Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires- Chapter Seven - The Restricted Section


Harry Potter and the Spellbook of DesiresChapter Seven – The Restricted Section 
Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author.
Story Codes: mf, cream pie, hp, magic, preg, spank
Draco Malfoy had just caused the entire Weasley family the greatest amount of embarrassment possible; after Ginny was fucked by three fellow Gryffindor students, the entire Weasley family was sharing the embarrassment of having a whore in the family.   Malfoy’s plan had been complex, daring, and a complete success.   The only problem was, Malfoy had felt a pang of guilt and attraction after putting Ginny in such a compromising situation.   Malfoy had escaped with Pansy and the Spellbook of Desires under his invisibility cloak without anyone ever knowing that it was his doing that had led to Ginny and the Weasley family being embarrassed in front of the entire Gryffindor House.   Harry, Dean and Seamus were now all sleeping off their exploits, unaware of what they had done and to whom they had done it to.   Ginny on the other hand, had been carried back up to her room by a number of Gryffindor girls with a pussy full of Harry’s hot sticky cum.
‘I better go get a pregnancy potion from Madam Pomfrey… I’m sure Ginny doesn’t want to get pregnant’ Hermione said to the other girls, as she left the room and made her way to the hospital ward.   Hermione had been both disgusted and turned on by the compromised situation she had been found Ginny in.   After Hermione’s deflowering by Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle, she had been experiencing certain sexual urges that she could hardly control, and the sight of Harry pumping his cock in and out of Ginny’s wet pussy had really turned her on.
‘Ummm… Madam Pomfrey… I need a pregnancy potion for a friend of mine’ Hermione said, trying not to hide her obvious embarrassment of the situation.
‘Certainly Ms. Granger… but if you or your friend needs to talk about it, you need to come and see me’ recited Madam Pomfrey, obviously concerned that either Hermione or one of her friends were already sexually active.   She would have told her to use protection, but because using muggle created contraceptives was illegal and any sexual activity forbidden at school, she thought it best not to ask anymore questions.
‘Thanks Madam Pomfrey!’ said Hermione, as she was given the potion.
‘Wait Ms.

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   Granger… that potion has to be taken within the first twelve hours or it will be rendered useless’ said Madam Pomfrey, concerned for Hermione and her friend.   ‘These aren’t easy to make either Ms. Granger, I’ve only got four more to last the entire year… please be more careful next time’
Hermione left the ward a little peeved that she had gotten a lecture for something she hadn’t even done.   Hermione ran back to the Gryffindor common room and up into Ginny’s dormitory to find her still unconscious.   She tipped the small vial of potion into her open mouth and made her swallow it; averting the possibility of pregnancy and dealing with the situation in short order.   She now had bigger fish to fry as she left the room again, thinking about what had just happened and who could have caused it.   Harry and the other boys may be perverts, but she couldn’t believe that Ginny acted with complicity.
‘Malfoy!’ whispered Hermione to herself, as she walked down the girls dormitory’s stairs and made her way into the common room.   He had obviously used Harry’s sex book and she knew either herself or any of her friends were prime targets for Malfoy and his new favorite book.   As much as she hated the idea, she knew that she needed either Harry or Ron’s help to deal with Malfoy and his book, and because Harry was unconscious and of little value to her at the moment, Ron was her only chance.
‘Where’s Ron’ Hermione asked Fred and George, who were in the corner, trying to keep to themselves, obviously embarrassed by Ginny’s actions.
‘I don’t know… he probably committed suicide… something we’ve been thinking about doing since Ginny’s little exhibition’ Fred and George said together.
‘It wasn’t Ginny’s fault… it was Malfoy’s… him and that book of his’ Hermione replied, unaware she was speaking aloud, just before leaving the twins and making her way out the portrait.
‘Book!’ whispered George and Fred together, excited at the prospect of getting the Spellbook of Desires back under their watchful eyes.
While Fred and George thought up ways of getting their hands on the Spellbook of Desires, Hermione was busy making her way down to Hagrid’s hut, believing that if Ron really wanted to hide from any embarrassment, he’d make his way there.

