The South Marlin Circle Bondage Club Chapter 25


Cecil and Arisa went to her house after the party and he gave her amassage. "Thank you Master. Your cocktart really needed this. " "Justmaintaining my property love," he chuckled. He worked on her for anhour, manipulating her muscles at a leisurely pace. Once he was done,she took a shower and then they climbed into bed together, Cecil holdinghis 14 year old slave close to him. "Please relax and if you want to goto sleep darling you may do so. " "Thank you Master. " She eventuallynodded off and, after holding her a while longer, he slowly got out ofbed and went home.

Sunday, as Haruko said, she and Steven went to Ms. McMullen's beautyshop. Steven waited quietly on his knees in front of Haruko as she satin a chair reading the L. A. Times. She let Steven have the entertainmentsection as he waited for the Mistress of the house to attend to him. "Mistress Haruko, please have your property report to the platform.

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  ""Thank you Mistress," she said, as he scurried on to the platform afterremoving his shoes and socks so that she could inspect his toenails. ""Mistress Haruko, I think he's ready to have his hair done today. I'lltake him out into the front of the  shop and have Alicia wash his hairfirst and then I'll style it when it's ready. " "Thank you Mistress. Sorry to be so much trouble. " No problem Mistress Haruko. It's greatseeing you again. " "Master Ethan, please have your property report tothe platform. " "Thank you Mistress," he said, as Aya skipped over tohave her nails examined. "Master Ethan, your property only requires justa little bit of a trim and then we'll send her over to Thuy. ": "Thankyou Mistress. Sorry to harry you when you're so busy. " "It comes withbeing in business Master Ethan and I hope you will harry me more in thefuture. " 'Thank you for your generosity Mistress. "


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   McMullen cleaned up some small unevenness in Aya's hair and then hadher romp over to her nail specialist Thuy. Steven was now ready to havehis hair done and Ms. McMullen took her time with it, parting it deadcenter and then evening it out, trying to have it frame his face in anandrogynous way. She called it "a modified Roger Daltrey. or butched upFarrah Fawcett. " Steven was pleased with it and Haruko thought it madehim look a lot hotter.

Monday morning as she sat in class, Haruko kept gazing at her engagementring like she couldn't believe it was hers. She felt so lucky andgrateful as she looked at her fellow students, who wouldn't know whothey were going to spend the rest of their lives with for a decade ormore, maybe never. She also had her betrothed fully under her controland he was already established economically. She  wondered just how muchloot they would realize when those new generation navigation systemsSteven and his father created began to go into airliners and fighterjets in a year or two. It seemed surreal. "Haruko! Haruko!" "Huh, ohsorry Mr. Williams, I didn't hear the question. " "Maybe you need to stoplooking at your ring so much and paying more attention. " "Sorry.

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   I justgot engaged yesterday and I'm still kinda in shock about it. " "Uh,well, congratulations. " "Thanks," she smiled. "So who are you going tomarry Haruko," one of the other girls asked. "Steven Morris. " "StevenMorris? Really? Ooookay," she echoed dubiously.

In her second period class, one of the girls asked why she was wearingsuch an expensive looking ring to school. "Because I got engagedyesterday," Haruko sang.   "Why? Are you pregnant?" "No. " "You're notstill going out with that faggot Steven Morris, are you?" one of theboys blurted. "Yes I am and I am totally happy about it. " "What, does hehave a ten inch dick or something?" "No. His is eight, sweety. " "StevenMorris has an eight inch cock? You wouldn't know it looking at him. Theguy is a total loser.

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  " This caused Haruko to cackle. "I'll remember yousaid that, Jason, when I see you working the cash register at the carwash when you're 35. " Then she laughed again.

In third period, one of the girls asked if that was an engagement ring. "Yes it is. " "So who's the lucky guy Haruko?" "Steven Morris" "Haruko,girl, come on. A beautiful women like you can do better than that. Imean, really. Like yuck. " "Isn't your family already rich Haruko? Why doyou need him?" "He gives me everything I need. He's so great. " "I knowfor sure he ain't rich, so what's the appeal?" "He's such a sweety. andhe's so smart. " "Yeah, he's smart, but God, ewwww! I wouldn't want thaton top of me at night," another girl interjected "Said the girl with theboyfriend of the month club," Haruko riposted. "Are you calling me aslut, Haruko?" "Did you hear me use that word Carolyn? However, at yourcurrent pace, you'll go through every guy in North America by 2015 andhave to start hitting singles bars in China.

