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Mike looked quizzically across the desk at Joanne Ford, and replied in exasperation, "well I guess then that we're done then, because I haven't a clue what you're talking about," while standing up to get ready to leave!!! "Please, sit down for just another minute," Joanne asked in a hushed tone, "have you ever heard Eleanor Parkman, our president and CEO!?!" "Who hasn't," Mike replied while retaking his chair, "she's one the the ten richest women in the country, powerful beautiful, and from what I've heard, pretty hard to work for!!!" "To a tee, Mr. Dancer," Joanne quickly replied, "but you left out one important detail!!!" "And what's that," Mike asked!?! "The fact that she's single and never been married," Joanne "Ford replied, "that is the missing detail!!!" "Okay," Mike replied, "I'll bite, why is it so important that she's never been married!?!" "Because of her heavy work load," Joanne explained, "Mz. Parkman never has had the time nor inclination to get married or involved personally with a man because she feels that having a relationship would take away from her work, and since failure is an anathema to her, she would never try anything that was sure to not to work out!!!" Mike sat there listening intently to what Joanne Ford was saying as she continued on, "Now Eleanor Parkman is a normal woman with normal physical needs, but since she has no time for a regular relationship, she found that for her, the best way to handle the situation is by hiring a young man such as yourself to be her companion!!!"Mike sat there dumbly not able to even speak he was so stunned at what Joanne Ford had just told him, but finally he was able to stammer, "Y-you mean she'll pay me to sleep with her, and that's it!?!" "Oh, no, not at all," the personel director replied quickly, "of course you will be having sex together, but also dining, traveling, and after she gets to know you better, probably even helping her with her work!!!" "Okay," Mike replied, "say I decided to go along with you on this, what is this requirement that you were talking about!?!" "That is what I'm about to get to," she replied softly, "but first I must explain something about Mz. Parkman, as with many successful people she's extremely driven to succeed, and like these people, her sex drive can at times be enormous!!!" "Okay, so she likes a lot of sex," Mike interjected, "so do I, but so what!?!" Now speaking more softly and slowly, Joanne Ford replied, "Well, Mike, Ellie Parkman is absolutely addicted to huge erections, and if you don't measure up, well just you don't get the job, it's as simple as that, so now you can see why the ad was so murky as you called it!!!" "Uh, yeah," he mumbled lost in thought, "but, uh, how do you know if I've got what it takes!?!" "That," Joanne Ford replied, "is exactly what I was coming to!!!"Mike fidgeted uneasily in his chair while Joanne Ford came around from behind her desk and said, "Now Mike, if you're sure that you don't have what it takes you can get up and leave right now and there will be no hard feelings, but on the other hand, if you want to go for it, you're going to have to slip off your pants and shorts and get and erection for me as quickly as possible!!!" "And if I do," Mike asked, "then what!?!" "Then," she went on, "I have this cylinder filled with liquid latex that we insert your erection into, it is perfectly safe to the skin and very quick hardening, so after only several minutes you remove your organ and we pour water into the mold and then measure the volume that your penis has displaced!!!" "And," Mike asked, "then what!?!" "That's it,"she replied, "if enough water is displaced, you're hired, if not, well then at least you'll know exactly how big your penis is, so what's it going to be!?!"Joanne placed a quart jar on top of the desk followed by a can of dry latex mix!!! She carefully measured out two cups of the powder, and when everything was set, she offered, "Okay, now after you have a full erection, you just give me the word and I'll add the powder to the water and thirty seconds later you can stick your penis into the solution, it's that simple, so take off your things and we'll get started!!!" "How did he ever get himself involved with something like this," he said to himself while dropping his boxers