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    Before making her way down to Hagrid’s hut however, she knew she had to go to the library and seek out any kind of defense against Malfoy’s book.   It was her only way to defend herself against a sure attack from Malfoy, and she knew the best way to find a defense was to scour the restricted section of the library.   After finally making it down to the library and finding her way to the restricted section, she was stopped by Madam Pince before she could enter.
‘What do you think you’re doing Ms. Granger?’ asked an angry Madam Pince, as she blocked the way.   ‘You know you’re not allowed in that section as a fourth year’
‘Yes of course’ replied Hermione, before running out the library and back up to the seventh floor and the Gryffindor common room.   She needed a way into the section, and Harry’s invisibility cloak was her only way past Madam Pince.   After looking through Harry’s trunk and finally finding it, Hermione ran back down to the library on the fourth floor.   She threw on the invisibility cloak and ran back into the library; determined to get past the librarian and find a defense against Malfoy’s book.
Hermione was so determined on her task, she had no idea that she was being followed by Malfoy himself, who although tired from a long night, was interested in what Hermione was doing.   He realized that she knew about the book and could have pieced together what he had done to Ginny.   With his invisibility cloak still on, he followed Hermione to the entrance of the library, where she covered herself with the invisibility cloak.   Knowing that she intended to go into the library, Malfoy followed her in and did his best to listen to the swishing of her cloak to follow her.   In the corner of his eye, he saw the chain blocking off the restricted section move.   Armed with this information, he jumped over the chain and silently looked around for Hermione.

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    The restricted section was quite large, and as he walked up and down the aisles, he could see a hand floating in the air and picking out books.   Malfoy waited and watched, hoping to find an opportunity to use the Spellbook of Desires, which he still had tucked under his arm.
Hermione was looking at any book that had any relevance to sexual spells; there were many, but few showed any defense against the spells Malfoy had used.
Malfoy watched intently; he now knew that Hermione was looking for a way to counteract his spells and potions.   Not wanting Hermione to find a way to defend against his sexual spells, Malfoy decided to pick a spell to help illustrate the futility of defending against the book’s various spells and potions, and also to make her forget about what she was looking for.   Malfoy quietly opened the book under his cloak and looked for the best and simplest spell.   As Hermione continued to pour through several books, Malfoy finally found a suitable spell.
The spell read:
A most efficient and long-lasting spell, which permanently links the use of two words to the intended target’s sexual inhibitions.   Once the spell is cast and a word attached to the target, they will forever be slave to whoever speaks the word to the target.   Once spoken aloud to the target, they will be slave to speaker’s sexual desires until a safe word is spoken, erasing all memory of the events between the utterance of the two words and placing the target in a deep sleep for ten minutes to allow for a clean getaway.   Warning!  This spell is permanent; the two words attached to intended target will forever be attached to their sexual inhibitions! 
The spell was only a few wand movements with the utterance of Capitulous, preceded and followed by the two permanent linking words.
Just as Hermione was closing in on a possible defense against Malfoy’s book, Malfoy lifted his cloak and before Hermione could see him, cast the spell saying ‘Mudblood-Capitulous-Muggle’, after waving his wand at Hermione.   A bright red light struck Hermione in her chest and as she looked to where the light had come from, she heard something said aloud.
‘Mudblood’ whispered Malfoy, before she saw who had cast the spell.   Hermione’s demeanor changed immediately, as her eyes misted over and an expression of lust formed on her face.

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    She was clearly ready to do whatever her master told her to do, as she dropped the book she was holding and threw off Harry’s invisibility cloak so her sexual master could see her.
Hermione had only one thing on her mind as she approached Malfoy.   Hermione’s gaze quickly fell to Malfoy’s crotch, which to her excitement, was already expanding to accommodate his hardening cock.
Malfoy had had Hermione once against her will, now he was poised to have her again as a willing participant.   As Hermione got on her knees and began to remove his buckle, Malfoy couldn’t help but reminisce about their past encounter on the train.   Malfoy felt his buckle loosen and heard it fall to the ground before he felt Hermione pull down his pants and underwear, releasing Malfoy’s seven inch cock.   Malfoy could tell that all Hermione wanted to do was suck on his dick, but she waited dutifully for her master to give her the go ahead.
‘Suck on it bitch… and be quiet about it!’ said Malfoy quietly, not wanting the librarian to hear them going at it.   Hermione took very little time to slide Malfoy’s cock into her hot wet mouth.   Malfoy moaned at the sensation of having his cock enter into Hermione’s slick mouth.   Malfoy nearly blew his load right then and there, but he was intent on having another opportunity at fucking her sweet pussy.   In order to do this, Malfoy began removing her clothes while Hermione continued to bob her head back and forth, nearly engulfing his entire shaft with each stroke.   Soon she was using her hands and fingers to massage Malfoy’s balls while he tried to take off Hermione’s top.   Frustrated at not being able to remove her shirt easily, Malfoy decided to take the simple approach, tearing her tight fitting pink shirt off her body and throwing it aside before doing the same with the skirt she was wearing.   Malfoy nearly came again at the sight of Hermione’s fantastic body in her tight bra and panties, but was quickly disappointed when he realized she was wearing plain old white cotton panties and nothing special.

