Making Michelle A Sex Slave Chapter 3


  Derek Does Something Unexpected

Chapter 3

Derek told Michelle to go to the bedroom and take everything off.   While she was in there he went to his bedroom to retrieve his laptop.   He wanted to hook the egg back up to it and look at the data that was saved on it for that day.   When he walked into the playroom his cock started to immediately get hard from the sight of Michelle standing there naked in front of him.   He knew right away that it wasn’t going to be easy for him to keep his mind on what he was doing.
He walked past Michelle and over to the side of the bed where he sat down on the bed and placed the laptop next too him.   He opened it up and prepared the program that he needed.   Finally he looked over at Michelle.   He looked at every curve of her body all the way down to her feet.   For some reason he had the uncontrollable urge to crawl over to her and start sucking on her toes.   That he didn’t understand because he wasn’t into sucking on toes and she wasn’t the one in charge so why would he be the one crawling around on the floor.   It should be the other way around.
“Now slave its time for you to give the egg back.   What you need to do is squat down in front of me and start to push the egg out. ”  Derek said with no hint of a grin or smirk on his face.
“Yes Master.

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  ”  Michelle walked over to the spot he pointed to and squatted down over it.   She tried several times to get it to come out but it wouldn’t budge even an inch.
Derek had an idea.   He turned back towards his laptop and started typing something.   As soon as he hit the enter key Michelle’s eyes went wide and her mouth started to hang open.   He had turned it on to a constant, intense vibration.   He watched as Michelle tried to keep her balance and finally grabbed the side of the mattress so she wouldn’t fall over.   It didn’t take very long before he started to hear her moan and her breathing to become ragged.   He noticed that her nipples were completely erect.  He reached out and took one between his thumb and forefinger.   Slowly he twisted it and started pinching and pulling on it.   He knew he was starting to be rough with her nipple but that didn’t matter to him.   At that point and time he wanted his egg back.   After five minutes of the egg and Derek roughly fondling her nipple the egg dropped out onto the floor, making a light splash into the puddle she had made on the carpet.  
Michelle collapsed onto her knees after Derek retrieved the egg from the floor.

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    She has never had as many orgasms in one day like she has had today.   It surprised her that she could have that many.   She watched as Derek wiped the egg off, then hooked it up to his laptop and started bringing up all kinds of graphs showing every time the egg went off, how intense each time was, and too her surprise, also told when she had an orgasm.   The best she could figure was that it had some kind of sensor in it for that.   She was actually impressed with everything it could do.
When Derek brought everything up on the screen he couldn’t help but smile.   He could tell that it went off on her a couple times going to work.   That right there would have been fun to see.
“So my slave, did you have an interesting ride to work this morning?”  Derek asked.
“Yes Master I did.   The only time that I didn’t like was the second time it started vibrating and I almost wrecked into a construction site. ”  Michelle said while still on her knees on the floor.
“Well I certainly don’t want you getting in a wreck while driving so next time I will program it to only start after you have arrived at work.   Have to make sure your still in one piece.   I’m just starting to have fun with you.

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“Thank you Master.   May I suggest something Master?”
“What is it?”
“Well I was thinking that maybe you could make it only vibrate lightly while I’m driving to work and home.   That should be safe for me. ”
“You must really like this little toy don’t you?”
“Yes Master I do.   It made for a very interesting day at work. ”
“I am pleased that you like it slave.   Apparently it worked better than I anticipated it would.   I can see you having even more fun with this. ”
“Master, some girls at work found out about the egg.   I never told them. ”  Michelle explained everything that happened in complete detail to her Master.   She could see that he was already having ideas going through his mind.   She wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not.
“Master may I stand up?”  Michelle asked.   She had been sitting on her knees for the last 20 minutes and her legs and knees were starting to hurt.

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“Yes.   You can stand up. ”
“Thank you Master. ”  Michelle replied while trying to get up off the floor.   Her legs were real stiff from sitting like that for so long.   That made her wonder how she was able to do that all the time when she was just a little girl growing up.   Once she was standing she flexed her legs a little to try and work some of the stiffness out of them.   Her legs started to feel a lot better after that.
“Well it sounds like you have a very interesting day at work and even had some fun with some coworkers also. ”
“Yes Master.   The part with the coworkers was totally unexpected.   I have never done anything like that in my life.   I was kind of shocked that I actually enjoyed having another woman lick my pussy.   I’m actually getting wet thinking about it. ”
“Show me slave.