and pants, "I must be out of my mind!!!" "Well, there it is," he said nervously, "how does it look so far!?!" "Ohhhhh, Mike," she sighed while staring at his rapidly expanding member, "I don't think we're gonna have any trouble at all, but since Mz. Parkman wants to see the numbers, we have to finish the experiment!!!" Mike stared down at his now almost erect pecker, and as if she was reading his mind offered, "Would you like some help with that, after all, we wanna make sure that you're hard as a rock, we wouldn't want you to cheat yourself, now would we!?!" "Uh, no," Mike sighed as the head of his pecker slipped into Joanne Ford's mouth, "we certainly wouldn't want to do that, ohhhhhh myyyyyy!!!" "Follow me, Mike," Joanne said while showing him out the door, "it's time to meet the boss, do you think you're ready!?!" "As ready as I'll ever be," he replied while stepping into the elevator for the ride to the penthouse, "do you think that she'll like me, I mean she could have any man she wanted, and I'm just a twenty two year old kid so to speak!?!" "Let me give you one hint," Joanne offered as the elevator rocketed towards the sixty first floor, "she'll push you to see how much you'll take, and if you let her walk all over you she'll end up despising you as weak and worthless, so while I don't recommend acting like a jerk or anything, don't take any of her guff either!!!" Mike was just about to thank her for the advice when the car suddenly slowed to a halt and the door slid silently open exposing the two of them to vast expanse that was Ellie Parkman's apartment!!! At that moment Mike felt like staying in the elevator car and hitting the lobby button, but before he could flee, a strong feminine voice from the other side of the room called out, "Joanne, Mr. Dancer, won't you please come in and join me for drink!!!""I must be out of my mind," Mike whispered hoarsely to Joanne Ford, "let's get out of here!!!" "It's to late for that, buster," she said while taking him firmly by the arm and leading across the marble floor to where Eleanor Parkman was seated next to a huge window offering a spectacular view of Chicago's skyline!!! "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Dancer," Eleanor Parkman said while extending her hand in a firm handshake, "Joanne has told me so much about you!!!" "Uh thank you very much, Mz. Parkman, I've heard a lot about you too, but then who hasn't!!!" It was then for the first time that Mike heard Ellie Parkman's infectous laugh that seemed to indicate that she didn't take herself all that seriously, and just as he had sensed she replied with a twinkle in her eye, "All of it good I hope, right Joanne!!!" "You've gotta watch it with her, Mike," Joanne replied, "she's pretty tricky, so now if you two will excuse me, I've got a lot of work to, have fun!!!"Both Mike and Eleanor Parkman watched as Joanne disappeared into the elevator for her ride down to the twentieth floor, before Ellie Parkman asked, "Did Joanne give you a run down on your duties, Mr. Dancer!?!" "She gave me a quick outline," Mike replied quickly, "but could I please make a suggestion!?!" "Certainly," she replied soflty, "please go ahead!!!" "Please call me Mike," he replied, "I really feel uncomfortable having you call me Mr. Dancer!!!" "Fair enough, Mike," she replied quickly, "and while we're alone, or in my apartment you may call me Ellie, is that good with you!?!" "Just fine," he said, "so it's Mike and Ellie, then!!!"For the first time since he had met her, Mike noticed that even though Ellie Parkman was probably about fifty, she was truely a striking woman with large full breasts, sensuous full lips, jet black hair that perfectly framed her attractive face, and from what he could see from where he was standing, fairly trim legs!!! "Do you like what you see, Mike," she asked soflty!?! "O-oh gosh, I'm sorry," he replied red faced, "I didn't mean to stare, please forgive me!!!" "For what," she answered with that lifting laugh, "if I were you I'd be wondering what the merchandise looked like, after all I'm just another old woman!!!" "You've gotta be kidding," he stammered, "y-you're beautiful!!!" "Why thank you, Mike," she replied softly, "and I think you're nice looking too, and I'd like to get a much better look, so if you'd just step over here please. . . . . . .

