Crime Stopper Milfs: Police Mom Versus Evil Cock


Note: The following story is a work of fiction.

"Sit down here, son, and I'll go get somebody to deal with you. " The police officer made sure Scott (18) was sitting in the chair opposite from a desk. This desk was to be occupied by any police officer trying to write a report or file of some sort. Right now, there was no one sitting in the chair behind that desk so Scott was left to sit and wait, wondering what was going to happen now that he had been caught spraying graffitti on the side of a bank.

A minute later, two people came into the room: the cop who had brought Scott in and a woman who went to sit down in the chair on the other side of the desk, facing Scott. Oh SHIT! Scott said to himself. It was Mrs. Bosley (41), the mother of his classmate, John (17). He felt so embarrassed and turned red in the face. He was also beginning to perspire.

Mrs. Bosley told the policeman, "Thank you, officer. You can leave us. I know this kid. " "All right," said the police officer, then he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

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Mrs. Bosley worked for the juvenile correction division of the police force. She was a hot mom and had recently decided to dye her naturally black hair a metallic dark blue (maybe because of her occupation, some people thought). She was average height, had a very cute, freckled face, and grey-rock-colored eyes. Right now, she was wearing a business suit, as she normally did.

She asked Scott, in a tired but friendly voice, looking at her desk, wiping off some dirt on the surface, "What trouble have you caused, Scott?" He replied, "Wow. You remember my name, Mrs. Bosley. " "Yeah, well, my son is in the same class as you and you're all at that stage in life where you're bound to get into trouble so I memorized your names in order to save time when writing up a report on any of you, if you happened to get caught doing something bad. " She arched an eyebrow at him, and looked so unintentionally sexy.

"This initial report that the officer gave me says that you were caught spraying graffitti on the side of a bank. Is that true?" Scott looked down at his shoes in shame and said, "Yes, Mrs. Bosley. " She sighed and said, "All right. Wait for a minute in here.

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   I'm going to go get something ready for you. It will help you to stay out of trouble. " Scott looked up, a light in his eyes, saying, "You're not going to put me in jail?" She looked at him seriously and said, "No. You're not going to jail, but you will have this incident kept on record in our files so if you do anything criminal again, whether it be graffitti or shoplifting, you will face a penalty of some sort. Are we clear on this?" "Yes, mam!" "Good. Now, wait here. "

"Yess!" Scott tapped his feet happily on the floor as he waited. Three minutes passed, then the door opened and shut behind him. He could hear the lock being turned this time. He thought, whatever it is that Mrs. Bosley is going to give me, it must be a really private matter. I hope I don't have to pee into a cup or anything like that.

Mrs. Bosley came to stand in front of the desk, close enough to him so that he could smell a really sweet-smelling perfume. Except, Mrs.

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   Bosley wasn't in her business suit. Now, she was dressed in a really riotous sexed-up policewoman's uniform. The blue top had a badge right over where her right nipple would be and had almost all of the buttons undone so that a good part of her breasts was exposed. She also wore a police hat, a skirt that went as far as her upper thighs, and a pair of black high-heeled boots. Her metallic blue hair was tied back in a pony tail.

She held a light-weight, plastic, police baton in her hand and shook it in front of Scott and said, "Now listen to me, you young virile punk! Don't you ever commit a crime again! Do you understand?!" "Yes, mam!" Scott said fearfully and also very turned-on.

Mrs. Bosley straddled Scott (still sitting in the chair) on his lap and took out a pair of handcuffs tucked inside her skirt's waistline. She ordered him, "Put your hands behind your back, behind the chair!" He did has he was told and she handcuffed him. "There," she said, then she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him like he was a long lost lover. Her tongue slithered quickly into his mouth and owned it, raping his tongue in the process. He tried to move his head back, but she only increased the pressure of her arms around his neck and he quit trying to escape her grasp and kiss.

After a while, she stopped kissing him, but kept her face pressed against his. She told him, "Scott, I'm a different kind of cop girl. I believe in persuading the bad guys to stop doing bad things by showing them a good time.

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   And you know what? It's been working. " Scott said, "That's fantastic, Mrs. Bosley, but I have one question. What if your son, John, gets caught doing something bad? How are you going to stop him?" To which, she answered, "Oh, he's never going to do anything bad. I've been fucking him ever since he was 16. " On hearing that, Scott's hard-on got ten times harder in a split second, causing Mrs. Bosley to straighten up in shock.