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  " That last line hadeverybody guffawing. This angered Carolyn, who went up to where Harukowas sitting and tried to slap her. Haruko, though, blocked it and thenpinched the same pressure point in Carolyn's wrist as she had the boy inthe science lab and forced her to the ground. "That's it Carolyn, kneelfor me. That's a good girl. Now I'm going to give you a choice: I caneither kick you in the head, knee you in the head, stomp your head ormake you give me head. You choose," she said, with a sadistic smile onher face. Carolyn started to cry. "Sorry sweety, crying isn't on thelist of options. Choose again or you'll never be able to use this armagain. " From where she was seated, she could see her teacher, MissRoberson, coming down the hall. "Okay bitch, you got lucky. Next time,be more respectful because you never know who you're dealing with. "

Unfortunately for Carolyn, she decided to revisit the question in thegym class she had with Haruko and to have three of her friends help her. Her and her companions surrounded Haruko.

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   "I'm going to kick your assbitch," Carolyn threatened. "Sweety, I have two new choices for you:one, you can walk away or you get to lose use of your legs for the nextsix months and so won't be kicking much of anything. Choose carefully. There's only one right answer. " Carolyn nevertheless tried to punchHaruko, who ducked it, delivered four hard punches to her opponentsmid-section. and then kicked her under her knee, breaking it, andputting her on the ground. Another one of the girls tried to grab her,but Haruko, as she came up, elbowed the girl in the face and then aroundhouse kick in the face put the third girl in the hospital, almostkilling her. The fourth girl slinked away. Haruko stood over Carolyn andkicked her tibia, fracturing it. "That was for making me sweat, bitch. Now I feel really gross because of you. " She then kicked Carolyn in theribcage, breaking three of her ribs. "And fighting is so unladylike,"she added, before stomping on Carolyn's ankle, causing a hairlinefracture. "Okay Haruko, I think you got your point across. The ambulanceis already coming," another girl said.

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   "Okay Donna. Sorry about theunpleasantness," Haruko apologized. Donna laughed. "That's theunderstatement of the year. " The ambulance rolled up and picked thethree victims up, one of them unconscious. When the coaches tried tofind out what happened the girls clammed up, saying they didn't seeanything. If they told on Haruko they were perhaps afraid that Rie, whowas already referred to as "Kung Fu Blondie" by many students, or Shihomight come looking for them. In the locker room after that, some of thegirls expressed astonishment. "God Haruko, you're usually so nice. Iwould have expected that kind of sadistic attack from your sister. "Haruko laughed. "Actually, Rie is quite passive compared to me. " "That'sscary. . " "Please keep in mind that I didn't want that.

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  " "I know sweety. I saw what happened. "

Haruko recounted what happened at lunch. "God Haruko, that's a greatline. I'm going to have to steal it," Eddie said about Haruko's"boyfriend of the month club" zinger.

"By the way, Steven, what's for dinner tonight?" Haruko pondered. "What,is Steven making dinner for you tonight?" Brandon asked. "Yeah, Thenhe's going to make dinner for his family tomorrow. " He told them andHaruko wondered if he was biting off more than he could chew. "You knowwhat cooking is? It's a chemistry experiment you can eat," hepropounded. The only thing I'm worried about is some of the mechanicalstuff, but the seasoning and the cooking isn't that complicated as longas I'm paying attention. " "That doesn't sound very romantic, Steven,"Arlene Stevenson insisted. "He's making it for my family, not just meArlene. So it's okay, but if you really think about it,  he's right. "

After the lunch bell rang and everyone began heading to class, Arlenebuttonholed Haruko and Steven and whispered, "hey you guys, my dad'scompany's marketing analyst just released the numbers attached to thatlittle improvement you made in one of our products.

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   I'm not going toquote specific numbers, but if it pans out, you guys pretty much hit thelottery. By the way Haruko, because this has to do with nationalsecurity, this is top secret, do you understand?" Wow, really? How fun!""Anyway, thanks Steven. And you can tell your dad. I'm sure he'll bepleased. " "Sweet!" Steven exalted. "My boyfriend, the high school millionaire," Haruko joked. "Comin' at ya live, babe!" he smiled.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully and after he walked back toHaruko's place from Mrs. Westfield's, he borrowed Maki's car and went tothe supermarket with Haruko. He already had a chocolate layeredcheesecake in the fridge that he made from scratch the night before, buthe wanted to buy ingredients that were definitely fresh that day. forthe main meal  What he ended up making wasn't that complicated per se. It was tempura vegetables, grilled chicken breast on a bed of steamedrice and the cheesecake for dessert. For refreshments he just made someoolong tea.