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    Prove to me that you are getting wet. ”
Michelle spread her legs, reached down and slid two fingers into her pussy.   The first time they slid up inside her you could already here a slight squishing sound.
Derek sat there and watched as Michelle fingered herself in front of him.   He could hear the squishing sound from her fingers being shoved into her pussy.   He could feel his cock start to get hard again.   He could tell that she was really enjoying herself.   He noticed that she never once opened her eyes.
Slowly Derek climbed off the bed and moved the laptop and the egg over to a chair.   While he continued to watch her he slowly started to undress.   Once he was completely naked and his cock pointing straight out in front of him, he walked up behind Michelle.   Slowly he reached his arms around her and took both of her nipples in between his fingers.   He loved how hard they were.   What amazed him was how big they actually got.   He figured that if he laid a dime on top of each one it still wouldn’t cover them completely.

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    He felt her jump when his fingers touched her nipples.
Michelle never even noticed that Derek had moved away from the bed and was now standing behind her.   If it wasn’t for him reaching around and grabbing her nipples she never would have noticed.   Then she realized he wasn’t wearing anything when the head of his cock started pressing into the crack of her ass.   She knew there was a lot of pre cum coming out of the head of his cock by the way it was sliding in between her ass cheeks so easily.   She has never had a cock rub against her butthole before and never intended to try it but right then she was amazed that she was enjoying it and all he was doing was rubbing his cock head across it.   All of a sudden he let go of her nipples and instructed her to bend over the bed.   She did as she was told.
Derek was immensely enjoying himself with just pinching her nipples and rubbing his cock on her ass but he wanted more than that.   Once she was bent over the bed he started rubbing her ass all over.   With one quick movement he gave her a good swat on one of her ass cheeks.   He listened as she let out a slight whimper from that first swat.
“So slave, do you like it when I do that?”
“No Master I actually don’t.   But I will like it if it will please you. ”
“That’s a good girl.

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    But I think that after awhile you will start to like it.   Most girls don’t like being spanked at first but after a bit of time they realize that being spanked is actually fun for them. ” 
He gave her another good smack on her ass, this time on the other cheek and also with his other hand.   He stepped back away from her and looked at the two beautiful red handprints he left on her ass.   The site of that made Derek very pleased with himself.
Michelle’s ass cheeks were hurting but it wasn’t anything like when he used the paddle on her.   That was a lot worse to her.   She could feel his cock sliding between her ass cheeks again and down along her pussy and over her clit.   This feeling she liked because there wasn’t any pain involved.   Or so she thought.
She noticed that he started rubbing his cock over her butthole even more.   That started to worry her.   She knew that nobody has ever been in there and that Derek’s cock was bigger than she expected it to be.   She could feel him push the head of his cock against her hole on every other pass over it.   All of a sudden she felt the head of his cock pop into her.

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    Immediately she tightened her ass up and squeezed it back out.   Suddenly she felt him swat her again, harder this time, on each ass cheek causing her to cry out from the pain.
“Now slave you need to hold still or will I have to go and get the restraints so you can’t move at all.   Is that what you want?”
“No Master.   I won’t do that again.   It’s just that I have never done anything like that before and I guess it startled me a little. ”  Michelle replied with a slight tremble to her voice.
Derek stood behind her grinning like a little kid that just stole a cookie from the cookie jar and got away with it.   Having control over Michelle was exciting him so much that he could have cum right then without even penetrating her.   But that wouldn’t have been much fun.   Not in any way would it have been.   He was going to have his way with her and she was going to do anything he told her to do.
Derek finally snapped out of his little erotic trance and went back to what he was previously doing.   This time when he grabbed her by her hips he made sure that he had a firm grip on her so if she thought of trying to jerk forward she wouldn’t be able to move even an inch.   Once he had a good hold of her he started rubbing his cock over her tight little butthole and back across her swollen pussy.

