harder. My sphincter was refusing to stretch open. 'OW! It wont open for it' I felt it go away,then I could feel mum jerking about and a squelchy sound, "I'm wetting it in my pussy,that'll make it slippery for you. It returned to my asshole and not only was it slippery but warm as well. Some more spit and she was back pushing at my hole.

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   "I know I'm being rude,but with you this damn tight,he'll shoot it before he gets it up there" 'OW!' "Sorry,we just had to get you started" She had,slowly now she pressed,it started to ease,it passed the ring bit,I'll keep pushing. She did and I enjoyed the new feeling in my rectum. She wiggled it and my cock erupted sperm. Gasping,while jerking,my sperm pumped out onto the bed. "You've just cum off haven't you? That's the nerve that makes you cum when you're in a woman. Its tucked there up your ass" She moved it some more pushing deeper. 'NO! MUM,take it out my insides so sensitive I'll wake the house up if you fuck me anymore.
 She started to pull it away, 'Fuck,do it slow its driving me mad my ass is so touchy now. Then I suddenly felt my sphincter quickly close as it left my body. I let out a long drawn out panty gasp. I'm not sure I could stand much of that my legs have gone all weak and twitchy' "My son,that's as near as you'll ever get to the sensation a woman feels when cummin off on the cock" 'How do you know mum?' "Because I got the same feeling when your father fucked me in the ass,that's all" 'Sorry for asking mum,that was daft of me' "No,it isn't, because I'm about to have all these sensations again with you giving them to me" I did and  I was dying to get to work to tell the boss of mum's decision. On the day,he beat me to it, "Its written all over your face boy,be careful and more secretive,we want this to be between mum,me and you remember" 'I told her a lie to get her to do it though' His face changed, "Come into the office,I don't like the sound of that" Reasuringly now, 'No its only that I told her to make out a list for me to give you so you know what it is she needs' "Oh! That's no problem,the twins do that,I thought you were going to tell me you'd lied that I didn't want,you know,a piece of your ass. Oh! I forgot to say those sisters were identical twins,I think they are strange that,its like one woman licking herself" He chuckled at this titavation. 'No,mum tried me out on the backdoor stuff' "Like it did you?" I watched as his trouser's started poking forward because he was hardening.
 "Roll on the weekend then,off you go" "Let me have the list,Wednesday as a preference"
 Come Friday,we dropped the box at the bosses,then me with a plan for him to pick us up at the bus stop a bit away from home after dark.

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   We were duly picked up and in no time arrived at his house. My mum's extrovert attitude burst forth. Do we start naked,or shall we build up to it. "No,get to each other and fondle then go from there. I'll flit about as if I'm not here to start with,then at some stage I'll join you,if you know what I mean" "Oh! I like lots of table stuff,I can get my nose close so to speak" "Oh! and have you ever licked?" Mum answers, "Yes lots, not with my boy though,that will be a first,I'll need to guide him with his tougue activities" "I especially like to watch it round the bum you know" "Me too" Mum looks at me as the boss disappeared into the kitchen area. I hope you like doing that,it sends me mad"
 "Come on then" He reappeared with some booze,spirits,bottles and glasses. "A thought,just in case you found it hard with an audience" "That is" My mum pointed at his knob poking out his smoking jacket,it was clear now that was all he was now dressed in. "Oh! He can be such a cheeky one gets so excited on these occasions" Mum moves in close to me on the settee,I kiss her neck and put a hand into her blouse,no bra' her warm tits are making my hand tingle as I feel the hard nipples. She presses her face to my ear,I'm not going to take long first go. Seeing his cock eager for your bum made me go all goosey, put your hand down my knickers. No instead do it upwards,I've got those french knickers on,they unbutton in the gusset,my friends tell me the yanks love 'em"
 She moves to the far end of the settee with her legs across my legs. As she lifts her knees up a bit I'm looking down the tunnel of her skirt at two lovely white thighs clad in silk stockings then the flesh with the loose frilly knicker legs loosely open on the inside by her pussy. I reach up and push this loosness towards the front of her body. looking now,her pubic area is slightly exposed. I hear a little outrush of air close in,its the boss watching my every move with my fingers.