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‘Well that just won’t do’ said Malfoy, as he leaned over Hermione and tore off her tight cotton panties with a single pull.   Malfoy could distinctly hear Hermione moan like a little whore when he had yanked and tore her panties off of her.   Malfoy then quickly tore off her bra with a single pull, revealing her small firm breasts and her tiny rosy nipples which were already rock hard.
‘Stand up slut’ ordered Malfoy, who couldn’t take another minute of Hermione sucking on his cock without cumming.
Hermione stood up dutifully, revealing her perfect breasts and a tight pussy that had been trimmed into a little strip of fuzzy brown pubic hair.  
‘Fuck!  I forgot how hot you were… and I see you’ve made a little addition to your sweet little cunt’ Malfoy said, excited at what he was seeing.   ‘Now turn around and let me take a look at that tight ass of yours’ finished Malfoy, stroking his cock to the sight of her.
Hermione again followed Malfoy’s orders, enjoying the attention she was receiving and the reaction she was getting out of her master.   Hermione slowly turned around as Malfoy’s hand pumped his shaft faster and faster.   To Malfoy’s exhilaration, Hermione’s back end was even better then her front as his eyes locked onto her luscious but tight looking round ass.   Malfoy nearly came again after taking a little initiative; Hermione started wiggling her ass at Malfoy to see if she could get a little more praise from him.
‘Ohh my god!  Bend that sweet ass over right now!’ commanded Malfoy, who had stopped stroking himself off in order not to blow his load.   Malfoy watched in anticipation as Hermione slowly bent over and presented her tight round ass to Malfoy.   For all the name calling and persecution of Hermione because of her heritage, Malfoy couldn’t help but admit to how much he wanted the hot little Mudblood at this point. Malfoy pulled off his own sweater and shirt before getting on his own knees and sticking his face in her pussy.

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    Malfoy stuck his long tongue as deep into her pussy as possible as his hands found her waist and held Hermione still while he continued to eat her out.
‘Mmmm… mmmm!’ moaned Hermione, as she felt Malfoy’s tongue pierce her deeply.   Hermione could feel Malfoy’s hand massaging her ass just before giving her ass a quick smack to entice her further.   ‘Ungghhh!’ groaned Hermione as Malfoy gave her another smack for pleasure’s sake.
Malfoy continued giving her a hard tongue fucking for ten more minutes before Hermione approached her orgasm.   Her pussy quivered as she moaned out in orgasmic pleasure and bathed Malfoy’s tongue in her sweet juices.   Malfoy lapped up her juices as she continued to shutter, nearly collapsing.
‘Mudblood!  I didn’t say you could cum!’ roared Malfoy angrily; as he stood up and made her bend farther over.   He lifted one of his hands and slapped her ass as hard as he could.   Hermione groaned in pain again and before he smacked her again, he stopped in midair, cautious about the level of noise they were making.
Malfoy made Hermione stand up before forcing her leg up onto one of the shelves so her pussy was wide open and completely exposed to him.   He gave his cock a quick rub before he guided it towards her wet slit.   Hermione looked back at Malfoy and gave him a sexy smile before she felt him guide his seven inch shaft into her tight pussy.   Malfoy had fucked Hermione before, but she was still as tight as she was when he had taken her virginity on the train.   But unlike the train, Hermione wasn’t resisting Malfoy’s advances; in fact she was spurring him on by taking one of his hands and guiding it to one of her firm breasts.