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    He knew he wasn’t going to last much longer if he kept doing that.   Without any warning he lined the head of his cock up with her butthole and gave one hard push, shoving half of it inside her.   He felt her ass tighten up again but this time it was useless.   The only way his cock was coming out of her ass was when he pulled it out.   He could hear her trying to stifle a cry from the pain of her ass being penetrated for the first time and also with him not taking his time and making sure she was well lubed before hand.   Slowly he started to pull back till just the head was in her and then rammed it inside of her completely to the point of feeling his balls slapping against her.   This time she cried out without trying to silence any of it.
Michelle thought her ass was being ripped apart.   She thought he might have taken his time, slowly easing into her, so she could try and get used to him being in there.   Damn was she wrong.   She wanted so much to get away from him but knew if she tried he would put the restraints on her.   She enjoyed being free and wanted to keep it like this if at all possible.   She felt him start to loosen his hold of her hips and felt his hands start to work there way up to her breasts.   Once he had a hold of them he slowly started to pump his cock inside her ass.   For a little bit it hurt like hell, but then she started to feel a little bit of pleasure mixed with the pain.

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    All of this was starting to get totally confusing.   First she gets beat with a flogger and a paddle and it makes her pussy wet.   Now there is a dick in her ass and she is starting to like it, a lot.
Derek thought his dick was going to get ripped off in her tight ass.   He’s fucked virgin ass before but never anything this tight.   With every thrust into and every time he would pull back out, it was a battle to not shoot his load.   When he started to hear Michelle moaning he knew she was starting to like it.   He didn’t waste any time increasing the speed of every thrust.   He started pushing into her so hard that several times he knocked her off of her hands until she finally kept her head down on the mattress.
Derek had been going at it for about fifteen minutes when all of a sudden he heard Michelle announce to him that she was about to cum.   Right away he quit concentrating on trying to hold back from cumming to letting it just flow from his cock.   He knew he was getting rough with her but never realized that every time he would thrust into her he was making an animalistic guttural growl from somewhere deep inside him.  
Michelle knew she wouldn’t last much longer and had a feeling that Derek, her Master, wouldn’t last much longer either by the way he was growling and the ferocity of every thrust into her.   For a little bit there she was starting to think that it wasn’t Derek behind her but some kind of wild animal from the way he was starting to sound.   She knew it was him but she just had to look back towards him anyway.


When she did it almost frightened her by what she saw.   The look on Derek’s face didn’t even seem like it was even him.   His eyes were completely glazed over, his pupils completely dilated and never blinking, not even once.   Every muscle in his face was completely tight and his teeth were clenched tightly together in a snarl.   She noticed that he was even had drool running out the corners of his mouth.   The one thing she didn’t realize was ,that he had dug his finger nails into her hips so hard that trails of blood, from each area where his nails had dug in, was running down the outside of her thighs.   Now she was frightened after seeing that and the expression on his face.   All she could do was hope that this would be over quick.   All of a sudden she started screaming that she was cumming.
When Derek heard her scream that she was cumming he rammed into her so hard that she ended up lying flat on the bed but that never slowed him down.   He kept a tight hold onto her hips and pulled her back to the edge of the bed some more and continued fucking her ass like a savage animal.   He could feel his load getting ready to explode out of him and with three extremely hard thrusts, he fell on top of her and bit down on her shoulder and started shooting stream after stream of cum into her dark passage.   He could hear her scream when he bit down and also tasted blood in his mouth.   He loosened his jaw a little and started running his tongue over the teeth marks he had made, licking up any blood that seeped out.
Michelle was having trouble believing what had just happened.