"That was the best cheesecake I've ever eaten," Erik evaluated. "Thechicken was grilled perfectly, but I would personally have preferredjust steamed vegetables over the tempura.

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   You have that breading alongwith the rice and cheesecake the meal gets a little heavy. Butotherwise, this was kick ass!"

"For me as a girl, the portion was a bit big," Rie critiqued. . "As muchas I love rice, a little less of it and, as daddy said, just steamingthe vegetables and slicing the cheesecake a little thinner would havebeen best, I think. But as far as the taste went, it was really good. ""Yeah, I have to agree with Rie," Haruko stated. "Me too," Shiho chimedin. "I don't know you guys. I thought it rocked!" Robbie bubbled. "Yeah,you Americans really need to think about smaller, lighter portions,Maki concluded. " "Thanks, everyone. I'll definitely remember that,"Steven said.

After he did the dishes, Steven asked Haruko if, aside from needing toroll back the portion sizes a bit, if she was happy with his effort. "I'm totally happy with it, Stephanie. The cheesecake was amazing andthe rest of it was more than passable.


   Not pricey restaurant quality,but I would still be happy eating it again sometime. " "I'm glad to hearthat. " "So what are you going to make for your parents?" "My dad is moreof a meat and potatoes kind of guy. He's not exactly an adventurouseater. So I was thinking roasted chicken, potatoes and asparagus. I'malso going to make another cheesecake tonight, but more plain becausethat's the way my dad likes it. " "Well, at least your mom will get abreak. " "Yeah, she's pretty stoked she won't have to do it. It will beinteresting to see what they think of my hair, too. " "Well, I reallylike it. Ms. McMullen has major skills. " "For sure. "

"So what do you think Arlene meant by "hit the lottery" Mistress?" "Ihave no idea, Stephanie. " "Doing the math in my head, if they wholesale$100 million worth of that device then that will mean $5 million forus," Steven calculated.

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   "I don't really think of that as a lottery levelnumber. It's hard for me to project it out to $1 billion sales and usreceiving $50 million from it. . So It's somewhere in between those twofigures, I think. Then you have a 40% tax hit on top of that. It couldbe that they may be able to use it for applications I might not be awareof, like for shipping or something. I was thinking solely in terms ofaircraft. If they found a way to get it into cars or military vehiclesthen the sky is the limit. " "Do you think they could get it into cars?""They definitely could, but you would have to engineer an entire newgeneration of automobiles, which is a super expensive proposition. Also,could you produce it in a way that it could be put in a car regularpeople could afford? Second, potentially, it would reduce accidents tosuch an extent Detroit and Tokyo would hate it. They actually profit offcollisions because people are more likely to need, or feel the need, toreplace their cars, which means bigger sales. The insurance industrywould worship it, though. So if it does go in any vehicles, it willprobably be in a defense related capacity, where the budget is, for allintents and purposes, unlimited. We'll  just have to sit back and waitfor it all to shake out. "

"To switch the conversation to a totally different subject," Harukobegan, giggling, "if I asked you to suck a guy's cock would you do it?""If I thought he was a good looking guy and he was uncircumcised, Iwould probably do it.

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   But it would have to be a guy who I know wouldn'tgive me a disease. " "So are you bisexual, Stephanie?" "No. I think Ihave internalized being a girl to some degree and that has kinda tiltedme toward wondering what it would be like to suck another guy's dick,but it would largely be to please you, Mistress. I'm totally notinterested in relationships with men. " "How about if I asked you to let aman fuck you?" "As long as he used a condom and wasn't uber huge and hewasn't gross. But again, it would be mainly to please you Mistress. " "How about cuckolding?" "That is a hard limit, Mistress. If that issomething you just gotta have, I can start moving back into my parents'place right now. I'm actually really disturbed you asked me that. "

"Stephanie, don't worry about it. I'm just wondering how far I can pushyou. I'm not going to bring home another guy to fuck me. " "I want you tobe honest, Mistress. Is that something you, deep down, want to do?""Listen Stephanie, I know for a fact that if you had the ability, youwould fuck anything that was half decent looking and had a vagina. I canpretty much get fucked anytime I want right now and yet I'm not doingit.