"Oh my! Feels like you've got a mean cock down there. " Scott said, "With all due respect, Mrs. Bosley - you can't handle that thing. It's a monster with a life of its own. Just give me a lap dance and let me go. I've learned my lesson. " She said in a mischievous voice, "Ooh! A frankenstein cock, huh? Interesting. . 

  . " "Trust me, Mrs. Bosley. You don't want to mess with it. " She chuckled, looking down at his bulging pants, and said, "That sounds more like a challenge than a warning, Scott. " He pleaded, "I'm not challenging you, Mrs. Bosley! I'm sure you're very good at what you do, but believe me when I say that this thing between my legs is way out of your league!"

"That does it!" she said and she moved back a bit on his lap, still sitting on him. Her hands quickly went down to his zipper and unzipped it. She saw his underwear and grinned. But just as she was about to pull the underwear down, Scott's powerful monster cock ripped through the fabric, head first! "Whaa!" Mrs. Bosley shrieked. Before she could jump off his lap, the evil cock (it even had thick sickly green veins running along its length) targetted the nearest pussy and rammed itself into it. "AAAAHHHH!!" she screamed.

Two patrol officers, working at their desks outside the room, exchanged glances when they heard Mrs. Bosley scream.

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   One of them nodded to the room and said, "There she goes. Screwing another lucky juvenile delinquent. " They both laughed and went back to work.

Scott couldn't see what his cock was doing to Mrs. Bosley because her skirt was in the way, but he could definitely feel it. His sinister cock had her pussy gripped in its dark power. "Oh FUCK!" she yelled as the monster cock went erect and pointed upwards, lifting her by her pussy. She shook his shoulder and said, "Do something!" He replied, "I can't! All there is to do now is fuck it or you'll be stuck there forever!"

She was fully impaled on his cock. "How the fuck did you get this thing? What drugs have you been taking?" "No drugs, mam. Ever since my sexual hormones started kicking in, this thing came to life. It's been making me do bad things. What it really wants to do is fuck females, but I wanted to remain a virgin, so in exchange, I fed its evil desire with small crimes and misdemeanors. I've always been able to get away with them, however, this time, I was unlucky and got caught. " "So all I have to do is fuck it and it'll let me go?" "I think so. .

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  . " "You think so?!!" "Oh just shut up and try it! It's your fault you're in this situation!"

She started to rise and fall on his lap, pleasuring his wicked cock. As a result, the cock got thicker and she could even feel more thick veins pop out on the shaft. "Aaah!" she gasped and continued to slide her pussy up and down his thick long pole. "Damn it! How long does this take?" she asked Scott, and he replied, "Uh. . . I don't know. Tell you what, why don't you take off your shirt and skirt, and put your tits in my mouth so I can suck on them. Maybe if you give me more pleasure, it will release you quicker. I'm only suggesting. " She looked thoughtful, then said, "All right. That sounds like a good idea. It just might work. "


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   Bosley stripped off her shirt and unstrapped her skirt, flinging both to the side of the room. (She wasn't wearing any panties. ) Then she placed one hand on Scott's shoulder and one hand behind his head, stroking it, while she bounced on his sinister big dick and put her tits to his mouth. "Wow, Mrs. Bosley! You're a multitasker, doing all this pleasuring at the same time. " She told him gruffly, "Shut up and suck my boobs! I got other stuff to do today, other than fucking a criminalistic penis. "

Scott's cock must've heard that because it immediately stung the inside of Mrs. Bosley's soft vagina. "AAAAAHH!! SHIT!" she squealed. "You mean, fucking, criminal cock you!!" she spat, looking down at the cock, of which she could only see two inches of; the rest of the shaft was inside her cunt. She realized that Scott was sucking her left breast and was focusing his attention on her nipple. "Mmmm" she said as she slid her pussy nicely up and down his veined shaft. She kissed the upper side of his face and head passionately as he switched to suckle on her right tit.

To allow him more access to her body, she uncuffed him. With his hands now free, he grabbed her ass and moved it up and down on his lap.

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   "Yesss!" she moaned as her pussy ascended and descended the length of that monster cock of his, her ass being supported by his hands. The chair wasn't made for rocking, but it was soon rocking back and forth on its four legs as Mrs. Bosley and Scott fucked each other under the influence of his evil cock.

She could sense his rod getting hot and she angrily bounced up and down, pounding her pussy on his hard cock. She increased her pace and the force of her descent, causing the sound of flesh hitting flesh to fill the room. She screamed as she felt her cum wanting to rush out, but was being held back by the dark will of the evil cock. It wanted to be pleasured some more. "FUCK!!" she yelled and went harder on the 18-year-old Scott. He groaned and winced as his foreskin got peeled back by her downward onslaught. "Aw Fuck!" Scott uttered, breathing in short breaths.