   "Lovely! Lovely! Touch it,see how wet it is,taste her,go on taste your mother's juicies" Fuck. he's making me as hot as hell. "Go on do what he says,touch it and taste me,see if I'm ready for you" My hand goes under the black fabric and not only is she ready,she's soaking and trying to fuck my hand. "I told you I wouldn't take long,pull them off,let the man see how wet I am,we can drip my juice onto your ass for him to fuck you"
 My mum's gone slut,I just couldn't believe it and her affect on me was amazing. "He can have my ass after yours if he wants,do you,tell me,will you fuck mine as well?" "Rip them off her,go on,fuck her,don't worry about them breaking,I'll replace any clothes you rip,just stick your cock up your mother and fuck her silly" They had me,I tore at her knickers as she lifted to help them down her legs. She plonked off the settee,struggled up and unclipping her waist band stepped out of her skirt.  A couple of buttons flew off as she popped her blouse right open and flattened her tits onto the centre glass of the table. 'Shall I lick it? shall I?' "No,I can't wait,do it after" "Yeah! Like she's saying get it in her,there'll be other licking times,she needs the cock,Fuck her,go on get it up her, - hold on though"
 I hadn't noticed till now,under the glass top of this table was a mirror part,which now exposed my mothers flattened tits and nipples to anyone looking. Mum led on her belly with her legs off the end and placed on the floor,clearly waiting for a fucking from behind. I now stood naked with a hardon up to my chin ready to plunder my mums womb. "Not yet! Not yet! Watch, Mum you look as well,look towards your pussy when I pull your legs,I'll push you up the table then slide you back down. He holding her by the feet,pushed her head forward over the edge. her tits had been dragged downwards and were now dragging back up towards her chin. This was exciting indeed. "No.

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  look at your pussy,see now" Very slowly as her body weight pulled at her flesh her hood over her clitoris started to drag back off then her clit came into contact with the cool glass top.
 As the pulling continued, mum squealed "Stop I'm going to pee,the cold glass on my clit's making me pee. Wiggling her clit on the glass I and mum watched transfixed as her clit wiggled around as he manipulated her legs wider and quicker. The effect continued as a golden pool started to encrouch on her now parted inner labia flaps. As her pee oozed around her cunt it was making her slip more and more until the piss started trickling through the bottom of her crack. "I can't stop,watching or doing it,god its out of control" Just as the stream started to drip from the table into another lipped retainer that had gone unnoticed till now. Her quim stopped peeing. I knew that she'd had a pee to clear her bladder,but I was still surprised at how much this little game had drew from her.
 At this moment I also realised I could hear a trickling tap somewhere. He slid mum back to her original starting position. She stood looking a bit embarrassed, "Sorry I pee'd its rather embarrassing" "No! No! Don't be,I love watching it,I found that trick out some while ago and always apply it,I bet you've never seen your clit pull about like that before" "Here,wipe yourself off before sonny boy here fucks his mum" I moved against mum's body, 'Do you still want me to do it with you on your belly?' Yeah! I love it that way,I get more up there backwards" "Quite right,my thought exactly" "Would you like yours sucked while I'm taking it?" "No! No! I'll be happy to wait,anyway I love watching your quim clinging onto the cock inside you,have you ever watched how a man's bum does exactly the same on the cock" "No but I want to watch it in a minute" 
 I put my hand under and touched her clit.  At it being touched again she lifted and I pressed into her quim. She was still quite tight but very slick with her juice even on her pubes now. I pushed and she lifted onto her feet and hands, She watched as the thrusting swung her tits back and forth till with eyes closed she forcefully took charge of making us both cum and cum we did. Our mentor was now laying on the lower mirror part watching as I rammed mum to an orgasm.

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   Scrambling back up, "Do it some more,let me see her ring being pulled backwards and forwards. He was really excited as her rings membrane followed the movement of my cock. "Now,get her up the ass,go on thrust it up her" I removed my cock and pointed it at mum's sphincter. As it touched mum gasped, and arched her back. I pressed and was pleased to see the crinkles stretch and my knob disappear deep into my mothers rectum.
 She really was tight, after two thrusts to the top my cock exploded inside her. "Stay like that with it up her.  Lay on her back a bit" As I did as asked I knew what to expect. I first felt his belly and all the hair from navel to cock touch my skin then the point of his hard dick. I could feel him sliding it about and knew he was lubbing my ass with precum. Then I felt him reach under mum and I knew he was collecting lube from her cunt as she jerked from his touch. Still more warmness came onto my sphincter. He touched my hole spot on with his hard dick then I felt myself opening. I wondered what the first lot of warm spunk up my ass would feel like. A hard thrust took me by surprise as he was up and running.