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    Malfoy, glad that his dutiful whore was taking a little sexual initiative, obliged her slutty advances and took hold of her breast and massaged it while he continued to force more and more of his cock into Hermione’s tight cunt.
‘Mmmmmm!’ moaned Hermione, as the dual sensation of Malfoy both massaging her tit and thrusting his cock into her, made her cum for the second time that morning.   The extra lubrication was just what Malfoy needed as he thrust the rest of his seven inches into her with her still cumming.   ‘Ohhhh Draco… You’re so big!’ cried Hermione, as Malfoy bent over her and kissed her neck.   Hermione kissed him on the lips as Malfoy started to twist her nipple.
‘I’m gonna fuck this sweet pussy every chance I get… you’re so hot!’ whispered Malfoy into Hermione’s ear, just before kissing her again.   After five minutes of slowly sliding his shaft in an out of Hermione’s wet pussy, Malfoy started to pick up his rhythm; slamming his cock into her with as much ferocity as he could muster.   His cock was moving in and out of her so fast that his balls were smacking against her pussy with each thrust.   The sensation of having his balls smack against her pussy with each thrust was quickly draining whatever stamina Malfoy had left and after another five minutes of furious fucking and another huge orgasm from Hermione, Malfoy was ready to explode.
‘Ohhhh god!  I’m gonna fucking cum baby!’ groaned Draco into Hermione’s ear, as his pace quickened in anticipation of a sticky end.
‘Fill me up baby… I want your cum inside me Draco… Fill my dirty Mudblood pussy full of your hot seed!’ whispered Hermione sexily, right back at Malfoy, whose face was straining with the need to cum.
‘UNGHHHHHH!’ grunted Malfoy, as Hermione’s sexy and slutty words were more than enough to push him over the edge and begin to fill Hermione’s tight pussy full of his potent seed.   It was the largest orgasm of Malfoy’s life; his desire to plant his seed deep in the young witch had produced almost a gallon of cum, all deposited into Hermione’s womb.
‘Mmmmmm!’ moaned Hermione, as she felt her pussy being filled to the brim with Malfoy’s hot sticky cum.   The sensation of her womb filling with his cum was more than enough to put her over the edge for the fourth time, adding her sticky mess to Malfoy’s.

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Malfoy pulled out of Hermione in a hurry after releasing her nipple.   A rush of both Malfoy’s hot cum and Hermione’s sticky juices rushed out of her tight pussy.   There was simply not enough room to hold all that cum.   Hermione’s leg remained in place, as she let the accumulated semen leak out of her pussy and run down her long slender legs.
‘Thanks Mudblood… I’ll be sure to do this again’ said Malfoy, watching his cum pour out of her teen pussy.   ‘Muggle’ said Malfoy, after watching her for another couple of minutes.   Hermione went limp and collapsed onto the floor beside all the books she had removed from the shelves.   Malfoy took every book Hermione had removed to look for a counter-spell and put them under his arm along with his own Spellbook of Desires and Hermione’s clothes.  He then put on his invisibility cloak and left Hermione lying on her stomach with a pool of his cum forming underneath her pussy.   Malfoy cared little if Hermione were to get pregnant; there would be no way to prove that he was the father if she did, and even if she could, he’d find some way out of it.   He would have taken her invisibility cloak from her, but he wasn’t able to find it; the cloak must have landed on the ground and remained invisible.   He only took her clothes because he wanted to make sure she had nothing to wear when she awoke and had to leave the library.
Hermione awoke ten minutes after Malfoy had left, unaware what had happened and why she was naked.   She looked down at her pussy and realized that there was cum still leaking out of her and a pool of it which had formed underneath her.
‘Malfoy!’ cried Hermione, realizing what he must have done to her.

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    She looked around for her clothes and the books she had taken out, but she was unable to see them.   Horrified that she’d have to run back to Gryffindor tower naked, Hermione frantically searched the floor for the invisibility cloak, hoping that Malfoy hadn’t found it.   To her pleasure, Hermione found the invisibility right side up before she picked it up and put it over her naked body.   She left the library quietly after using her wand to clean up the mess she had left in the restricted section.
‘I’d better go get another pregnancy potion… Madam Pomfrey won’t be happy!’ Hermione said to herself as she left the library and made her way to the hospital wing to get another pregnancy potion for the second time that morning, cursing Malfoy’s name the entire way there. .
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