The two police officers in the outer room looked up from their paper work once more when they heard the flesh-pounding sound increase in volume and tempo. "Damn!" said one cop. "He must've been one really bad young stud," said the other. After 15 seconds of just listening to the sound, they put their heads back down to work.


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   Bosley was now both swerving and bouncing her ass on Scott's lap, her pussy enclosing most of his thick long penis and throttling it viciously in a vertical twist. Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!! Her ass smacked rapidly down on his lap and balls. Both she and he were sweating badly, going at it with determination. Mrs. Bosley said, "Oh fuck! This is actually beginning to feel kinda' good. " "Really?" "Yeah!" Scott gripped her ass and slammed it down hard and fast repeatedly on his lap. "Oh yeah, fuck me like that, Scott! Do the right thing and fuck your friend's mom like that!"

Soon Scott was thrusting his cock upwards into her pussy and she cummed all over his cock and lap. Scott was unhappy about his ruined pants since he had not been able to remove them while they were fucking. Now he had pussy juice all over it. Shit! he thought. Then he looked at his cock and noticed that the thick veins were disappearing and he could actually feel control of it coming back to him.

"I've got it back! My cock belongs to me again! You did it, Mrs. Bosley!" he said, excited. Mrs. Bosley now realized that she was able to slide her pussy off his dick as well.


   "Wohoo!" she exclaimed, waving her hands in the air in celebration.

The two police officers outside heard the silence and then the whoop from Mrs. Bosley. One officer looked at the other and said, "She's always business-like with the young fellows even when she's fucking them. She's never like that," he said pointing to the locked room. The other officer replied, "Maybe this one's different. " "Yeah? Well, I hope she doesn't run off with him. She's got a husband and three kids to look after. " With those words said, they returned to their work.

On closer inspection, Mrs. Bosley noticed that the green sinister veins had not completely disappeared from Scott's penis; they were still there, moving beneath the skin like stealthy snakes waiting for the perfect moment to strike with venomous fangs. "Look," she told him. He looked and said, "Oh, those must be my normal veins. I do have a magnificent cock even when it's not in monster mode. " She gave him a stern look and said, pointing to the animated blood vessels, "Normal veins don't look like that! And don't look at me like that! I've seen a lot of cocks, mind you!" He stuttered then said, "So what the hell am I supposed to do about it?"

She told him to relax and he did.

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   Then she unfastened his belt, undid the button on his pants and pulled them off. Next, she ripped off his underwear. He was now naked from his waist downward. She held his now innocent-looking cock and eyed it suspiciously. "I know you're still in there!" she hissed at it. Scott started to get worried because she was glaring malevolently at his penis. He was about to ask if she was thinking about cutting it off, when she brought her head forward and sucked his cock, stroking the rest of the shaft with her hand.

Scott groaned with pleasure as he looked down at what she was doing, hearing the wet sound of her mouth enclosed over most of his shaft, sucking it back and forth, the tip of his head hitting the uvula at the ceiling of her mouth. "Auugh yeah, Mrs. Bosley! I'm never going to be a bad person again. Never. " She didn't say anything in response. She was busy sucking on his dick. Then she popped it back out of her mouth and examined it. She seemed unsatisfied by something.

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   "Ah!" she said, her eyes lighting up because she had an idea.

She turned his chair until he was facing the far wall. He wondered what she was going to do. She took several quick steps back until she touched the wall with her back. Scott had a question mark in his mind, then he realized too late what was going to happen. "No, Mrs. Bosley! You don't have to -" She ran surprisingly fast and agile in those black high-heeled boots, then jumped and landed hard on his lap. SLAP! "AUUGH FUCK!!" screamed Scott in pain.

His stiff cock got squashed backwards, fast and forcefully, as Mrs. Bosley hit his lap with all her weight concentrated in her ass and cunt. "SHIT!!" he complained. She said, "Shut up!" and slapped his face twice, then kissed him like she had done the first time. Whatever anger he felt towards her evaporated as he explored her mouth with his tongue, and ran his hands over her naked and sweat-glistened body.

"What are you doing?" he asked her as she ended their kiss and went down on her knees to suck his cock. She said, "I'm coaxing out that thing inside you, and when it comes out, I'm going to kill it!" "What? How?" She sucked his cock, then pulled back his foreskin and sucked the lollipop part of his dick.