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  . . . . . . . . . . . . " "Mike drained his scotch and water and nervously moved directly in front of the still seated woman, who with slightly shaking hands reached out to undo his pants!!!While she was undoing his trousers, Mike couldn't help but notice that she seemed as nervous as he was, so in a soft voice he asked, "Here, let me help you with that, this top catch is a little bit tricky," as he gently pushed her hands away and undid his trousers for her!!! "Thank you, Mike," she whispered hoarsely, while the still nervous young man extracted his big pecker from inside his shorts, "m-my gosh, you have a beautiful penis, I just know I'm gonna love sucking on this!!!" With his eyes widening in wonder, Mike threw back his head as Ellie Parkman nearly swallowed his eight inch pecker whole, and while her lips and tongue caressed his organ, he stammered, "y-you're incredible, oh, oh, I'm gonna cum, I can't believe I'm cumming already, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, t-there it cums!!!""Good grief," he panted, "where did you learn how to do that, that is without a doubt the best blow job I've ever had in my life!!!" "Did you really like it," she asked hopefully!?! "Are you kidding," he asked wide eyed, "my legs almost gave out on me!!!" "Good," she replied while kissing him on the end of his semi hard cock, "from now on this is all mine!!!" "Are you as good at receiving as you are at giving," he asked mischieviously!?! "And just what did you have in mind," she asked softly!?! "Just this," Mike replied while dropping to his knees in front of her and opeing up the front of her silk dressing gown, opening her legs, and burying his face into her smoothly shaved pussy!!! "Ohhhhhh, Mikey," she sighed as his tongue slithered in and out of her bulging vaginal lips, "you have a very talented tongue, oh yesssssss, right there, do my clit for me, ohhhhhhhhh yes!!!" He looked up into her eyes with his shiny juice covered face, and in a soft voice ordered, "Suck your nipple for me, do it!!!" "I-I've never done that, before," she gasped, "I don't think that I can!!!" "I won't suck your pussy until you do," he replied sternly, "now be a good girl and suck your tit!!!" Almost gingerly she took one of her big boobs into her hands and with hardly any effort at all, sucked her rigid nipple into her hot wet mouth!!! "See how easy that was," he said hoarsely, "now nip your nipple, bite it, harder!!!" Deep moans erupted form her throat as she devoured her hot nipple, but finally she reached out with her free hand and drew his mouth back to her pussy, and with and urgency brought on by her imminent orgasm, she thrust her crotch against his mouth as her entire body shook as a crushing climax engulfed her whole being!!! "So how was that," he asked lightly while kissing the inside of her thighs, "wanna do it again sometime!?!" "With a little line of drool running out of the corner of her mouth, she barely nodded as the pounding in her vagina slowly ebbed away, leaving her a shell shocked mess!!! After both of them had recuperated from their cums, Mike jumped to his feet, and while pulling Ellie with him, asked excitedly, "I've go and idea, where's the bathroom, let's take a shower together!!!""Mmmmmm, this feels good," she said as the stinging hot water wafted over their satisfied bodies, "here, let me wash that, after all, it's mine!!!" Mike threw his head back and laughed, but soon the small soapy hands had done their magic, and again, his penis was standing at full attention and in dire need of another ejaculation!!! "You're all bad, did you know that," he said while pulling her to him and kissing her full on the lips, "just look at what you've done!?!" "I'm sorry," she said sweetly, "I guess I forgot to tell you that I love big hard cocks!!!" "So what are we gonna do about it," he asked while cupping her full ripe chest!?! ""Well," she replied softly, "I could give you another blow job, that's always nice!!!" "No," he said after thinking it over for a minute, "I think that I'd rather do this," as he grabbed her under her arms and easily hefted her into the air and lowered her gaping vagina onto his thick cudgel of a dick!!! "Oh, fuck," she moaned as he entered her to the hilt, "t-that's fucking incredible, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck, you're filling me to overflowing!!! "Hold on, Ellie," he whispered into her ear, "you're about to get fucked, big time!!!" She wrapped her legs around his back and locked them into place, but it was useless trying to prevent the onslaught that was just starting as he started bouncing her up and down on his pecker until she was screaming in ecstasy as orgasm after orgasm rocketed though her pussy leaving her hanging limp like a flag on a windless day from his awesome erection!!!Ten minutes later she tried to getting to her feet, but that to was hopeless, and in a weak voice offered, "You're gonna be very good for me, Mr. Dancer!!!" He kissed her gently on each nipple as the water continued raining down on them, and in a gruff voice replied, "What did I tell you to call me!?!" "With that lilting laugh of her filling the room, she smiled and replied, "I mean Mike!!!"THE END. has a huge list of babes and escort agencies in Mykonos!

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