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   I've turned down literally dozens of guys. So don't be sothreatened. " "What's really funny about that response, Mistress, andwith all due respect, is that women usually get angry if a guy merelyremarks that a certain actress is hot. 'Oh, so that's what you like,'they whine and then go off in a huff. But here, you're talking aboutscrewing another guy in front of me as if it's among the realm ofacceptable possibilities and yet you're asking me to not feelthreatened? Isn't that hypocritical?" "Okay, Stephanie, you have apoint. I'm sorry I brought it up. And no, I'm not already getting boredwith you. " "Listen Mistress, I really, really love you. You are soprecious to me. But I also don't want to be patronized and I certainlydon't want to guilt trip you into staying with me. I know you'refeelings are still evolving. Be honest with me and with yourselfMistress. If you think you're beginning to check out of the relationshipthen boot me out the door now while I still have somewhere to go backto. You won't be the first person who has given me the shaft. "

Haruko began to cry and shake.

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   "Steven, I'm sorry. God, I don't want tolose you. I went too far and for that I'm sorry. " Rie suddenly appearedin the doorway. "Is there something wrong, Haruko?" "Rie, I fucked upbad. Steven thinks I want to cheat on him and use it to humiliate him. Steven, please believe me. I need you in my life. " Rie comforted her. "Sorry you had to see your sister cry, Rie. I think it's best if I go tomy parents place. " "Steven, don't. Haruko does love you. She collaredyou and accepted your proposal for a reason. Believe me, I know mysister.

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   She doesn't like hurting others. "

"Okay, I'm sorry I played the victim card like I did. That wasn't verymanly of me. Mistress, what I just felt is what most women do to the menthey are with at some point in their relationships. I hope you willlearn from that. Your feelings have gone through a lot of changes overthe last six months and I was afraid that they were coming to a pointwhere you felt you needed more than what I was willing to give you. Evenwith this argument, I don't want you to edit yourself or tip toe aroundme. I want you to be honest so that I know exactly where I stand. Iknow you can't read my mind because I can't read yours. But I need toknow that I am essential to your life. You're essential to mine,Mistress. That's why I want to marry you. " "Steven, sweety, you're thebest thing to ever happen to me. You've been so sweet and understanding. I kinda stepped on the landmine of your trust issues and I didn't meanto.

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   I will always be honest with you and I have been since we met. Comehere baby and hug me. " Steven took her lefthand, kissed it and held it. He then backed away and scooted down the bed and sat against theheadboard. "Come here and lay in my lap, Haruko," he said, putting apillow on his stomach for her. She laid down on it. "That's better. ""Steven, Haruko thinks your being a part of her life is a blessing. Always remember that, okay?" "Thanks Rie. You're the best. " "You're thebest thing for my oneechan, Steven. Please stay a part of our family. ""Thanks Rie. I will. " "I'm glad," Rie said, giving Steven a hug.

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He looked down on Haruko and lightly ran his fingers over her face. Heleaned over and kissed her softly on the lips. "So are you going tostay?" "Yeah. Sorry I freaked out like that. It just pushed one of mybuttons. Listen Haruko, I know people have a need for variety. So Ican't really blame you, in the cosmic sense, if you wanted toexperiment. In my mind, though, I just try to live day by day and begrateful for everything I have because so many people don't have jack. It's that kind of elemental simplicity that I think helps to make lifeenjoyable. It tortures me when I think I might have even accidentallyhurt you. I know you've defended me in public and declared your love forme to the naysayers even though I'm one of the black sheep of theschool. I'm really grateful for that and it makes me feel so close toyou. I hope that the two of us can just relax, enjoy what we have andtake joy in the happiness of the other. When I make you happy I get alittle buzz from it. It's my heroin.

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   So let's try to keep things simpleand be good to each other. " "Okay baby," she said, tears welling up inher eyes. "Why are you crying again?" "I'm so relieved that I didn'tcost us our relationship and how sincere and deeply felt your love forme is. I guess it was inevitable that we would have an argument at somepoint. I think I learned to not be so cavalier when discussing touchymatters. " "And I learned that I need to step back and ask forclarification first so that one stupid turn of phrase or bit ofoverenthusiasm doesn't cost us what we have together. "

"It's beginning to get late Mistress. I need to start that cheesecake. Would you like to supervise?" "Yes I would Stephanie. " "Thank youMistress. ".
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The city of Batumi itself is a haven for night owls and party enthusiasts. Its vibrant nightlife offers a plethora of entertainment options. From high-end clubs, chic bars, and lively pubs to exotic dance shows and live music performances, there is something for everyone.

Batumi's nightlife is a melting pot of diverse cultures and music genres. It's a place where one can dance the night away to the rhythm of Georgian folk music, get lost in the beats of electronic dance music, or enjoy a quiet evening with a glass of fine Georgian wine while listening to jazz.
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