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   She sucked and licked it, looking up at Scott, smiling as she made his dick feel good, kissing the tip fondly. Then she said directing her voice to the whatever-evil-thing inside Scott's cock, "Come out and face me, you demonic scum! Time for round two!"

Both Scott and Mrs. Bosley gasped, and she scampered back to the far wall, as his cock was taken over once again by the evil force. Scott was so terrified at its return that he shouted, "Kill it, Mrs. Bosley! Kill it!!"

Outside the room, the two police officers heard Scott shout and shook their heads. One of them said, "They're having way too much fun in there, it should be illegal. " The other one said, "It is! But it keeps the kids out of trouble so who's going to stop it?" "The parents?" "Buddy, if you got caught doing something bad and got to spend an hour alone with Bosley in a locked room, would you complain to your parents about it?" "Hell no!"

SLAP! "SHIIIIITT!" yelled Scott. "Fuck Yeah!" said Mrs. Bosley. She bounced furiously on his demon-possessed cock. She got off him and went back to the far wall, ran toward him, jumped, then SLAP! "AUUGHH!! FUCK!!" Their bodies collided and she rammed her pussy roughly against his wicked member.

She went down on her knees and gripped his cock, then she moved his shaft-flesh up and down. Scott groaned, but Mrs. Bosley saw his dick was still green-veined and twitching wickedly in defiance of her attempts to exorcise the demon out of the 18-year-old stud. Wait! she thought.

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   There's something else that can be done.

She hurriedly went around her desk and opened the second drawer. Inside the drawer, she found a gold necklace her husband had bought for her. It was a simple, but religious necklace with a gold cross on it. Taking that necklace, she went around the desk, and kneeled before Scott. She put the necklace around his cock and wrapped it around a dozen times so it wasn't hanging on his shaft. Finally, she tucked the gold cross into the chain wrapped around his cock.

"Mrs. Bosley?" Scott asked. Mrs. Bosley looked at the cock for several seconds and nothing happened. Scott realized what she was trying to do and said, "Maybe you need to. . . " "What?" "Maybe you need to. 

  . . have some faith, I guess, in order for it to work?" "I do have faith! I go to church every Sunday. " They looked silently at his cock, wrapped in gold chain with a gold cross tucked in. Nothing.

Scott broke the silence and said, "This is going to sound weird, but since my eternal soul is at stake, I might as well say it. Er. . . I'm quoting something I watched on television. There was this tele-evangelist guy talking once and -" "Scott!! Skip to the quote!" she said impatiently. "Okay, um. . . 'Put your faith into action.

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She stared at him and said, "That's it? 'Put your faith into action'?" "Yeah, well, you have to let me explain it in context. You see, this tele-evangelist guy said that people who -" "Scott, could you give me the short condensed version?" "Okay then. Here it is: Whatever you do, do it with faith. " "So how does that help us?" Scott coughed then said, "Maybe you should ride my dick with that gold chain still wrapped around it and believe that it's going to work, that the demon will be exorcised and I'll be left in one piece when it's gone, hopefully. " He gulped after saying "hopefully. "

Mrs. Bosley looked up to the ceiling as if she could see Heaven through it. Then she jumped onto his lap and guided his possessed cock with the gold necklace wrapped around it into her pussy. She shut her eyes and rode his cock with all the faith she could muster. She went faster and faster and harder and harder. Scott spanked her ass, urging her to go faster and harder and she did. Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! "AAAAAAAAHHHHH!! FUCK I BELIEVE!! FUCK YES I BELIEVE!!" she screamed, and everyone in the police station could hear her.

Then she heard a deep groaning from within Scott. This was not the young handsome man making the sound, but another being, a non-corporeal entity that was residing in him. It seemed agitated and disturbed.

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   You damn well should be, you demon fuck! she thought. She wrapped her arms tightly around Scotts neck and rapidly slammed her ass up and down on his cock and lap. "Let this innocent young motherfucker go, you spawn of Satan!" she yelled. Scott opened his mouth, or something opened it for him, and a group of ugly slimey black slugs crawled out of his mouth and landed with soft splattering sounds on the floor. They writhed and contorted in agony then burst into flames, leaving behind a bunch of thin lines of grey ash.

Mrs. Bosley continued to fuck Scott until he came back from his brief state of non-awareness, then he put her on the desk and fucked her hard and long, squirting five loads of cum inside her pussy. She let him go after making sure that there was no evil spirit or entity left inside him. Scott never committed a crime again, after that incident, but he did make many a secret rendezvous with Mrs. Bosley so they could fuck each other's brains out.

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