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    It was one thing to be pounding her like she was the last one he would ever fuck, but, for him to dig his finger nails in till he drew blood and to also bite her till she bled and then for him to start licking the blood from the bite mark, that was way too much for her.   She started to wonder what the hell she had gotten herself into in the last couple of days.
Finally she felt Derek roll off of her and lay on the bed next to her.   She wanted to look over towards him but she was scared to even do that.   She knew why her hips and shoulder were hurting but didn’t understand why the upper part, of the back of her legs, was hurting also.   She looked behind her and noticed that he had a mirror placed over there.   When she looked towards it at her reflection she was almost horrified at what she saw.
The upper part of the back of her legs and most of her ass cheeks were turning purple.   Derek had fucked her so hard that he had bruised her so bad that she look like someone had beat the shit out of her legs.   She heard Derek starting to move around a little and could hear muffled moans coming from him.   When she looked over at him when he turned on his side she could see that he was starting to bruise also.   Damn she wanted to knock the shit out of him for what he had just done.   She couldn’t say that he raped her because that wasn’t true.   She knew that she had started enjoying being fucked in the ass but the rest of it she could have done without.   She heard Derek say something to her.

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“Are you okay?”  Derek asked with a bit of concern in his voice.
“Yes Master I think so.   I really didn’t expect most of that.   My hips and shoulder hurt and also the back of my legs. ”
Derek started to try and sit up but felt the pain in his legs from the bruising.   When he looked at his legs he knew right away why her legs were hurting also.   He felt bad about that, and then he noticed the five claw marks on her hips from where he was holding onto her hips He looked at his finger nails and saw the blood and a little bit of skin underneath them.   “Damn how crazy did I get with her?”  He thought to himself.   Right then he started to remember licking her shoulder and the taste of blood on his lips.   He pushed himself up a little to look at her shoulder and could clearly see the bite mark with still a little bit of blood coming out of it.
“Lay still, I‘ll be back in a minute. ”  Derek told her.
“Yes Master. ”
It was everything Derek could do to get off the bed but knew that the pain he felt was nothing compared to the pain he had caused her.   He didn’t quite understand what came over him and wasn’t sure if he wanted too.

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    When he finally got up off the bed, he left the bedroom and heading down the hall to the bathroom.  
When he returned he had a hot washcloth with a bar of anti bacterial soap, a couple Tylenol with a glass of water for the pain, a small tube of antibiotics, some bandages and tape.   He wiped off the wounds that he inflicted on Michelle till he was sure they were clean.   When he was done, he placed some bandages over the marks on her shoulder and hips.   He helped her sit up and watched as she took the Tylenol with the water.   He actually felt bad for what he had done but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to admit it too Michelle.   Finally he did.
Michelle couldn’t believe that he was apologizing for what he had done.   She was glad he did but she really expected for him to keep up the whole Master/slave routine going.
“It’s okay Master.   The pain will go away after awhile.   The bruising on the back of my legs might take longer but it will go away. ”
“I don’t know what came over me.   I got carried away with myself more than I realized until I had finished.   Let’s get you in my bedroom so you can rest.

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“Master, if it’s okay with you I would like to stay in here.   I kinda like it in here. ”  Michelle replied.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to stay in here if you don’t want too. ”  Derek told her with a sincere look on his face.
“Yes Master I would like to sleep in here. ”
“Well, okay.   If that is what you would like.   Lie down and rest for a few hours then I will wake you in a little while. ”
“Yes Master. ”  Michelle worked her way up to the top of the bed and crawled under the covers.   She actually liked how this bed felt and the also the feel of the sheets against her skin.   She hadn’t laid there for five minutes before she fell asleep.  
Derek went into the bathroom to take a shower.   It was starting to bother him as to why he had done that to Michelle but he still didn’t have a good explanation for his actions.

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    He was enjoying the whole Master/slave thing that he had going but, with him digging his nails into her and biting her, till she bled, was something he has never done with anyone else, ever.   This was all really confusing for him.
When he was finished with his shower he stood in front of a full length mirror and finally had a good look at the bruises on his legs.   It was so bad that it actually spread up towards his hips.   He started thinking about everything that had happened in his playroom with Michelle to try and figure out where he lost control.   That was the only thing he could think to call it was loosing control.   What else could he call it.   He felt exhausted and decided to go take a nap also.   Derek decided he would try and understand all of it later.   He walked back into the playroom and crawled in bed next to Michelle and slid up next to her, laying his arm across her body and pulling their bodies close together in a spoon position.   After a few minutes he fell asleep enjoying the warmth of her body against his.

Please leave comments and maybe rate my story.   You can also e-mail me at:  dirtymind_88@yahoo. com.
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