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   "Fuck her you cunt,fuck her like I'm fucking you" I started fucking mum again. She'd dropped to the table with our combined weight, I felt his balls slamming into mine and it was a bit off putting so I stopped ramming mum.
 I could feel her trying to get out from under us as my cock softened. Now soft it was no trouble bending the wrong way to let my mother slide out from under as I took the weight. Now out and up alongside,she watched my virgin ass getting its first cocking. I felt her hand go between us and feel my ring stretching to and fro on his cock. The thrusting got frantic now and a sensation hit like before which squirted my cum all over the table below. He must have felt my ass squeezing because doubling his pressure he unloaded shot after shot of his jism into my rectum eventually locking against me like a dog.
 Looking at my mother, "Fuck that was virgin ass,he was so tight it made my skin hurt" He pulling out of me said, "See! Fuck it tore my cock" There was some blood on the underside of his knob where my ass had pulled the cord a bit to hard and ripped it. I stayed leaning forward in case I was going to get another shafting. "See that,my spunk can hardly squeeze out its so tight" With that he forced my ass cheeks open, "See! Look at all that up inside,it'll stay in there till tomorrow if you know what I mean. How about your pussy,all drained or is a lot of it still up inside" Mum got close to his ear and said something to which he was in raptures. "I bet you will an all"
 After you/we all clean up,I'll drop you back,christ look at that time,nearly twelve,good job we're not under a curfew"
 Cleaned and dressed we were soon home. I couldn't wait to find out what she'd said that gave him raptures of mirth. "Nothing really,I just said remember,next time I get to pull his ass open to see your spunk dribble out of it.

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 Coincidence or what? The next time at work he passed me a little package for mum.  It was a BLACK PUDDING! Mum had a laugh about that and swore I'd told him. I hadn't. . .  That for next time.

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Escort girls Batumi - Batumi has a thriving nightlife with plenty of exciting activities to choose from

The picturesque city of Batumi, which can be found in the southern part of Georgia, is well-known not only for its breathtaking scenery and lively nightlife, but also for the high-quality escort services that can be found there. The presence of these exquisite escort ladies, who are well-known for their beauty, grace, and sophistication, contributes to the city's one-of-a-kind allure and amplifies the city's overall allure. This essay is to investigate the allure of escort females in Batumi, as well as the city's nightlife and the tourism business.

The escort services offered in Batumi are well-known for living up to exceptionally high standards and providing excellent quality. Escort females in Batumi are known for their alluring appearances, charming personalities, and sharp minds. They have a high level of education, speak many languages, and have a natural talent for making those with whom they are travelling feel at ease and at ease with themselves. Their attractiveness is not limited to the surface; rather, it permeates all aspects of their being, including their character and demeanour. As a result, they are the ideal partners for any event, whether it be a professional conference, a social get-together, or a discreet date.

Escort girls Batumi
The attractiveness of the escort females in Batumi does not just consist of their physical qualities alone; rather, their beauty extends well beyond that. The fact that they can have interesting discussions, that they are able to comprehend people of other cultures, and that they are able to adjust to any given circumstance all contribute to their attractiveness. They are more than simply escorts; they are companions who may offer emotional support and company. The escort females in Batumi are recognised for their professionalism and discretion, and they always make sure to protect their customers' personal space and keep their clients' confidences.
Escort Batumi
The city of Batumi itself is a centre for a variety of tourist activities and leisure options. The nightlife in Batumi is energetic and bustling, with a profusion of clubs, pubs, and restaurants offering a range of entertainment alternatives. This contributes to the city's overall buzzing atmosphere. The presence of these stunning escort females, who provide a certain air of glitz and refinement to every occasion, contributes significantly to the city's vibrant nightlife and makes it even more enjoyable.

Escorts in Batumi
Batumi is seeing a surge in the number of visitors from all over the world who want to experience the city's one-of-a-kind culture, breathtaking scenery, and exciting nightlife. As a result, the city's tourism business is thriving. The presence of escort females in Batumi lends an additional facet to the city's tourism sector by facilitating the provision of companionship and entertainment to vacationers in search of an experience that will stand out in their memories.

Choosing to take part in more intimate activities with the escort ladies in Batumi is a decision that should be made on an individual basis and should be carried out with both parties' approval. Given that these women are working professionals and providing a service, it is essential that they be treated with the respect and decency that is due to professionals. The escort females in Batumi are recognised for their expertise and secrecy, which ensures that their customers enjoy an encounter that is both memorable and rewarding.
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